1)  Chronology of major events from the unit (pages 8, 9, 23-25, 29-32, 36-39, 42).

2)  3 political issues that unified les Canadiens between 1810 and 1830 (pages 20-22).

3)  Definitions:

Parliamentary system



Customs Duties

Responsible Government



4)  Manifestations of Liberal ideas in Lower Canada between 1791 and 1850

5)  Causes and consequences of 1837 rebellions

6)  Political and cultural concept of a nation (page 4)

7)  4 Historical events which may have contributed to the “sense of belonging” described on page 5

8.  Your NOTES and your VOCABULARY LISTS. You can also review the relevant textbook pages for additional information.

9.  Additionally, pay particular attention to the following DOCUMENTS in your textbook:

document 4 on page 8 [British North America in 1791]

document 6 on page 9 [The political organization of Lower Canada in 1791]

document 13 on page 16 [The log drive]

document 19 on page 20 [The construction of the Lachine Canal]

document 24 on page 23 [Position within the Parti Patriote]

document 35 on page 31 [Main events in the rebellions]

document 40 on page 33 [The Canadiens’ attitude to the Patriote rebellions]

document 43 on page 34 [Attitudes of Lower Canada’s British colonists...]

document 45 on page 36 [The main elements of the Durham Report]

document 49 on page 38 [United Canada after the Act of Union, 1840]

document 52 on page 39 [The political organization of United Canada...]

document 55 on page 55 [The political organization of responsible gov’t...]


Lesson 1: Today - National Belonging

  • What is a nation? What does it mean to belong to one [politically/culturally]?
  • What is a sense of belonging?

Lesson 2: A new parliamentary system

  • How did the arrival of the Loyalists impact Quebec? What did they demand?
  • What is a legislative assembly? Why was it important for the Loyalists?
  • Why was the Constitutional Act [1791] passed? What did it do to the province

of Quebec? What did it change politically?

  • Was the political system established by the Constitutional Act democratic?

Why not?

  • What is liberalism? What are some liberalist ideas?
  • How were elections conducted? What were the voting requirements?

Lesson 3: Lower Canada’s economy and society

  • Who controlled the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada? Who controlled

the Legislative and Executive Councils? Why did this create tension?

  • Why was there tension in the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada? What

were the French and English fighting over? [language, taxes...]

  • Which two parties emerged as a result of the conflicts?
  • What was the role of the press/newspapers?
  • What economic change did Lower Canada experience? Why was timber

suddenly in high demand?

  • What social changes did Lower Canada experience? What was the role of the

British Business Class and the Canadien Liberal Bourgeoisie?

  • Which group of immigrants came to Lower Canada in the 1840’s? Why were

many of them quarantined?

Lesson 4: Moving toward confrontation

  • Which factors increased the frustrations of the Canadiens in Lower Canada?

[canals, seigneuries, violence]

  • Who was the leader of the Parti Patriote? What were the 92 Resolutions?

What were some of the demands of the Patriotes?

  • What is responsible government/ministerial accountability?
  • What were the 10 Resolutions? Why did they provoke the Patriotes?

Lesson 5: Armed rebellions in BNA and public opinion

  • What were the causes of the rebellions in Lower Canada?
  • How did the rebellions unfold? [meetings, battles...] Which battle did the

Canadiens win? What did Governor Gosford do? What did the church urge

people to do?

  • Who was Wolfred Nelson? What did he urge the people to do?
  • What happened to some of the Patriote leaders? What happened to other


  • Why did the Patriotes lose the rebellions?
  • What did the Canadiens feel about the rebellions? British colonists?

Lesson 6: Reorganizing British North America

  • Who was Lord Durham? What did he see as the causes of the rebellions?

What did he propose to solve the instability in Upper and Lower Canada?

  • How did the Canadiens react to the Durham report?
  • What was the Act of Union? What did it change? What is a legislative union?

How did it put the Canadiens into a minority position?

Lesson 7: Political alliances/economic changes and responsible government

  • What was the Baldwin-Lafontaine alliance? What did they hope to achieve?
  • What is protectionism? What happened when Britain switched to free trade?
  • When was responsible government finally granted? Was the Canadian

parliamentary system democratic? Why not?