Minutes from the School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting

Parkdale Collegiate Institute

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Recorded by Secretary Paula Larrondo

Present: Patricia Bishop, Andrew Lin, Katherine Doyle, Rena Weldon, Richard Weldon, Kathi Silke, Pursodman Ramachandran, Malini Ramachardran, Michael Kelly, Lobsang Choedon, Caroline Cash, Irene Chewchuk, Rob Palmer, Monique Schwarz, John Doherty, tsewang Lahadon, Pema Yeshi, Sandy French, Paula Larrondo, Fran Chung

  1. Welcome and Introductions: Those present identified themselves to the group in roundtable introductions. Patricia reported that in December Monique, Irene, Rob and Diane and she met to discuss the school timetable and to explore creative options about the timetable and potential changes to it for 2012-13.
  2. Review of Minutes and Agenda: Two amendments noted
  3. Trustee Irene Atkinson noted an error in budget clarification of December minutes. Irene Chewchuck clarified that the school debt started at 130,000 for 2011-2012, was further reduced by the TDSB and now at approximately 100,000. TDSB also made a commitment to match funds to thosesthat Parkdale pays, which will further reduce our debt. Also committed to review board’s position (refer to email from Irene Atkinson).
  4. Irene Chewchuk reported further investigation purchasing school mascot is $1,200-1,500. Minutes were approved by Monique and seconded by Caroline.
  5. Report from Student Representative – Pursod Ramachandran:
  • Reported that in December the students completed a clothing drive for the Diabetes Foundation.
  • School Council also went to the food bank to help over the holidays.
  • Mascot (Black Panther) was purchased
  • Student council is putting up “paws” to advertise
  • Project under way with St. Christopher’s House for drug awareness
  • Fundraising for semi-formal (April 20, 2012). Fundraising will attempt to reduce cost of ticket price this year
  1. Timetable Issues, Next steps for 2012-13 School Year:
  • Irene Chewchuk reported further consultation regarding new timetable as parent council heard some concerns regarding how current timetable is impacting students, families and teachers. Kathi Silke and Monique will request a teacher to join February meeting.
  • Irene explained that current timetable is necessary due to lack of space due to the enrolment at Parkdale. Irene acknowledged concerns that have arisen by both staff and parents. Irene would like to hear from students – how they feel about new timetable.
  • Since last meeting, teachers have formed a timetable committee and they have met twice with Irene. They have established purpose/goals; there are teachers who would like to return to previous timetable. Irene will continue to update SAC
  • John stated that he likes the new timetable as it preserves lunch time and allows for participation in clubs
  • Monique requested that teachers report on how the students are affected
  • Timetable committee is not a forum to discuss labour/union issues
  • Irene suggested that we advertise this agenda issue for February SAC meeting
  • Paula requested using survey monkey to survey the parents prior to the next meeting. Monique will come up with questions to survey Parkdale families
  • Pema started that the new timetable works well for her family
  • Paula suggested that a member from the timetable committee attend February SAC meeting and Kathi will ask a teacher from the committee if they can attend
  • Patricia will provide Paula with information for flyer and Paula will give SAC meeting poster to Irene for translation (Hungarian).
  1. Report on Breakfast Program – John Doherty:
  • John met today with the Foundation for Student Success Nutrition program regarding a universal nutritional program for Parkdale students. The TDSB has approved 26,000 for breakfast to be served at the beginning of the second period. Breakfast will include 2 food groups and will be delivered to each class. Program will commence February-April and then breakfast will include 3 food groups from April – June
  • Cost of program is approximately $29,000
  • Approximately $10,000 has been allocated for the program from the student activity fee.
  • Chris Selke will continue to be coordinator of the program and will provide an orientation to the rest of the teachers on February 8th.
  • Benefit will be to increase nutrition for better learning; research supports a 10% improvement in student performance when students have breakfast.
  • Toronto Public Health has approved the menu.
  • A template will be developed by the TDSB to put out for fundraising to business in the neighbourhood which Irene and Patricia will sign.
  • Enrollment of school is 968 students and program will start with approximately 720 breakfasts being served (approx 80%).
  1. Ward 7 Update – John Doherty:
  • There is a workshop at Western Tech on January 31st at 7-9pm on elementary math.
  • Ursula Franklin will host a workshop on January 24th – Working through teen-parent conflictat 6:30-8:30.
  • Parkdale will circulate both flyers.
  • John discussed parent learning sessions with Parkdale Social Worker who suggested hosting 5 different topics/workshops for parents at Parkdale. Parent engagement funds could be used for workshops.
  • SAC agreed on two workshops (1. Communicating with Adolescents and what works and 2. Issues that boys and girls struggle with in school and how to support them)
  • It was decided to host one in February and one in April.
  1. Treasurer’s Report – Katherine Doyle:
  • Presented attached budget
  • Budget presentation led to discussion of costs associated with fire alarms (emergency response), vandalism and how to encourage students for decreasing incidents.
  1. Principal’s Report – Irene Chewchuk:
  • Irene reported that Mohamed left PIAC and Ward 7. John Doherty filled as Ward 7 Rep for Parkdale. There is a vacancy at PIAC and there is an invitation for two Parkdale parents to attend the next meeting Thursday, February 9th – dinner and presentation
  • Patricia will send a thank you card to Mohamed for his hard work from SAC
  • Irene reported staffing process for next year has been entered (based on n initial projected enrolment of 894.5)
  • Enrolment projections will come in before March and staff allocations will be based on projections
  • Program review with curriculum leaders has started for next year’s curriculum
  • Advertised and interviews for two POR positions (assistant curriculum leaders)
  • Rob Palmer reported that there are no classes January 30, 31, February 1st due to exams. February 2nd is a half day for students to have exam review day. Students will review culminating activity marks with teachers. Second semester starts February 3rd.
  • Teachers will submit student grades February 6th and report cards go home with students February 13th
  • Grade 9 EQAO coming up
  • Course selection process reviewed by Rob and will be posted on website

Next meeting scheduled for February 16th. Meeting adjourned at 8:35

9. Q & A On the IB Program with Andrew Lin and Parents followed meeting