School Board Formal Constitution
Folder: / School ManagementSub-folder/s: / Committees\School Board Meetings 2011/12
Date of meeting: / 22.02.12 12:00-1:00pm QA063
Part A
Operational Business
1. Apologies (see end notes)2. Minutes of the last meeting 301111301111 Notes Agreed
3. Matters arising – No business
Items from the Chair
1. The Chair welcome staff to the Board.Presentations
1. Business School Strategy Survey Findings – Summary Survey Summary.pptThe University began consulting on a new 5-year strategy in the face of a dramatically changing environment, to contribute to this process, the School engaged with staff across the School, by way of a questionnaire, to refine its 5 Year Strategic Plan priorities and help shape the final outcome.
63 staff responded. The survey responses were synthesised by a focus group drawn from across the School and the emerging themes from the results said:
What we value in our work ? – 31% commitment to students; 18% research goals; 13% autonomy/flexibility
What hinders this achievement? – 21% administration burden; 14% rigidity of rules;
12% staff engagement/performance
Where do we want to be? - League Table: Best 5th; Realistic 6th; Worst 13th
What capabilities to get there? - 20% new research skills; 14% improved teaching; 8% closer contact with industry
2. Research Professors and Studentships
To support the University’s research agenda, the VCs initiative is to appoint 10 Professorships across the University. A small group, DVC, Research Professor, and an external, will advise the VC in making 20 allocations. Schools are to make bids by 27.02.12. The best 10 will be offered positions. The post will be funded by the University for the first 3 years and will then fall to the School.
To underpin the University as a research-informed institution, the VCs initiative for PhD Scholarship Scheme will be created.
3. Recruitment Update
Presently -17% down on home undergraduate student numbers compared to last year (although it was a bumper year due to impending fee increases). Our overseas undergraduate student numbers are double compared to last year. Our postgraduate student numbers are down -35%. Overseas postgraduate numbers are up 4% on last year.
The School are focussing on converting applications into confirmed offers. Only 19% of those students with offers come, we need to improve that figure. The Dean sent out a personal letter to invite students to the February Open Days, which has been very successful. The February Open Day is a crucial one, so it is important that we have enough academic staff attend. We donated resources to the Recruitment Office to assist. The VC has appointed 5 Student Communication Officers to work within the Schools. Their role is to develop targeted communications plans, organise events for prospective students, co-ordinate on-line chat sessions, marketing and assist with open days.
4. International Collaborations
Financially we are slightly below our long-term tartget:
Net income 2011/12 – c£2m Net income 2012/13 – c£2.25m
Over the geographical area we have 4 new partners.
ERCi: generates 20% of the total income
SEGI: In February the Dean and Associate Dean visited our partners in Asia - ERC Singapore, SEGI Kuala Lumpur, SEGI Subang Jaya, SEGI Penang, Malaysia, ABRS and HKMA, Hong Kong. The visit was to introduce the new Dean, potential for new programmes, training, develop research links and address a few system issues.
ILI: the strongest partner in Africa, they are looking to deliver in distance mode, into South Sudan.
Our support systems are developing, we now have:
On line admissions/registration
International Calendar: partners send work for moderation at different times which is hard to control and impacts on the students. We will agree service standards to improve the student’s experience.
Billing: we need to charge the partners with failing students – these students generate a lot of work for us. We also need to get on top of institutions with bad debts.
Workload Allocation: we are looking into an accurate costing model for our collaboration work and how we apportion this work with the workload model.
As part of our on-going developments to improve the student experience we are improving our operations by providing specific training through on line materials and visits, to support the partners.
Recruitment: Overall down on our overseas recruitment for September, 765 students (previously 970). We are marketing for January starters, our MA/IBE did well in January. We are also concentrating on conversion to Masters, last week we were selling our Masters programmes – 30 students attended – this will be repeated in October and again next year. / M Wyn-Williams
Professor Thomas
R Mayor
N Hand
Other formal matters/Any other business
1. Sustainability UpdateThe Sustainability Champion (SC) thanked all staff who supported the achievement of the Bronze award and their efforts to reach Silver this year.
We are the greenest University in London – 5th in People & Planet Green League 2011.
The University are making progress on the saving targets for Carbon Management and we asa Business School are playing our part in this initiative. This year the School are aiming for the Silver Award using the Green Impact Work Book to plot our achievements Silver Award the deadline is the end of March with an audit in April where we have to show evidence.
One of the targets emphasised in this award is to embed Sustainability into the curriculum to get the message to our students. Departmental Sustainable Advocates have met to discuss how we get students involved.
The SC regularly e-mails a Sustainability Newsletters to keep the School informed of what needs doing and where we are. The SC also encouraged staff to use the link to the Greenbook and pick out something they could implement; there is something for everyone to buy into.
We have reduced our paper usage by 200 reams in 2010-11, we will soon have all multi-functional devices in place to support lower energy usage and reduce our carbon footprint. / M McCartney
Part B
Date of Next Meeting:
23.05.12 12:00-1:00pm SL001Constituent Membership
Appointed Members:
Ex-Officio / JS / J Sibson / Dean of School / DoS
RM / Mr R Mayor / Associate Dean of School / AD
Directors / ST / Professor S Thomas / Research / DRes
ST / Professor C Birch / Director of Enterprise / DE
JC / Dr J Cullinane / Learning & Quality / DLQ
RM / Mr R Mayor / Resources / DR
JC / Dr J Cullinane / Learning & Quality / DLQ
NH / Mr N Hand / International Affairs / DIA
CA / Mr C Allen / Senior Tutor / ST
Heads: X / AS / Dr A Stojanovic / Accounting & Finance / HAF
CC / Dr B Cronin / International Business & Economics / HIBE
BC / Mr B Curnow / HR & Organisational Behaviour / HROB
AE / Mr A Evans / Marketing, Events, Tourism / HMET
TB / Mr T Barry / System Management & Strategy / HSMS
External: / MK / Dr M Kaspersson / Humanities & Social Sciences School
CI / Dr C Ierotheou / Computing & Mathematical Sciences Schl
Elected Members (3 year appointment)
Profs / WC / Professor W Currie / Information Systems/Supply C. Managmt/Logistics
IG / Professor I Greer
PLs / HY / Dr H Yakavenka / MA/MBA International Business
MF / Mr M Farinas / UG Accounting and finance
RDV / Dr R DeVita / UG International Business Programmes
SB / Ms S Barrett / MAIHRM; Senior Lecturer in HR&OB
CB / Mr C Bladen / Senior Lecturer in Events Management
PSt / Mr P Stoneman / MBA
Early Career / MW / Dr M Wyn-Williams / Lecturer International Business
NG / Dr N Garston / SL in Public Relations
Support } / MO / Mrs M Olaniyan / IT Officer
Staff } / JET / Mrs J Edwards / Finance Officer
Students / LM / Lloyd Miller / PhD Student
DB / D Baddevithana / PhD Student
GB / G Lebedeva / Student
SO / S Odaryuk / Student
CP / C Perera / Student
KN / K Nirae / Student
Co-opted Members
MM / Mrs M Montague / Executive Officer
SR / Ms S Ragab / Student Finance / SF
VM / Ms V Malone / Info & Library Services
WR / Mr W Robley / Info & Library Services
Awaiting New Member / Central Finance Representative