(What we the people can do when our freedoms are challenged.)

Donald R. Fox

As our nation currently faces radical bloodthirsty Islam, and our government is at a standstill and almost a do-nothing pace. It is worthwhile to examine what we did in WW2. This examination of a time past and how we as a nation in a very short time took on terror from Nazi Germany and in the Far East, Japan. We should understand we were not ready for a World War. Our Army strength after WW1 through the 1920s and 1930s was very small. During this time phase it was understood by many that the war would stay in Europe and the Far East. December 7th, 1941 with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, changed are laxness attitude overnight.


“…the Army was authorized a maximum officer strength of 17,726 more than three times the actual officer strength of the Regular Army before World War I. At least half of the new permanent officers were to be chosen from among non-Regulars who had served during the war. The act also provided that officer promotions, except for doctors and chaplains, were henceforth to be made from a single list, a step that equalized opportunity for advancement throughout most of the Army. The Regular Army was authorized a maximum enlisted strength of 280,000, but the actual enlisted as well as officer strength would depend on the amount of money voted in annual appropriations.” (See page 408)


Please see the below web site dealing with military strength. One strength figure we would like for you to understand is the total manpower strength we mustered in WW2. ”We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services, invaded Africa, invaded Sicily and Italy, won the battle for the Atlantic, planned and executed D-Day, marched across the Pacific and Europe, developed the atomic bomb, and ultimately conquered Japan and Germany.”

10 Million Drafted - 8.2 MIL Served

The US Drafted 10 million americans into WWII. At its peak (1945) there we 8.2 Million serving in the armend forces
here is a great breakdown of the War.
Background Information on U.S. Army Divisions in World War II
During World War II about 16,000,000 personnel served in the U.S. Military. Approximately 11,200,000 or 70% served in the U.S. Army (4,200,000 served in the Navy and 660,000 in the Marines.)
The U.S. Army

During the years of between December 7, 1941 and September 2, 1945 the American people produced:

“22 aircraft carriers,
8 battleships,

48 cruisers,

349 destroyers,

420 destroyer escorts,

203 submarines,

34 million tons of merchant ships,
100,000 fighter aircraft,

98,000 bombers,

24,000 transport aircraft,

58,000 training aircraft,
93,000 tanks,

257,000 artillery pieces,

105,000 mortars,

3,000,000 machine guns, and 2,500,000 military trucks.”

(What American people produced as stated above, the source of this information is not available or misplaced by me. DRF)


It is apparent that radical orthodox Islamic seeks to destroy our way of life in order for us to serve and yield to their Shari’ah law.

“Self-preservation is a law of God giving rights which, under most circumstances, a Christian can claim. He may resist the robber, the assassin and all men of that ilk, and may protect his person and his possessions against the assaults of the violent and lawless

(Acts 16:35-39).(Reference page 70, The Christian and the Government by Foy E. Wallace, Jr.)

“And Paul, earnestly beholding the council, said, Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day.
And the high priest Ananias commanded them that stood by him to smite him on the mouth. Then said Paul unto him, God shall smite thee, thou whited wall: for sittest thou to judge me after the law, and commandest me to be smitten contrary to the law?” (Acts 23:1-3 KJV) NOTE: “Paul obeyed Caesar when he stayed in his God-ordained place. When Caesar got out of his place, and interfered with the religion, and the things of Christ, Paul obeyed God, and suffered for Christ’s sake. So ought we.” (Page 95, The Christian and the Government, by Foy E. Wallace, Jr.)

END NOTES: For additional study see essays about Islam/Islamic. Further, you will note some essays dealing with our military, government, etc. I recommend you read “MINDSET OF WW2 AND OUR CURRENT TIMES” to get the feeling of the generation who was alive and active during World War Two.