WHO Weekly Update
March 10, 2000.
Outbreak response: Reports reached to WHO office in Faizabad on measles outbreak in Teshkan District and Khash area indicate that the disease killed 123 children (54 boys and 67 girls). Previous report disclosed that, the outbreak in Darwaz and Khwahan killed 323 child. WHO responded by sending a medical team to the area and providing necessary medical supplies.
Meeting: In a joint WHO, UNICEF, UNCHS, ICRC, Federation, GAA, FOCUS, SCA, SC-UK, IAM meeting chaired by the Foreign Affairs Dept (FAD), issues such as provision of humanitarian assistance to Hairatan District, and support to newly established Orphanage in Mazar City for 220 children, were discussed. FAD requested the provision of food, drinking water, medicine, etc. for the Hairatan inhabitants who are suffering. A joint rapid need assessment survey of the Hairatan situation will be carried out by the above mentioned agencies and prepare an action plan for the Hairatan District. Responding to the request, WHO will be providing ARI supplies and also trains 10 TBAs in Hairatan District.
WHO team in Ghazni met with MCH female trainer from MOPH to make preparation for conducting training courses in Sayed Karam District, Paktya province. A joint WHO/MOPH team left for Paktya to select trainees and location for training. The meeting of the Provincial Health Management Team was held at the Faizabad Hospital and the participants discussed issues concerning to health including reporting system, MCH, PHC and emergency preparedness.
WHO in Mazar attended a meeting on rapid need assessment of polio eradication in Northern provinces. The meeting was attended by the representatives of MOPH and all UN/NGOS dealing with health. The meeting discussed the effectiveness of the current polio eradication strategy, development of a comprehensive plan on immunization and polio eradication for next 3 years, expansion of AFP surveillance system and NNT, selection of new sentinel site and focal points in Faryab province, training of new focal points and improvement of cold chain system. In another meeting with the same participating agencies, it was agreed that there is need for launching two weeks campaign for elimination of stray dogs.
Health Sector Planning Workshops: WHO office in Kundoz, during a health sector planning workshop has prepared Action Plan for the Northeastern region for 2000.
Medical supply: WHO distributed medical and surgical supplies to five health centers and two hospitals in the Eastern region. The WHO office in Jalalabad also distributed food ration for 85 TB patients. WHO office in Faizabad,
provided medical supplies to Zebak, Eshkashim and Wakhan Basic Health Centers. In response to the emergency health care needs of the IDPs in Panjshir, WHO Kabul office has prepared an emergency medical kit sufficient for 8,000 population for two months to be delivered with the UN convoy heading for Panjshir.
As part of WHO/WFP joint project, WHO Ghazni office provided food commodities registration books to ARCS MCH clinics for 200 malnourished children, lactating and pregnant women. WHO also provided technical support
for the improvement of nutrition programme.
WHO provided medical/surgical supplies to Khost and Paktia Public Health Hospitals and Khwaja Khail Clinic.
WHO in Faizabad completed a TB training course and provided TB drugs to Baharak and Jurm Districts TB Centers. WHO office in Kundoz provided medical supplies to Kundoz Regional Hospital. WHO in Kandahar Provided 92 items of obstetric and gynecology equipment for the gynec ward of Mirwais Regional Hospital on the occasion of International women day. Medical supplies were also provided to Nimroz Provincial hospital.
WHO provided medical supplies to Faryab Provincial Hospital, blood bags to Mazar Provincial Hospital, and 22 TBAs kits to Khulm and Dawlatabad Districts.
Training: WHO office in Jalalabad in close collaboration with MOPH, conducted two-week training course for the first batch of EPI Health Workers. The inaugural ceremony was attended by Regional Public Health Director, UN agencies, UNICEF and NGOs.
WHO office in Ghazni successfully completed a training course for 20 vaccinators.
WHO successfully completed The regional planning workshop in Kandahar City.
Which was attended by MOPH, and all the concerned UN agencies, national and International NGOs. A WHO sponsored two-week EPI training workshop has successfully completed in Kandahar City. 24 vaccinators from Zabul, Urozngan and Kandahar provinces attended the workshop.
WHO in Mazar-I-Sharif completed two TBA training courses in Dawlat Abad Khulm Districts of Balkh and Samangan provinces.
WHO in Faizabad conducted two two-week training courses for 16 EPI coordinators and 14 TB nurses from Faizabad and its districts respectively.
Health Education Programme: 15 female Health educators employed by WHO in Jalalabad, visited 423 families consisting of 2,620 persons during the week and conveyed health messages to the families.
Mission: WHO team paid a visit to Eshkashim District to transport the final convoy of four trucks loaded with pipes for the 2nd phase of the Faizabad Water Supply Project. WHO team from Kandahar paid a visit to Ghorak district
for participating in the opening ceremony of the district clinic and distribution of medical supplies to the mentioned clinic. The office is sending a team to South region for conducting Rapid Assessment Need survey for Polio eradication. Discussions carried out on the issue with the Heads of UN agencies in RCO's office in Kandahar.
WHO team in Ghazni visited Ander District TB Control Center. The center, supported by WHO, has registered 98 TB patients since September 1999 who are under regular treatment.
A joint WHO/MARUF (NGO) team visited the project of the MARUF in Kundoz City where the latter has built 20 latrines, 4 bathrooms and 2 wells for the IDPs. WHO/MARUF team discussed the issue of water and sanitation for the IDPs.
Reports: The WHO supported Malaria Control Programme in the Central region of Afghanistan excluding Wardak, Kapisa and Parwan provinces has reported a total number of 15,359 positive cases of Malaria during 1999. A 3.4% out of the total number were positive for Plasmodium Falciparum- the most fatal type of malaria. Also, 17,313 new cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis have been reported to WHO Kabul office during 1999. As part of preventive and
protective measures, WHO has provided 20,100 impregnated bed-nets on subsidised rate for malaria and leishmania control programme to Kabul, Heart and Mazar. During the same period, the TB National Institute of MOPH has reported 335 TB cases out of which 224 were female.
WHO provided updated medical textbooks on various disciplines to 75 female medical students in Kabul Medical Faculty, 52 of whom are in the fourth year of their medical education and the rest are doing a rotating internship in
different hospitals. The final editing process of a new curriculum for intermediate medical schools is underway in WHO Kabul office. This was initiated last year by the MOPH in collaboration with WHO who provided material and financial support.