Prairie View School
September 2015 Newsletter
Box 340
Dalmeny, SK S0K 1E0
Phone: (306) 254-2633
Website Address:
Principal: Mrs. J. KeyVice-Principal: Mrs. L. Heath
What a wonderful way to start our morning today! It was nice to see so many Prairie View families at our “Welcome Back Pancake Breakfast and Open House”. Thanks to the staff for organizing and serving the delicious pancake and ham breakfast. Thanks also to School Community Council members Tracey Zak-O’Neill, Cindy Kildaw, Melissa Buhler, and Crystal Derksen for cooking the ham.The Open House was a wonderful opportunity to connect with parents and the community. We look forward to many more opportunities this year.
Mrs. Janice Key Mrs. Lesa Heath
Principal Vice-Principal
School photos will be taken over two days by Lifetouch Photography. Details were sent home with information from the photographers. The schedule is as follows:
Wed. Sept. 23:K1, 1C, 1T, 2/3Be, 3B, 4I, 4R
Thurs. Sept. 24:K2, 2HM, 5B, 5/6Q, 6B, 6S
Each month we will feature one or two classrooms. This month we present Grades1C and 4R:
It has been an extremely exciting start to the year in 1C this year. This year we are lucky to have an intern teacher working in our classroom. Her name is Mrs. Rachel Doell, and with this opportunity comes new and fresh ideas. Along with this also comes the chance for students to work with both a female and a male teacher.
We have had a busy start to the year, and it has been great getting to know all the children. We have two new students join the fold this year and it brings our number up to 21. We have many different and tremendous personalities and with this comes many great ideas. We have an enthusiastic group eager to learn to read, write, become artists and I have even heard some who would like to learn how to ride a dirt bike and a pig! With these imaginations I can only imagine what fun 1C will be having this year!
To date we have had many adventures including meeting our new care buddies, learning new routines, and starting to do some reading. I look forward to an exciting and fun filled year with many laughs and many smiles. I can’t wait to see the journey that these young students will take myself and them on!
Lee Coates and Rachel Doell
Grade 4ROur class is very excited that we are back in school. We have been working on our assembly on friendship with the other Grade 4 class. We are happy to be C.A.R.E. buddies with Mr. Coates’ Grade One class and have enjoyed doing chalk drawing, playing on the new playground equipment, eating Freezies, and reading together.
Now that we are in Grade 4, we are officially the “older” half of the school and have accepted the challenge to be positive role models for the younger grades. One of our new responsibilities is collecting paper to be recycled. We are looking forward to helping out with the Milk program later in the year.
These are some of the Grade 4R highlights (in our own words):
I love my younger C.A.R.E. buddy.
I like French, reading, and jokes.
I like learning to play the recorder.
The best part of Grade 4 is doing crafts and having little C.A.R.E. buddies.
The best thing about our C.A.R.E. buddies is we get to read with them.
I like doing sports in Phys. Ed., like volleyball.
The best thing about my C.A.R.E. buddy is that she is very nice.
Teaching Staff
Dahl, KelseyKindergarten
Coates, LeeGrade 1
Tew, LisaGrade 1
Hammond, JaylaGrade 2 (Days 2, 4, 6) and Arts Ed
Morrison, LeaGrade 2 (Days 1, 3, 5) and Arts Ed
Berge, VickyGrade 2/3
Boyko, KariGrade 3
Ivey, ShannonGrade 4
Roth, RonaGrade 4 and French
Blair, TheresaGrade 5
Quinlan, AmberGrade 5/6
Bitner, RoxanneGrade 6
Schafhauser, AaronGrade 6
Cote, BonnieSpecial Education
Fisher, ZeldaLearning Facilitator, Class Support
Heath, LesaVice-Principal/Spec Ed/Class Support
Key, JanicePrincipal/Class Support
Educational AssociatesAdministrative Assistant
Albrecht, Shyanne Slobodian, Kim
Driedger, Denise
Gammon, Dawn
Gratton, Reva
Guenther, Ruth
Janzen, Janice Custodians
Trakalo, Carmel Friesen, Chris
Wolfe, Jo Bartz, Lorna Friesen, Chris
Bus Drivers
Daum, Darlene
Daum, Ellen
Fehr, Joan
Pearson, Tammy
The following Learning Support Staff provide service to P.V.S:
Kari Schmiedge(Speech and Language Pathologists), Aaron Bates (Occupational Therapist), and Darcey Rathgeber (School Counsellor)
AJ Ward is the Band Instructor
WELCOME BACK FROM PRAIRIE VIEW COMMUNITY COUNCILThe first meeting of the 2015-16 school year will held on Thursday, Sept. 24th at 6:30 p.m. in the PVS library.
Members of the SCC are: Melissa Buhler, Scott Burant, Crystal Derksen, Cindy Kildaw, Nicole Robinson, Tracy Wright, Tracey Zak-O-Neill, Anna Zoller, Janice Key (Principal), Lesa (Vice-Principal) and Rona Roth (Teacher Representative)
All students attending Prairie View have been given an “Information Handbook” for 2015-16. This book can be very helpful for parents as it explains the various policies and procedures of the school. If you have any questions regarding our school, please give us a call. We will be happy to help you!
Please remember that PVS is on Peanut/Nut Alert. Help us to keep all our children safe by checking labels when packing lunches or bringing food to school.
Day planner fees can be paid to the office. Thank you to those who have already submitted their fees.
Please note that we will be having our conferences earlier in the fall this year. Student Progress Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October7 and Thursday, October8 from 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. If you have a request for a particular time, please call the office before September 30. We will try to honour these requests on a first-come, first-serve basis. A note will go home in your child’s day planner to confirm the time of your conference.
Welcome back to a new year of fun and fitness with In Motion! We have a brand new team of enthusiastic student In Motion Leaders for the 2015-2016 school year. These role models of fitness are: Chloe, Claire, Josiah and Jeremiah. The teacher advisors for In Motion are Ms. Ivey, Mrs. Roth, Ms. Hammond, Mrs. Quinlan and Mrs. Blair. The In Motion program runs most Wednesdays from 8:10 until 8:30 am, starting Wed. Oct.14 and running until April 27th, 2016.
Our In Motion student leaders will kick off our season this Friday, September 18th, by leading our school in the Terry Fox Walk at 1:00 pm. Please feel free to join us! We are especially excited because we have reached our fundraising goal for this year. Way to go Prairie View! Donations are being accepted until Friday, September 18th. We hope that with our help, one day this disease will be defeated. Our Terry Fox Assembly will be held at a later date, at which our incentive prizes will be awarded.
Please watch for our monthly newsletter for dates and activities being presented. Have a wonderful fall and stay In Motion!
Mrs. Blair
The 16th Annual Wild West Soccer Tournament will be held on Friday, October 2. The tournament is for Grade Five and Six students.
The Grade Six classes will be organizing the concession as a fundraiser for their Regina field trip in June. Grade 5 parents will be contacted to help with the Hot Lunch for Kindergarten to Grade 4 students. All Grade 5 and 6 parents will receive an email with details of the event early next week.
The tournament runs from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Please come by and cheer on the teams!
Crosswalk Safety
We are very thankful to the Grade 5 and 6 students who have volunteered to be crosswalk guardsat the intersections of Ross Court and Prairie Street and Ross Court and First Street.
The crosswalk guards will be at each intersection between 8:30 – 8:45 and 3:05 – 3:20 on teacher/student contact days. We want to remind motorists and pedestrians to obey the crosswalk guards at all times. Our crosswalk guards’ first priority is safety.
The crosswalk guards will not be volunteering during inclement weather (during rain or –27 degrees Celsius or colder).
Before the first day of school, we sent an email letter in the interest of student safety about parent drop off and pick up at the school. Thank you for your cooperation in not parking on the north side of the school. Alternatively, use Prairie Street across from the front of the school or Ross Street or Prairie Place. All foot traffic must cross at the crosswalk where the crossing guards are. After school parents may also park on Prairie Street in front of the school once the buses leave at approximately 3:10 p.m.
We also want to remind students to never cross through the parking lot. Students should follow the sidewalk on the north side of the school or use the cross walk.
COUNSELLOR’S CORNER – Darcey Rathgeber
Welcome back to school! For those of you who are new to Prairie View, welcome to the Prairie View family! It’s hard to believe we have already embarked on another school year. I hope you had an enjoyable summer and were able to spend quality time with your family.
My name is Darcey Rathgeber and I am your child’s School Counsellor. I am available 2 days per week (usually Tuesdays and Fridays) to help students, parents and teachers. The other days of the week I work at Dalmeny High and Borden Composite. Part of my work is to consult with teachers throughout the year to help provide the best school program for your child.
As part of my comprehensive school counselling program, I occasionally conduct classroom lessons as part of my prevention programming. Your child may have opportunities to meet me in this way. My lessons might address the personal, social, emotional, safety and bullying. I periodically visit classrooms just to get to know the students better as well.
I am available for individual counselling as needed. When necessary, I may ask for additional information regarding your child. Please be aware of my sincere respect for confidentiality in these and all matters. The individual counselling I provide does not replace outside counselling services. This is offered as support, not therapy. I may also help provide referrals to outside resources for your child and your family if that is what you require.
Students can request to see me by asking their classroom teacher or by stopping by my office. Parents and teachers can also request I speak with their child. When I meet with students, I help them recognize and accept their feelings and use problem solving skills. I utilize various mediums such as drawing, talking, puppets, games and role playing to help them work out their problems or concerns. I help address many issues such as: family changes, loss, friendship issues, school and behavior concerns.
If you have any questions or would like to contact me regarding any of the counselling services available at Prairie View School, please do not hesitate to call the school at 306-254-2633 or email me at