Extra Credit World War II Test
______1. Which country has 156 chapters of Neo-Nazi groups that are active today? a. the United States b. Russia c. Cuba d. Italy
______2. How many of the 22 captured Nazi leaders defendants in the first Nuremberg Trials held from November 1945 through October 1946 pleaded not guilty to wars crimes? a. 11 b. 22 c. 1 d. 0
______3. Whose grandmother was half-Jewish and whose father’s name was Schickelgruber until he had it changed when he was almost 40? a. Josef Goebbels b. Werner Von Braun c. Adolf Hitler d. Erwin Rommel
______4. Which of the following companies admitted to using Jewish concentration camp slave laborers in their factories during World War II ? a. Nike b. Reebok c. Budweiser (Adolph Busch) d. Volkswagen
______5. Who chose to commit suicide by poison beacuse he was part of a failed plot to assassinate Hitler? a. Werner Von Braun b. Josef Goebbels c. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel d. Eva Braun
______6. Which famous U.S. citizen was an outspoken anti-Semite who claimed a document, which proved to be a fake (a hoax) had been discovered that was a plan written by Jewish leaders for taking over the world? a. Franklin D. Roosevelt b. Henry Ford c. Senator Joe McCarthy d. Harry Truman
______7. Which famous person wrote a letter to President Roosevelt that prompted him to start a program called the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb? a. Harry Truman b. Albert Einstein c. Eleanor roosevelt d. Josef Goebbels
______8. Which person had a mother-in-law who insisted on living in the next apartment and demanded that special doors be built that joined the two apartments?
a. Harry Truman b. Eleanor Roosevelt c. Edward R. Murrow d. Dwight Eisenhower
______9. Which of the following was practiced in some form by the early Christians? a. Fascism b. Nazism c. Communism d. Breakdancing
______10. Which was true of the secret Nazi site in Norway that was successfully sabotaged by a handful of Allied secret agents in 1942? a. the secret agents had to ski cross-country for over 100 miles to get to the site b. the raw material destroyed could have made a bomb thousands of times more powerful than the ones the US dropped on Japan in 1945 c. the sabotaged raw material was “heavy water” used for making a hydrogen bomb d. all of these