Checklist for Review of Rotation Materials
Please complete the form as clearly and with as much detail as you can. Rotations will be reviewed every 3 years; sooner if revisions are recommended. Please be specific about any deficiencies or recommendations you have for particular areas. Thank you!
Rotation: Development and Behavior
Date Review Completed: Sept 8, 2011
Review completed by: D. Prakash and J. Osipoff
1.Curricular materials include (check all that apply):
Articles: yes but not on peds portal
Questions: no, but residents must submit a paper and there is an oral review with attendings
On-line modules: not yet
Other (specify): Two textbooks that are provided to resident for the duration of their rotation
2.Materials are up to date (less than five years old, with exception for landmark articles, new guidelines, or less frequently published topics)
Y/N Not applicable for a majority of the readings as developmental milestones don’t change.
If no, specify which are not up to date and need revising:
3.Materials are consistent with AAP content specifications
If no, specify which are missing:
4.Other comments:
Recommend devising a way that residents not on the D&B rotation can have access to the material covered in the textbooks- for example, purchasing several copies that can be put in the resident library or be borrowed from the department
5.Recommendation for review in three years (standard): Y
One year with the following revisions/goals for improvement (list):
Modifications made based upon a joint review with Drs. FIschel and Quinn and curriculum committee:
Materials provided to residents at the start of the rotation will now be placed online. These include:
1)Introduction to rotation
2)Curriculum and learning objectives
3)Anticipatory guidance form
4)Reading assignments
5)Directions to clinical sites
6)Resident evaluation form
The following reading material will be placed on the website (articles and guidelines).
1)Neurodevelopmental profiles and neurological soft signs (revised by Dr. Scherzer)
2)Selected Developmental Surveillance and Screening Tools (Peds in Review)
3)Developmental Milestones (
4)Developmental Milestones: Motor (Peds in Review)
5)Infant Growth and Development (Peds in Review)
6)Toddler Development (Peds in Review)
7)Preschool Development Part 1: Communicative and Motor Aspects (Peds in Review)
8)Preschool Development Part 2: Psychosocial/Behavioral (Peds in Review)
9)Adolescent Psychological Development (Peds in Review)
10)IQ testing (Peds in Review)
11)Gifted and Talented Children (Peds in Review)
12)Sleep Problems (Peds in Review)
13)Tourette’s Disorder (Peds in Review)
14)AAP Policy Guidelines for Developmental Surveillance and Screening of Infants and Children
15)AAN Guidelines for Screening and Diagnosis of Autism
16)AAP Policy Guidelines for Diagnosis and Evaluation of ADHD