Snapshot of Telstra’s customer access network as at March 2013
Table 1: SIO, DSL, ULLS and LSS information by ULLS band
Total Voice only SIOs[1] / Total Voice and DSL[2] / Total DSL only SIOs[3] / ULLS SIOs[4] / LSS SIOs[5] / Total SIOsBand 1 / 157,912 / 30,470 / 4,650 / 55,503 / 22,623 / 248,535
Band 2 / 3,396,152 / 1,774,080 / 40,989 / 1,203,615 / 583,799 / 6,414,836
Band 3 / 868,630 / 983,990 / 11,929 / 21,346 / 34,803 / 1,885,895
Band 4 / 590,093 / 298,779 / 5,398 / 140 / 2,040 / 894,410
Total / 5,012,787 / 3,087,319 / 62,966 / 1,280,604 / 643,265 / 9,443,676
Growth index (since Sept 07) / 73.41 / 98.74 / 123.05 / 418.16 / 190.20 / 91.57
Table 2: Number of ESAs by number of ULLS Access Seekers
Number of ULLS Access Seekers / Number of ESAs0 / 4493
1 / 106
2 / 93
3 / 71
4 / 76
5 / 72
6 / 56
7 / 31
8 / 28
9 / 28
10 / 11
> 10 / 2
Total / 5067
Table 3: Number of ESAs by number of Access Seekers
Number of Access Seekers using ULLS and/or LSS / Number of ESAs0 / 4473
1 / 118
2 / 97
3 / 70
4 / 71
5 / 61
6 / 73
7 / 27
8 / 24
9 / 30
10 / 15
> 10 / 8
Total / 5067
[1] Total Voice only SIOs, as referred to in Attachment A to the Telstra Customer Access Network Record Keeping and Reporting Rules 2007 (Telstra CAN RKR)
[2] Total Voice and DSL SIOs, as referred to in Attachment A to the Telstra CAN RKR
[3] Total DSL only SIOs, as described in Attachment A to the Telstra CAN RKR
[4] ULLS Access Seeker, as described in Attachment A to the Telstra CAN RKR
[5] LSS Access Seeker, as described in Attachment A to the Telstra CAN RKR