Kerry Community Council
Serving the villages of Kerry, Sarn and Dolfor.
Minutes of the Meeting of the 28th February 2018 in Kerry Village Hall.

Due to bad weather the above meeting was cancelled and consequentially held on the 7th March.

Chair / Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
ee / Cllrs. / Cllr. M. Griffiths (Kerry),
Cllr. C. Seal. (Kerry)
Cllr. V. Wildish (Kerry)
Cllr.D. England (Kerry)
Cllr. L. Powell (Kerry),
Cllr. G. Griffiths (Kerry)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. D. Jones (Sarn)
Cllr. I. Jones (Dolfor)
County Cllr.
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / One
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr A. Osborne (Kerry). County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones. Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
Item 2.To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Cll.L. Powell (Kerry) declared a Personal Interest in the Pre Consultation of Free Range Chicken unit at Drefer, Kerry.
Item 3 To approve Minutes of the Meetings of the 31st. January 2018.
These were approved and signed
Item. 4 To Co-opt Sarn / Kerry Councillor.
No candidates.
Item 5. Matters Arising.
  1. Quotes for additional tree works at Kerry Cemetery
Ongoing, site meeting to be arranged with interested parties.
B. New Sign at Kerry Cemetery
Work now being completed by Mike Williams signs.
C.Tree Works at Dolforgan Park.
In hand, weather dominates work schedule
D. Paving Slabs to Grass Area and the repair of Retaining Wall at Kerry Public Toilets.
After requesting three quotes Council voted to award the work to Alan Pugh at a cost of £456.00
E. Review of Community & Town Councils Sector in Wales
A number of Councillors will attend a meeting with the Review Panel on the rescheduled meeting on the
19th March 2018
FFunding to Host a OVW Meeting in a Kerry Ward Venue.
OVW confirm that any expenses incurred may be reclaimed through the Council’s budget as it is deemed to be Council work. A firm booking for Kerry Village Hall for the 13th June has been made. The Village Hall Committee are to advise of any possible charges for room hire at a later date. A moderate level of refreshments will need to be provided as many will be travelling long distances to attend. Council agreed to seek local businesses to provide catering.
G Letter to PCC requesting clarification on specific planning procedures.
Council voted to write a letter to the Powys CC Chief of Planning with a copy to the Chair of the Planning Committee requesting clarification on the following points as raised by Cllr. D England.
1) Who is responsible for deciding when an application has been amended, whether it requires to go back to statutory consultees for further comment
2) What criteria are used to determine whether the amendments are sufficiently significant to require re-consultation?
3) Can you give examples of the sort of amendments that would require re-consultations.
4) When a submission is amended and not deemed significant what rights do the public have to have their comments on the amendments included in the planning report for refusal or acceptance.
5) When an amended plan is submitted to the planning authority - what requirement is there to inform statutory consultees such has been submitted?”
6) Newtown Bypass Update.
Due to the rescheduling of this meeting this item was not formally discussed by Council
Item 7. Amenities Committee Report.
Cllr. V. Wildish gave a verbal report stating that the general public continue to comment on the high standard of cleaning achieved by the caretaking team. The committee are to seek advice on drawing up a constitution for the Amenities Committee as a formal constitution is required when applying for grant funding. Next meeting for the committee is Tuesday 10th April 2018
Item 8. KCC Planning Consultations*.
Application KCC Response.
A. P/2018/0114
Sarn Inn. Sarn
SY16 4EJ / Full: Change of use of land from A3 to sui generis for the sale of flowers / Response was made by Sarn Cllrs as full Council meeting was cancelled.
“Council wishes to support this application”
B. P/2018/014714/02/2018
Upper Camnant Llaithddu Dolfor
SY16 4BS / Full: Change of use of land from agricultural to tourism use for the siting of 6 no camping pods, installation of septic tanks and construction of an upgraded access track and parking area and all associated works / Response was made by Dolfor Cllrs as full Council meeting was cancelled.
“Council wishes to support this application”
C. P/2018/0122
Glog Farm Dolfor
SY16 4BW / Full: Erection of an extension to an existing agricultural building / Response was made by Dolfor Cllrs as full Council meeting was cancelled.
“Council wishes to support this application”
Item 8 Pre Planning Consultation
Agent. Roger Parry & Partners
The applicant addressed Council. / Proposed Free Range Poultry Unit and all associated works at Drefor, Kerry SY16 4PQ
KCC Comments to Agent.
KCC is grateful for the new concept of pre consultation allowing both applicant and KCC better opportunity to work together to keep Kerry vibrant whilst preserving the ethos of the village.
KCC wishes to draw your attention to any possible problems that may arise from additional traffic movement generated by the everyday running of the unit; in particular the provision of additional passing places where necessary and the safe disposal of manure.
Item 8. PCC Planning Applications / PCC Planning Notices.
KCC’s Consultation.* / PCC Notice.
  1. P/2017/1146
Upper Maenllwyd Cottage Abermule
SY15 6NW
Householder: Erection of a single storey rear extension / “Council wishes to support this application” / Conditional Consent.
B. P/2017/092109/08/2017
Cefn Gwyn Dolfor
SY16 4AS
Full: Erection of an extension to an exisitng free range poultry unit and all associated works / “Council wishes to support this application” / Conditional Consent.
C. P/2017/138424/11/2017
Cwm Mule Dolfor
SY16 4AU
Full: Construction of a stock shed / “Council wishes to support this application but highlights the following concerns”
“It is felt that the application fails to identify the type of increased stock to be housed in the shed”
“The introduction of an intensive system could potentially result in an increase in vehicle and HGV movements therefore presenting highway issues that would need to be addressed” / Conditional Consent.
Item 9. Finance.
Accounts paid January 2018
Accounts to be paid February 2018 / None.
Mr. P. Friel (Caretaker)
A Feltham (Clerk Dec/Jan)
A Feltham (Admin Dec/Jan)
PAVO (PAYE management)
Avondale Supplies (Sanitary supplies)
Andrew Evans ( Replacement Chq)
Cllr. V. Wildish (Toilets)
Mr. P. Friel (Caretaker)
A Feltham (Clerk)
A Feltham (Admin)
C. Moore (Plumber. Public Con.)paid 9th Feb
Water Plus (Rates Public Con.)
British Gas (Elec.Public Con) paid 9th Feb.
One Voice Wales Membership renewal.
Water Plus (Cemetery) paid 7/3/18
Vision ICT.paid 7/3/18 / £274.00
Account balance as of 5th February 2018. Community Acc £ 34,952.57 Money Manager Acc £11,065.71 giving a total of £46,018.28.
The report on the Financial Management and Governance in Local Councils 2016-17 provided by Audit Wales was noted.
Item 10 Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster Report. 13th February attended by Cllr. V. Wildish & Cllr. C. Seal
Cllr. C. Seal gave a comprehensive verbal report detailing the following;
The introduction of a Facebook Page for KCC. It was voted for Cllr Seal to attend an induction course at a cost of £10 with the view to setting up a page for KCC.
Vale & Trails Project. Council was shown newly published leaflets on the recently refurbished routes which were generally felt to be of a very high standard. Details of work in progress had been sent to the KCC’s clerk and following a discussion on the work undertaken by the project, KCC request a letter be sent to The Cluster Group confirming Council’s support for the work being done.
Montgomeryshire Village Award. Leaflets made available, after discussion KCC decided not to enter this year.
Wildlife Gardening Hero. Leaflets and information given.
PCC Planning Committee Meeting. 21st. February attended by Cllr. V. Wildish & Cllr. C. Seal.
Cllr. V. Wildish gave a verbal report. Attendance at the meeting proved to be very beneficial as it broadens understanding of planning procedure, Cllr. Wildish recommended other councillors to attend.
Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm 19th February attended by Cllr. I. Jones & Cllr. D. Jones.
A verbal report by both attendees detailing an enjoyable meeting with goodwill shown all round. A fund of approximately £89,000 was allocated throughout the benefit area. £7,000 to St Michael’s School Kerry to provide additional lab tops, £613 to Kerry Eisteddfod and £9,000 to Dolfor Car Park were amongst the beneficiaries.
It was also agreed that representatives from qualifying councils should serve a limited period of time, namely one of 2 years and the second of 3 years.
Item 11 Correspondence/communications sent /received
Additional Correspondence sent to:
Contractors requesting info on Grass Cutting contract.
Christine Evans. Response to email ref. planning application P/2017/1144
Correspondence From.
OVW, The Ombudsman's Casebook - Issue 31. (Details with clerk)
PCC Electoral Services. New Notice Of Vacancy.
PCC Electoral Services Publication of the Register of Electors.
Google Analytics In January, you had 124 users visit your website.
Aaron Bridgen Confirming site meeting at the cemetery and suggesting a possible composting system at the cemetery to reduce waste.
OVW. Women's Suffrage Centenary Celebrations. Under the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Grant Scheme, we will provide grants of between £500 and £20,000 to third sector organisations, community organisations and community groups, for projects and/or events which will mark the 100th anniversary. (Full details with Clerk)
Danny Jerman Highways. Emailed as follows ref; issues reported January.
No problems with the drains in Sarn we do our best: However I’m not aware of the Yellow road markings on the C2053, did this go through Chris Lloyd in traffic, but personally I can’t see this being signed off, unless you can say otherwise.
The drainage on the top Dolfor Road I will keep an eye on and raise jobs when necessary.
Chris Lloyd (CSP - Highways Technical) Newtown bypass - update 8 February 2018.
Tony Caine. Response to KCC’s letter of the 2nd February ref; Traffic Regulation Order. (Copies sent to Cllr’s via e-mail)
Montgomery County Music Festival. Request for funding.
Mr. P. Friel. Quote for Caretaker Contract.
Mrs A. Davies. Request for Caretaker Contract.
Jill Kibble. Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster Standing Orders. (Held on file)
Jill Kibble. Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster Terms of Reference (Held on file)
Christine Evans. Ref; Planning application P/2017/1144
National Ass. Of Local Councils Data Protection Tool Kit. (Add to March Agenda)
Liz Molyneux. Location of KCC’s Notice Board. (Clerk to add location details in the Kerry News)
Financial Management Document. (Add to March Agenda)
Local Democracy & Boundary Comm. Draft. (Add to March Agenda)
Item 12. Any Other Business.
Kerry / Cllr. M. Griffiths reported that Kerry W. I. are celebrating their 95th anniversary and wish to plant a tree in the Cemetery to mark the occasion. It was decided to request a Copper Beech Tree be planted at the top of the cemetery.
KCC declared support for the installation of floodlighting equipment to be installed at Kerry Football Pitch.
Sarn & Dolfor / Highlighted recent problems with snow clearing. It was felt inappropriate to expect local farmers to clear snow from neighbouring roads. PCC had made no financial provision for snow clearing.
Salt Bins stocked but Grit piles not provided unless requested via PCC web-site. General discussion followed on the continuing decline of road surfaces and drain clearing. Heightened concern shown over the soon to be enforced diversion route for the the By-Pass construction. Local residents and heavy lorries are likely to use back roads surrounding Kerry, Abermule and Dolfor which will further increase the breakdown of road surface and present a potential hazard to motorists due to the unsuitability of these roads to accommodate heavy volumes of traffic.
Clerk. / An historical document found amongst back dated paperwork was shown to Council with the suggestion of donating it to Kerry Local History Group. It is hoped it will be framed and displayed in the Village Hall alongside existing historical photographs of Kerry.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9-45pm

Next Scheduled Meeting.

Wednesday 28th March 2018 at 7-30pm in Kerry Village Hall.

Meetings are open to residents, who may only address the meeting with the Chairman’s prior consent.

If you wish to address the Council in Welsh please make your intentions known at the time of your request, which should be made prior to the meeting date.

Copies of Minutes can be made available after approval on request or by visiting our web-site

* Although KCC works in conjunction with PCC as consultants, it has no authority to grant planning permission.

To comply with PCC guidelines and to ensure public awareness additional planning meetings may be called or Planning Consultation Notices may be displayed on the KCC Notice Boards located on the wall of the Public Toilets near Kerry Village Hall, at Sarn Village Hall and in Dolfor

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