HARC Research Proposal Process 1

HARCHome Visiting Applied Research Collaborative

So You Think You Have a Research Idea for HARC?


(Now the fun really begins….)

Any HARC member can submit ideas for HARC studies. HARC especially values ideas from programs. If you have an idea for a research project, read the materials below to learn how to create a brief summary of the idea for submission. The HARC Coordinator or a member of the HARC Executive Council will get back to you to discuss this further. If you have not had the experience of proposing a research study before, we are happy to help you think through the idea and see if it can be crafted into a reasonable proposal.

Types of Studies that are a Good Fit for HARC

HARC functions as a “home visiting laboratory”. The ideas most appropriate for HARC studies are those that capitalize on our practice-based researchnetwork's size, diversity in program model and structure, and broad geographical distribution.

Although most initial HARC projects are observational or survey studies examining variations in home visiting practice or implementation, it is also possible to propose intervention studies as well.

Please keep in mind that studies involving HARC should:

1) be those that programs are interested in—they should address questions relevant to practice.

2)address one or more priority items of the HARCResearch Agenda (see below). The Research Agenda provides guidance for the types of questions that are central to moving the field forward.

How to Propose a Study

To make a study suggestion, you will need to submit a short written proposal for consideration by the HARC Executive Council. This written proposal should be emailed to HARC’s Executive Council Chair, Jon Korfmacher, Ph.D. () or Coordinator, Kay O’Neill (). You are also welcome to reach out to any of the HARC Executive Council members, listed at the end of this document. A template for your proposal is provided at the end of this document.

Criteria applied by the HARC Executive Council in its deliberation include:

•Is the study appropriate for a national home visiting research network?

•Is the study feasible from the standpoint of methodology, funding and ethical considerations?

•Does the study address one or more of the research agenda priorities?

•Can HARC answer the answer more easily or more accurately than any other approach?

•Doe the study have adequate importance to attract support/funding?

•Does the study have adequate importance to attract the interest of HARC programs?

What Happens Next

When your proposal is under review, the HARC Executive Council may ask for more information or suggest revisions. We may in some cases suggest developing a small feasibility pilot to test out the process on a few number of programs. This will help in the refinement of study protocols and data collection materials in order to maximize the study’s ‘do-ability’ in the field and give an opportunity for feedback and ownership at the program level.

When a proposal is approved, the Executive Council will appoint a Principal Investigator to lead the study.

  • If the proposal was submitted by a HARC research member, that person will most likely be designated as PI, and a HARC Executive Council member will be assigned in a co-investigator or consultant role.
  • If the proposal was submitted by a program or network member, a researcher will be assigned to take on the role of principal investigator(PI) by the Executive Council (or the role will be taken up by a Council Member), with input from the program or network director member making the proposal.

The HARC Coordinator may additionally notify member programs through email or other communication (such as online feasibility survey) that a project is being considered and will ask them to indicate their initial, non-binding, interest in participating.

Study Teams

Once the HARC Executive Council approves of a study, it will develop a study team.

  • This study team will be composed of the PI, Council Member (if different from PI), other research staff (e.g., co-investigators), and at least one representative of the programs initially offering interest in participating in the study program. Multiple program representatives will be considered for larger projects.
  • HARC study team will be responsible for writing whatever grant proposals are necessary to obtain funds for the project (HARC does not fund studies). Be aware that the wheels of research do not always run quickly or smoothly. The process from suggestion of an idea to launching a study may take 2-3 years, with funding typically the limiting factor.

HARC Executive Council Members:

Jon Korfmacher, Erikson Institute (Chair)

Cynthia Minkovitz, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

John Landsverk,Advanced Center to Improve Pediatric Mental Health Care

Kathy Pillow Price, Arkansas Home Visiting Network

Pamela Cho, Community Services for Children

Michele Rogers, Early Learning Institute

Sally Baggett, Carolina Health Centers

Audrey Laszewski, The Early Years Home Visitation Outcomes Project of Wisconsin

Nancy Margie, ACF (non-voting)

Kyle Peplinski, HRSA (non-voting)

David Willis, HRSA (non-voting)

HARC Coordinators

Kay O’Neill, Johns Hopkins University

Amanda Belknap, Johns Hopkins University

Version 2015 10 05

Home Visiting Applied Research Collaborative

Study Proposal Template

1)Your Name:


3)Your role with Institute/Organization

4)Contact Information

  1. Email
  2. Phone

5)Study Title:

6)Research Questions or Study Aim:

7)Relevance of Proposed Study to HARC Research Agenda:

Proposed Study Design (1000 words or less)

8)Method (How you will collect the data)

  1. Describe the design of your study (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method)
  2. What are your data collection methods (e.g., survey, observation, direct assessment)
  3. What specific measures do you propose to use?
  4. Target Participants and Proposed Sample Size (# of programs and participants)
  5. Proposed Analysis Plan

9)Expected Participant Burden

  1. What are participants expected to do?
  2. How much time will it take to collect the data from each participant?)
  3. What other burdens are expected of the participating home visiting programs?

10)Expected Timeline (How long will it take to collect the data once you begin?)


Please attach a short (1-3 page) vita or bio (200 words or less) so that we have a better understanding of your background.

Submit completed proposal to Kay O’Neill at .

Questions? Contact Kay O’Neill or Jon Korfmacher, Ph.D. (HARC Council Chair) at