Weekly Chapel
Please join us for chapel on Wednesdays at 8:20 a.m.
Wednesday, October 1- Pastor Stolarczyk
Wednesday, October 8- Miss Kamps & Grade 3
Wednesday, October 15- Miss Leon & Grade 2
Wednesday,October 22-Mrs. Trish Kagerbauer,
Place of Refuge
Wednesday, October 29- Mrs. Schult & Grade 4
Our chapel offering, of treasure, this month goes to A Place of Refuge. A Place of Refuge is a Gospel-focused service reaching out to women with the love of Christ in both words and actions. Come hear more about it at our chapel service on Oct. 22.
Chapel Expectations
We love to see parents joining us for chapel! When you do, please be sure to support and uphold our expectations, which include:
1.Reverent silence once the music starts and throughout the service
2.Remaining in the church throughout the service (no drinks or bathroom breaks)
3.Participating in all aspects of the service – listening, praying, singing
Thank you for making chapel meaningful for your child and everyone involved.
Kids for Christ- Gr. 4 & 5
K.f.C. (Kids for Christ) is starting up again! K.f.C. is a youth group for 4th and 5th graders; Trinity and public school kids are welcome! Our first Social Event will be on Friday, September 26th, from 6-8pm. We will meet in the Trinity School Youth Room for a Board Game Night and Make-Your-Own Sundaes. Permission slips were recently sent home, but are also available in the school office and church narthex. Contact Melissa Leon, the K.f.C. coordinator, with questions ( or 414-881-9848).
PTO update
Until further notice, child care will no longer be offered at PTO meetings. The PTO would like to thank Kerri Zamzow and all of the daycare staff who have provided care for the PTO meeting over the last several years.
PTO Auction Update
Saturday, November 1 is a date you will want to set aside, asit is the night of the first Trinity PTO Auction and Pig Roast.This event will be held at the Merrill Town Hall, beginning at4:00, with dinner at 6:00, auction from 7:00 – 9:00 and a danceto follow with music by America’s Party Band until midnight.This is an adult event, and day care will be available, so plannow for a special date night on November 1.There will be many exciting items up for auction. Some ofthose that the auction committee has already secured includea mini Badger football helmet and a football autographedby Melvin Gordon and Derek Watt; posters autographed byBadger players; a wicker patio set with two cushioned chairsand a table; a photo frame collage, a guided fishing trip; fourPacker preseason tickets for the 2015-16 and more. If youhave items you would like to donate for auction, please callMichael Handlin at 715-218-2498. We are looking for newitems or services.
Tickets will be available shortly at a cost of $20.00 per person.This includes entry to the auction, the meal, and the dance. Allproceeds will go to support Trinity School. We look forwardto seeing you there!
Colorama Bike Ride
Sat. Sept. 27- Kitchenette-
Registration – 9:00 AM
Ride begins at 10:00
Meal served after the ride.
10, 30 or 50 mile ride.
It’s time to wrestle-
Coming in November there will be a wrestling program offered after school at the public elementary schools. In the upcoming weeks your child may bring home a wrestling registration form from school. The dates are November 4th through November 14th. All levels of experience are welcome. Merrill has a great tradition of wrestling and it all starts with the youth. The program is geared for having fun. The coaches are very experience and look forward to teaching your child about wrestling. Students interested in wrestling please ask for a registration form at school. All parochial students may pick one of the public elementary schools to go to. Choose one that is most convenient for you. Please contact Brian Suchocki at PRMS if you have any questions.