PRESENT:- CllrsL Sambrook(Chairman), P Clifton,J Luscombe,D Doig, R Barge,Mrs B Managh, Cllr Rob Gittins and 2membersof the public.
In attendance: Audrey Wellings, clerk.
WELCOME AND PUBLIC SESSION:-The Chairman opened the meeting and invited any questions or comments from the public present.
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS: Declarations of pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests in any item on the agenda were invited:-Cllr P Clifton declared an interest in the erection of the bus shelter and Cllr B Managh declared a pecuniary interest in the planning application at1 Steppes Way, Childs Ercall:
MINUTES:- Proposed by Cllr P Clifton,seconded by Cllr B Managhand resolved that the minutes of the last meeting beapproved and signed as a true record.
CASUAL VACANCY: To date, there has been no application to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs Karen Connolly so the vacancy remains.
PLANNING:-Applications: Reference18/00455/FUL: Erection of two-storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory: 1 Steppes Way, Childs Ercall: Cllr B Managh, having declared a pecuniary interest in the application as an immediate neighbour took no part in the discussions. There has been no response to date from any of the neighbouring properties. It was therefore proposed by
Cllr P Clifton, seconded by Cllr R Barge and agreed to make a ‘No Comment’ response.
Reference: 18/00009/FUL: Erection of detached double tandem garage: The Old Village Hall, Narrow Lane, Childs Ercall:- Revised application: Councillors do not feel that the applicant’s email genuinely addresses any of the concerns we raised, and does not make any point to change the comments previously recorded. There remains concerns about the traffic and highway issues which this application raises, and the dangers to pedestrians which would arise..
There are concerns that this still seems to be a low quality application which remains deficient in realistic detailing, for example clear and legible statements of dimensions. It is also quite unclear how the access splay on the BT side of the site is conceived, it appears at the moment to rely on land not in the applicant’s ownership or control, and to be in an area where Openreach frequently park vans which would wholly obscure that sight line.
Whilst exact proposed dimensions are still not clear, it does seem that the footprint of the proposed garage would be in excess of 40% of the footprint of the main property, which it is felt is disproportionate.
All the original objections therefore stand, with the addition that it is now clearer that the built mass of the proposed structure is out of proportion to the dwelling house it is to serve and that the structure is out of proportion to the surrounding buildings and to the streetscape of the village generally.
It was further proposed by The Chairman, Cllr L Sambrook, seconded by Cllr P Clifton and agreed to write to the planning department and the Highways Department with a combined letter for the two current applications adjacent to the road junction:-
18/00009/FUL: Erection of detached double tandem garage: The Old Village Hall, Narrow Lane, ChildsErcall:
17/05920/OUT:Outline application (access for approval) for the erection of one dwelling Proposed Dwelling North West Of New Cottages Childs Ercall (adjacent to No 2, New Cottages).
These sites are in the centre of the village, situated between two difficult and busy junctions where sight lines are already poor, where distractions to drivers are numerous, where pavement parking is at present already a problem, and where there is a high pedestrian flow. Children going to the playpark have to pass this site, the site is on the route to the village hall and to the recreation field, the main village letter box is opposite the site so most people using the post need to walk by this site, it is on the main route for dog walkers and all others. This is a core village thoroughfare.
In relation to the application for the new house, the drawings put forward in support of the application already make it clear that parking and access has not been properly resolved by the applicant. In any event, it is clear that any possible parking provision on this site once developed will not be sufficient and we will have consistent on pavement parking. The risk to pedestrians is obvious and clearly driver’s sight lines will be obstructed and attention will be diverted.
The traffic risks inherent in the proposed house development will be significantly exacerbated by the traffic issues from a new double garage adjacent to the highway, with no onsite turning, meaning vehicles must
either reverse into that space or reverse out. The topography of the proposed garage site is such that a driver reversing out will be substantially reversing blind, reversing in the car has to be placed fully across the road and the driver will be reversing across the busiest pedestrian pavement in the village.
As the narrow division between the two sites is a BT installation, there are frequently one or more Openreach vans parked there, also regularly over spilling onto the pavement and themselves contributing to the cumulative traffic risk.
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Consents:Reference: 17/03362/FUL: Land Adjacent, 2 Dodecote Drive, Childs Ercall, Market Drayton, Shropshire: Erection of a local needs bungalow with detached double garage.
Diversion of Public Footpath No 5 (Part): Bradeley Farm, Crow LaneDiversion of Public Footpath No 5: Bradeley Farm, Crow Lane.
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Top of ForBottom of Fo(e)(999Updates: Bus shelter:-Cllr P Clifton had declared an interest in the item but it was agreed that he should take part in the discussions. A notice board has been inserted. Cllr Clifton agreed that now conditions have been completed, he will contact his solicitor with a view to the completion of the transfer of the land to The Parish Council
CIL APPLICATION: The Clerk has been informed that a decision will not now be made on the application for CIL funding (£21,642.76) until the end of March.
(a)Caynton Mill Bridge: Tiberton Parish Council Clerk has confirmed a further delay in the planned repairs until the dryer months. It has been confirmed to Tibberton Parish Clerk that the bridge is safe to use until the repairs are carried out.
(b)Trees between Mile End Cottage and Heathercote Farm: Councillors are unhappy with the condition of the overhanging trees which they still consider to be a danger to high sided vehicles. It was agreedto write to the landowners to request that in the interests of safety the trees should be cut back
(c)Potholes: It was reported that there are a number of potholes, some serious and dangerous, on the road in Crow Lane opposite the turning to The Hall and Arboretum and along past the entrance to Ollerton Business Park. Additionally, there is a dangerous pothole in Narrow Lane and also across The Four Crosses towards Mill Green.
(d)Dodecote Drive: A resident from the barn conversions at Dodecote Grange has been in touch with the clerk and Highways Department regarding the state of Dodecote Drive which has several potholes. The clerk has passed the concerns to Highways and the inspector will visit the site to investigate.
Play Equipment: Cllr Doig has concerns regarding the stability of the aerial runway. The Chairman will meet with Cllr Doig at the weekend to examine the equipment.
Dog Show: The Club has requested permission from The Parish Council to use the playing field for a Dog Show on 28th April 2018. This was agreed to, subject to receiving a copy of the public liability insurance cover
Steering Group: Mr Colin Macklin presented an update from the Steering Group. The total funds raised to date (including the CIL funding committed) is £7,550.42. A second successful car wash and quiz night have taken place.
There are several events confirmed with the continuation of the monthly car wash. A children’s ‘Mother’s Day jewellery-making weekend is confirmed together with a Dance evening, Farm Walk, Ceilidh and hog roast following the summer fete, quarterly table top sale in the Jubilee Hall and monthly quiz in the Club. Additionally, the Community Association has agreed that the proceeds from the annual bonfire should go to the fund and another Children’s Christmas Party has been confirmed for 25th November.
Proposed by Cllr D Doig, seconded by Cllr B Managh and unanimously agreed to pay:-
Payee / Details of payment / Cheque No / AmountJ Woodhouse / Remuneration for voluntary litter picking January 2018 / 1560 / £20.00
The cheque was signed by two of the four signatories as per the bank mandate, Cllr L Sambrook and Cllr J Luscombe
(b) Transparency fund application2017/18 approved: £335.64 received. The clerk confirmed that the fund balance of £1,314.50 is noted, part of which was awarded towards the cost of a computer and printer which a new clerk may require. The Parish Council has no office assets other than printer paper and paper clips; the clerk uses her own computer and printer.
BANK ACCOUNT FOR PLAY EQUIPMENT FUND RAISING:- The new account Childs Ercall P.C. Playground Fund has been opened for the fundraising for the replacement playground equipment. It was agreed by councillors to transfer the funds of £7,120.49 to the Childs Ercall P.C. Playground Fund. The clerk will present a cheque to the next meeting for signatories.
CLERK’S NEW AUDIT REGULATIONS TRAINING COURSE: The clerk attended a course with SALC with regard to the new audit regulations, audit submissions and procedures now the new auditor
PKF Littlejohn LLP has been confirmed.
REQUIREMENT FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF DATA PROTECTION OFFICER BY 31ST MAY 2018: Confirmation has been received that indeed the clerk may act as Data Protection Officer. The information received infers that this is more pertinent to the larger councils running a payroll system and will have little effect on smaller Parish Councils. The regulation has been referred back to Parliament for clarity.
REPLY FROM PETER NUTTING: A reply has been received from Peter Nutting, Leader of Shropshire Council, following the letter from the Parish Council after his visit in December. He has suggested that an application could be made for a weight limit in Crow Lane. The clerk will follow this up.
QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING BROADBAND: The chairman organized a questionnaire drop in the village regarding broadband and mobile phone reception. He has received 13 responses, the majority of which have no real problem.
RETIREMENT OF CLERK: Following the clerk’s intention to retire when a replacement can be appointed, the process for the appointment a new clerk will need to commence. SALC advertises vacancies on the website and it may be advertised locally.
NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING:-Wednesday, 21st March2018 at 7.45.p.m.