13th JANUARY 2010





1 / Purpose
1.1 / During 2007/2008, a review of the Access to Leisure and Learning (ATL&L) scheme was carried out and presented to Members of EOSC in December 2008. The report was accepted and members asked for all follow up report after 12 months to advise on progress.
2 / Decision Required
2.1 / Members are recommended to note the report.
3 / Background
3.1 / In December 2008, a report was presented to members following a review of the management, administration, promotion and operational viability of the scheme.
3.2 / The review included an analysis of:
- ATL&L membersdatabase
- Postal questionnaire to existing members
- Poole Opinion Panel survey, Spring 2008
3.3 / The review considered, changes to eligibility and confirmed the scheme remains highly valued by ATL&L members.
4 / Information
4.1 / At the December 2008 EOSC meeting Members raised a series of issues and the following actions have been taken:
Issue / Action Taken
4.1.1 / Members requested promotion should be focussed on the residents of Poole / See 4.2 below
4.1.2 / Members requested wider promotion to over 60’s including those living in sheltered accommodation / See 4.2.2 below
4.1.3 / Members suggested promoting the scheme through venues such as Job Centres and Benefits Offices. / Job Centre: See 4.2.2 below
Benefits: See 4.2.2 below. Further cross-promotional ideas being developed in 2010.
4.1.4 / Members suggested a one stop shop approach e.g. using information collected when applying for a bus pass to identify potential ATL&L members / See 4.4.1 below
4.1.5 / Members requested cards were issued to all looked after children with no distinction between private and council-run foster establishments. /
  • Cards now issued to all looked after children
  • Distinction between public / private fostering removed

The 2007/08 review highlighted
4.2.1 / In the 2007/08 review, 39% of those who responded to the Poole Opinion Panel highlighted a lack of awareness of the scheme.
4.2.2 / To increase awareness the following has therefore taken place:
  • Leaflets - April 2009. Redesigned, simplified and distribution was enlarged to around 60 venues in the Borough, including Libraries, Age Concern, Community Centres, Children’s Centres, Benefits Office, Job Centre and Family Support.
  • Promotional Stands - May 2009. 3 new promotional stands with plasma screens were purchased and installed. They are moved periodically around venues, such as the Leisure Centres, Lighthouse and Libraries.
  • Publicity – articles include the Echo, Advertiser and Stour and Avon Community Magazine. Article to be submitted for the April/May edition of Poole News.
  • Posters – produced and distributed to 50 venues.
  • Events – those attended include:
- Freshers Fair at Bournemouth University (over 1500 leaflets
handed out)
- Be Active, Be Healthy at Poole College.
- Project Purple
- Age concern
- Presentations given to Poole Forum and Pro Disability.
  • Partnership working –
- Adult Social Services. Leaflet reintroduced into Social Services
Pack. Distributed to approx 3000 residents each year.
- Poole Housing Partnership (PHP). Feature in December issue of
‘At Home’ Magazine, produced by Poole Housing Partnership –
distributed to 5,200 homes. Ongoing advert planned in later
editions. Feature planned for PHP’s next financial edition.
- Job Centre Plus. Marketing team and advisors will be handing out
leaflet. Job fairs are being planned for 2010 and ATL&L will be
promoted here.
4.3.1 / In December 2008 there were 15 facility or activity providers offer an ATL&L discount.
By December 2009 this number had risen to 30 providers.
4.3.2 / New venues & activities:
Poole Netball Club
Broadstone Cricket Club
Branksome Chine Surf Life Saving Club
Poole Runners
Poole Athletic Club
Poole Judo Centre
Poole Cycle Speedway
Poole Festival of Running –reduction on entry fees (Minithon) / Harbour Challenge Outdoor Ed Centre
Poole Sailability
Bournemouth University – holiday activities
Fishing Permits – Hatchpond
Beach hire in June
Crazy Golf at Sandbanks
Central Park Ice skating – Poole Park
Discussions are ongoing with other leisure and retail outlets, including those at Tower Park.
4.3.2 / Within the Borough of Poole’s grant process, it is also now a condition that clubs or organisations that charge a membership fee, must be a supporter or be working towards becoming a supporter of the ATL&L scheme. (Criteria agreed by Grants Panel Jan 09)
4.4.1 / The Council’s Self Service project is progressing. ATL&L is the pilot scheme for this and the Customer First project. It is expected that on-line enrolment (i.e. web based) will be available in Spring 2010.
Process mapping has taken place to streamline administration and additional longer-term improvements are being considered such as digital cards, which would enable the linking of personal data (e.g. such as that collected when applying for a new bus pass) to identify eligible ATL&L members.
4.4.2 / Renewal letters have been introduced and are issued to ATL&L members to notify them of imminent expiry.
4.5.1 / During the period 1st April 2007 – 31st March 2008 there were 4076 members enrolled (new or renewed) on the scheme.
4.5.2 / Current analysis for the period 1st April 2008 – 31st March 2009 show there are4100members.
4.5.3 / We are developing digital reporting methods to provide further breakdowns, such as members by gender, age, postcode, etc.
4.5.4 / It is hoped that on-line enrolment will reduce some of the physical barriers to becoming a member and potentially increase membership.
5 / Financial Implications
5.1 / Currently, ATL&L membership fees are collected and kept by the enrolling centres. With the introduction of on line enrolments, the income from memberships will come directly into the Council.
6 / Legal Implications
6.1 / None
7 / Policy Implications
7.1 / The scheme helps to support the Councils Corporate objectives of Promoting Health & Wellbeing, Support children and young people and Strengthen Communities.
8 / Promoting Equalities and Respecting Diversity
8.1 / The scheme continues to meet the Council’s core objectives by providing access to discounted leisure and sports activities for people on low incomes, those with a disability or in full-time education.
9 / Environmental Impact
9.1 / The scheme enables wider enjoyment of Poole’s natural assets.
10 / Staffing Implications
10.1 / None. Further changes to the scheme will be absorbed within current staffing levels.
11 / Conclusion
11.1 / Although the figures reported in 4.5.2 show no significant change, the effects of the increased promotion, predominantly implemented since April this year, may not be fully determined until the end of the current financial year when a direct comparison can be made.
11.2 / Development of the scheme is ongoing and further joint working between service units will enable all those eligible for membership to be reached.
11.3 / Digital processing, including on-line enrolment, will streamline administration, have a positive financial impact and may increase awareness and memberships.
11.4 / Additional venues for ATL&L discount will continue to be explored and negotiated. This will ensure there is wide and diverse range of activities to encourage members from all sections of the community, in particular the over 60’s.



Contact Officers: Anthony Rogers

Recreation Manager - (01202) 261345

Background Papers: None