Knights of Columbus
Father Joseph H. Boldt Council No. 3357
P.O. Box 875
Guilderland, New York 12084
December 2017
Grand Knight Message
It’s hard to believe that the season of Advent will be here on December 2nd! With Christmas decorations and store displays going up before Halloween, you would have thought we were in the middle of the Season! As we begin this period of waiting and anticipation of our Lord, slow down and reflect on your faith. Take the time to enjoy the company around us, and all of the blessings that have been bestowed onto us.
Hopefully, many of you had an opportunity to attend some of the Parish Mission last month. Fr. Eugene was both entertaining and inspiring! Thank you to all of the Brothers who helped with refreshments and greeting on Sunday night, and a very special thank you to Maureen McAuliffe for the vision to get this going for all of us
It seems like eons ago that we began our discussion with regards to “The Association.” I am including a draft proposal for your review on the “Endowment Committee Operation Policies” so that we can discuss, and hopefully approve this at the January meeting. Thank you to Jeff Sullivan and John Hodgson for their work on drafting this document.
As per our discussion several months ago concerning timing of our 1st Degree Exemplification, I am hoping to tentatively plan a 1st Degree at our January meeting. This will mean that we will meet at 630PM prior to the exemplification. I will firm this up prior to the meeting
Banner Change
This month sees a flurry of activity with regards to banner changes beginning on December 2nd with the raising of the Advent banner and side panels as well as the wreath. Brother Rich Dietlein requests that volunteers be at the church at 10AM to get this accomplished. In addition, and perhaps more daunting, will be setting up for the Christmas Eve mass. There is no noon mass on December 24thso we can begin getting things ready immediately following the 10AM mass. We will need a large numbers of volunteers for this, as we will need to take down the Advent wreath and change the banner. In addition, chairs will also need to be set up throughout the church to accommodate the larger number of worshipers. Fr. Jim has given us permission to set up the trees on Saturday December 23rd so this will speed up the process for the bulk of the set up for Christmas. Also on the 23rd, we will be changing the Advent banner with the Annunciation banner! I know this is a very busy time, but many hands will make the job go quickly. Please notify Rich at s soon as possible to ensure that we have enough help, or give me a call at 518-944-0204.
Christmas Party
In lieu of our regularly scheduled December meeting, we will be gathering at Albany CC for our Christmas Party on December 7that 600PM for hors d’oeuvres with dinner to follow at 7PM. The deadline for signing up for the party is December 1st, so if you have not responded yet, please contact Brother John Hodgson to ensure your spot. As always spouses and significant others are encouraged to attend. I hear that Brother Dietlein has been working on his magic!
Knight’s Insurance Agent
Our insurance agent is Brother Christopher Campbell. Please contact him (Old and New Members) for any of your insurance needs. He can be reached by phone at (518) 475-8604 or email him at to set up an appointment.
Good of the Order
If you know of any Brothers who are sick or in distress, please contact me so that we may remember them in our prayers. Also, please inform me of the passing of a Brother.
December Meeting
Thursday – December 7th, 7:00PM; Christmas Dinner @ Albany CC
January Meeting
Thursday – January 4th, 7:00PM; 6:30PM if there is a 1st Degree Exemplification
Fraternally yours in Christ,
John Risler
Grand Knight