Organic Product Profile – Livestock Feed


Livestock Feed Products
SECTION 1: General Information
Applicant’s name: / Date:
Product Name: / Brands:

*Use a separate product profile for each organic feed product for which you are requesting certification.

Section numbers refer to National Organic Program regulations (7 CFR 205).

SECTION 2: Product Composition §205.301(e)
This product will be sold, labeled or represented as (check one):
“100% Organic”. Must contain (by weight or fluid volume, excluding water and salt) 100% organically produced raw or processed agricultural product.
“Organic”. A raw or processed livestock feed product sold, labeled or represented as “organic” must be produced in conformance with section 205.237 and may contain feed additives and supplements allowed under that section.
SECTION 3: Ingredients
I verify that feed, feed additives, and/or feed supplements in this mix are not used in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. (§205.237(b)(6))
Complete the information for ALL ingredients contained in this product. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
Note that you are required to enclose a copy of the current organic certificate for all agricultural ingredients in new products; new ingredients in previously certified products; and ingredients for which you have a new supplier. Submit a GMO status statement or equipment for non-organic ingredients allowed on the National list (i.e. yeast), if applicable. Submitting labels for non-agricultural ingredients will help expedite the review of the feed mix.
A. Standard Feed Mix Formulation: Complete this table to detail the mix formula if this Organic Product Profile is for a standard, unchanging feed mix that you produce. Include all ingredients (agricultural and non-agricultural).
Ingredient / Supplier / % of
Finished Product / Certified By / Current
Certificate or LabelEnclosed

Ingredient / Supplier / % of
Finished Product / Certified By / Current
Certificate or Label Enclosed

Type of Salt: / Manufacturer:
List all processing aids used in the production of this product:

B. Custom Feed Mix Formulation: If this Organic Product Profile is for a Custom Feed Mix, complete the following two tables to include all Potential Agricultural Ingredients (Ex: Soybeans, Wheat, Kelp, etc.)and Potential Non-Agricultural Ingredients (Ex: Dairy Mineral Mix, Breeder Vitamin Mix, Magnesium Oxide, Choline Chloride, etc.) that could be used in the custom mix. Attach additional sheets with the below requested information if additional space is needed.

Potential Agricultural Ingredients

Ingredient / Supplier / Certified By / Current
Certificate enclosed


Potential Non-Agricultural Ingredients

Ingredient / Manufacturer / Ingredient Label Attached

Potential Non-Agricultural Ingredients Continued
Type of Salt: / Manufacturer:
List all processing aids used in the production of this product:
SECTION 4: Annual Production Summary for last calendar year (1-1 through 12-31) §205.103

A certified operation must maintain records concerning the production and handling of organic products.

Dates product was produced / Total volume produced / Dates product was produced / Total volume produced

Check here if you have attached a separate sheet with a summary of annual production.

SECTION 5: Export Requirements
Do you intend to export any of your organic products to Japan? Yes No Taiwan? Yes No
Do you intend to export any of your organic products to Canada? Yes No EU? Yes No
If Yes, your organic practices must be verified to additional standards or requirements (beyond USDA’s National Organic Standards). PCO will supply you with the required forms.
Additional labeling requirements may also apply (see Section 6 below).
SECTION 6: Labeling §§205.303, 205.304, 205.305, 205.307(c)
Include a copy of all labels used for this product with this form.
a) Labels must identify Pennsylvania Certified Organic as the certifying agent.
Do you use or plan to use the PCO logo on the label? Yes No
Do you intend to use the USDA seal on the label? Yes No
If yes, do you intend to use the black and white version or color version? B&W Color
b) Do your labels comply with other Federal agency or State feed labeling requirements as applicable as required at §205.306(b)(ii)? Yes No
c)Is this product produced for export? Yes No
If yes, are nonretail shipping containers and shipping documents accompanying this product clearly marked
“For Export Only”? Yes No
If yes, do you maintain proof of such container marking and export? Yes No
SECTION 7: Required attachments
Required attachments: these records must be returned with your product profile or it may be returned to you resulting in a delay of the certification process.
All labels used for this product. Originals are preferred. Legible copies are acceptable.
Copies of current, valid certificates for all organic ingredients. Organic ingredients must be certified to the USDA National Organic Program regulations.
GMO status statement or equivalent for non-organic ingredients allowed on the National List (i.e. yeast), if applicable. Forms are available from PCO.
Your signature(s): / Date:

Page 1 of 3 CERT A11 Product Profile – Livestock Feed V1, R4, 1/11/13