Vascular Plant List
Excelsior Ridge
Excelsior Ridge, Whatcom County, Washington.
List covers plants found on Excelsior Ridge and around Damfino Lakes. The area is about 3 miles north of Nooksack Falls on SR 542, but access is from the trailhead at the end of FR 31, which starts near Douglas Fir campground. List by Harold Mitchell and Jim Duemmel, August 1998, with additions by WNPS Salal Chapter field trip, Harold Mitchell, leader, September 1999, and Janet and Peter O’Mara, August 2000. 98 spp.
These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years.
Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society.
We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants.
* - IntroducedScientific Name / Common Name / Family Name
Abies amabilis / Pacific silver fir / Pinaceae
Actaea rubra / Baneberry / Ranunculaceae
Agoseris aurantiaca / Orange agoseris / Asteraceae
Alnus sinuata / Sitka alder / Betulaceae
Anaphalis margaritacea / Pearly everlasting / Asteraceae
Aquilegia formosa / Red columbine / Ranunculaceae
Arnica latifolia / Mountain arnica / Asteraceae
Aster foliaceus / Leafy aster / Asteraceae
Aster ledophyllus / Cascade aster / Asteraceae
Athyrium distentifolium / Alpine lady fern / Polypodiaceae
Athyrium filix-femina / Lady fern / Polypodiaceae
Blechnum spicant / Deer fern / Polypodiaceae
Caltha biflora / White marshmarigold / Ranunculaceae
Carex aquatilis / Water sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex illota / Sheep sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex mertensii / Merten's sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex nigricans / Black alpine sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex pachystachya / Pachystachy sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex sp. / Sedge / Cyperaceae
Carex spectabilis / Showy sedge / Cyperaceae
Cassiope mertensiana / White mountain heather / Ericaceae
Castilleja parviflora albida / Small-flowered paintbrush / Scrophulariaceae
Circaea alpina / Enchanter's nightshade / Onagraceae
Claytonia lanceolata / Western spring beauty / Portulacaceae
Clintonia uniflora / Queen's cup / Liliaceae
Cryptogramma crispa / Parsley fern / Polypodiaceae
Dicentra formosa / Bleeding heart / Fumariaceae
Disporum sp. / Fairy-bell / Liliaceae
Epilobium angustifolium / Fireweed / Onagraceae
Epilobium luteum / Yellow willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium minutum / Small-flowered willow-herb / Onagraceae
Erigeron peregrinus / Subalpine daisy / Asteraceae
Eriogonum umbellatum / Sulfur buckwheat / Polygonaceae
Erythronium grandiflorum / Glacier lily / Liliaceae
Gymnocarpium dryopteris / Oak fern / Polypodiaceae
Habenaria saccata / Slender bog-orchid / Orchidaceae
Heracleum lanatum / Cow parsnip / Apiaceae
Hieracium albiflorum / White-flowered hawkweed / Asteraceae
Hieracium gracile / Slender hawkweed / Asteraceae
Hippuris montana / Mountain mare's-tail / Hippuridacee
Hypopites monotropa / Many-flowered indian pipe / Ericaceae
Juncus drummondii / Drummond's rush / Juncaceae
Juncus sp. / Rush / Juncaceae
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia / Leatherleaf saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Listera cordata / Heart-leaved twayblade / Orchidaceae
Luetkea pectinata / Partridge foot / Rosaceae
Luina hypoleuca / Silverback luina / Asteraceae
Lupinus arcticus / Arctic lupine / Fabaceae
Luzula parviflora / Small-flowered woodrush / Juncaceae
Luzula piperi / Piper's woodrush / Juncaceae
Lycopodium sitchense / Alaska clubmoss / Lycopodiaceae
Menziesia ferruginea / Fool's huckleberry / Ericaceae
Mimulus guttatus / Common monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Mimulus lewisii / Lewis's monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Mitella pentandra / Alpine mitrewort / Saxifragaceae
Oplopanax horridum / Devil's club / Araliaceae
Osmorhiza chilensis / Mountain sweet-cicely / Apiaceae
Oxyria digyna / Mountain sorrel / Polygonaceae
Parnassia fimbriata / Fringed grass-of-Parnassus / Saxifragaceae
Pedicularis bracteosa / Bracted lousewort / Scrophulariaceae
Pedicularis racemosa / Sickletop lousewort / Scrophulariaceae
Penstemon davidsonii / Davidson's penstemon / Scrophulariaceae
Penstemon serrulatus / Cascade penstemon / Scrophulariaceae
Petasites frigidus / Sweet coltsfoot / Asteraceae
Phlox diffusa / Spreading phlox / Polemoniaceae
Phyllodoce empetriformis / Red mountain heather / Ericaceae
Polygonum bistortoides / Mountain bistort / Polygonaceae
Polygonum minimum / Leafy dwarf knotweed / Polygonaceae
Pyrola secunda / One-sided wintergreen / Ericaceae
Ranunculus eschscholtzii / Snow buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Rhododendron albiflorum / White rhododendron / Ericaceae
Ribes bracteosum / Stink currant / Grossulariaceae
Ribes howellii / Maple-leaf currant / Grossulariaceae
Rubus lasiococcus / Dwarf bramble / Rosaceae
Rubus pedatus / Strawberry bramble / Rosaceae
Rubus spectabilis / Salmonberry / Rosaceae
Rumex acetosella* / Sheep sorrel / Polygonaceae
Sambucus racemosa / Red elderberry / Caprifoliaceae
Saxifraga arguta / Brook saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Saxifraga ferruginea / Rusty saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Saxifraga oppositifolia / Purple mountain saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Saxifraga punctata / Dotted saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Saxifraga tolmiei / Alpine saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Senecio triangularis / Arrowleaf groundsel / Asteraceae
Silene sp. / Catchfly / Caryophyllaceae
Sorbus sitchensis / Sitka mountain-ash / Rosaceae
Sparganium minimum / Small bur-reed / Sparganiaceae
Streptopus amplexifolius / Clasping-leaved twisted-stalk / Liliaceae
Streptopus roseus / Rosy twisted-stalk / Liliaceae
Tiarella trifoliata / Foamflower / Saxifragaceae
Tofieldia glutinosa / Bog lily / Liliaceae
Trifolium pratense* / Red clover / Fabaceae
Tsuga mertensiana / Mountain hemlock / Pinaceae
Valeriana sitchensis / Sitka valerian / Valerianaceae
Veratrum viride / Green false hellebore / Liliaceae
Veronica wormskjoldii / Alpine speedwell / Scrophulariaceae
Viola glabella / Stream violet / Violaceae
Viola palustris / Marsh violet / Violaceae
Excelsior Ridge, Whatcom County, Washington.
WNPS plant lists.
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