BrailleNote Apex or MPower BT
Lesson #1
Skill: Create a New Document
Introduction #1:
One of the first things you and/or your student will want to do is to create a new document and begin writing. With the BrailleNote, this task is simple and fast. It's a good skill for students to begin learning right away.
It is extremely important that you handle the BrailleNote with care. Dropping it or knocking it to the floor may cause serious damage. If you are storing the BrailleNote in a bag or backpack, ensure you handle the back or backpack with care. Washing hands with soap and water before using the BrailleNote is a great idea to prevent damage caused by getting the display direty or sticky in any way. The BrailleNote costs over $6,000. Handle with care!
Work Time #1:
This lesson assumes you are using a BrailleNote MPower or an Apex using the BT (braille style) keyboard. The lesson also assumes you are familiar with the parts and keys of the BrailleNote.
1. Turn on the BrailleNote with the rocker on/off switch on the left-sid panel of the BrailleNote.
2. Ensure you are at Main Menu. Press space + dots 1 2 3 4 5 6 to ensure you are at Main Menu.
3. There are 3 speech modes. These are Speech On, Speech On Request, and Speech off. If you need to put the speech in a mode other than the one you are in, press Previous Thumb-key + space. The Previous thumb-key is the left-most thumb-key of the four thumb-keys on the front panel of the BrailleNote.
4. From Main Menu, press letter w to open the Word Processor. "keyword menu" will be displayed.
5. Press letter c to create a new document. "Foder name?" will be displayed.
6. For practice, we'll open the General folder. This is a folder that comes on each BrailleNote. Space once. BrailleNote displays "list of folders on flash disk".
6. Space to focus on the first item of the list.
7. Space to the General folder.
8. Press enter to open the folder. BrailleNote displays, "document to create?"
9. Begin writing the name of the new document. You may use contractions, but you don't have to.
10. Press enter to create the document. BrailleNote briefly displays, "top of document".
11. Write letters, words or sentences.
12. If you make an error, use backspace to delete the last character written. Don't worry about fixing errors for the first time you are writing.
13. To go back to the Word Processing menu, press e + space. This command will exit or back you out by level from what you are doing.
14. Alternatively, you may always use the command to return to Main Menu. There is no need to save the document. This is automatically done for you.
15. Remind students, as needed, to turn off the BrailleNote when work is finished.
15. Practice until efficient. Repeat the lesson as needed.
Quiz Yourself #1:
After reading the paragraphs and following the steps in Work Time, take this quiz.
If the statement is true, write or say "true". Write or say "false" if the statement is false.
1. Space with a full cell is a quick way to return to Main Menu.
2. From Main Menu, w will open the Word Processor.
3. The General folder is on a BrailleNote when you get it.
4. Space in a document to delete the last character written.
5. The BrailleNote automatically saves documents for you.
6. The BrailleNote costs over $6,000.
7. You may harm the BrailleNote if you drop it.
8. Keeping the BrailleNote clean is not important.
Quiz #1 Answers:
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. False
Commands to Know for Lesson 1
1. Return to Main Menu with space + dots 1 2 3 4 5 6.
2. Press Previous thumb-key + space to toggle among the speech modes.
3. From Main Menu, press letter w to open the Word Processor.
4. Exit a document with e + space.
Quick Assessment 1:
Skill: Create a New BrailleNote Document
I = independent v = verbal cue p = physical assist na = not applicable
Skill / Date_____
Score / Date
Score / Date
Score / Date
1. Turn on BrailleNote.
2. Begin at Main Menu (space + full cell if needed).
3. Open word processor (letter w).
4. Open the create a document prompt (letter c).
5. Open General folder. (space to it, then enter).
6. Name the document (just start writing).
7. Create and open the new document (enter).
8. Write in the document.
9. As needed, delete last character written (backspace).
10. exit the document (e + space or space + full cell.
Possible Goal:
Given a BrailleNote and instruction on the required skills during instructional time, student will independently complete 90% of the tasks on the checklist of skills required to create a new document for the BrailleNote for 3 of 4 evaluated sessions.
Rosa Mauer 6/5/12