ASC Safety Meeting
Present: Y Salcedo, R Sager, J Donovan, D Latimer, J Cook, M Brackin, C Lathrop,A Harvey, K Neville, B McNamara, D Thomas, M Brackin, D. Thomas, W Blackerby
Absent:J. Donavan, L Murphy, L Lake
****Please share relevant information with supervisors and/or employees as appropriate*******
Review recent accidents:
- Employee fell off lift gate on catering van. No jumping from vehicles. No riding on the lift gate of the catering van. The rope to hold the back flap was moved to the side of the controls so there is no need to reach or stand on the lift gate.
Discussion Items
- Managers need to forward any additions to the Safety and Sanitation Capital Project list to Michelle Brackin by December 1.
- Congratulations on the great job on the safety audits. There was not a score under 90. Wonderful job! One Broken Glass receptacle and One unplugged or guarded slicer. All units have broken glass receptacles and dump the jar and all into the trash. All employees were reminded to unplug the slicer when not in use.
- Discussed Vehicle Safety Review and approved driver policy and procedures. Michelle to check on allowing drivers over age 65 on our fleet insurance. All VA are doing the weekly checks and drivers are logging all trips.
Next meeting date February 5, 2013 in Winchell
New Items:
Outstanding Item
10/4/2011Breaker box in Commissary not labeled correctly. Took a great deal of time to locate the proper breaker recently to perform repair work. We need to quickly locate breakers in an emergency. Christmas Break 2011 to be completed. 2/14/12 Timeline is Spring Break. 3/20/12 Summer break is the timeline. 9/11/12 Will be done by Thanksgiving 2012
4/16/2012The fire alarm hand pull located by the loading dock personnel door is hanging open. The hinge appears to have been bent. Please have state look at and repair this so the alarm is in working order. Called state 4/16/12; Completed repairs but was knocked by carts and this will happen again. Protection needed in the area to deflect carts. 9/11/12 By Thanksgiving 2012
9/7/2012 & 10/11/12& 11/9/2012Freezer door # 3 continually is being found open. I understand the door latch is broke, but it broke when some force from inside the freezer built up and expanded between 6 - 7 PM when no employees were here other than myself and the door was shut and locked. It is still being found open at various times when no staff is here and just starting their shift. In the past, it has blown open and almost hit Jason and Barb, and it actually has pushed Billy off his feet. According to one of the employees, it sounds like falling ice just before the door is forced open by whatever is causing it. Someone is going to get hurt. Can we please get this fixed?Dan is in conversation with the Manufacturer. 10/17/2012 latch has been replaced, observations will continue regarding force 11/9/12 door flying open and hit an employee 11/12/2012 Trying a door heater for this mysterious problem. Dan has contacted the manufacturer.
9/7/2012DONE Hose connector at commissary has a hole leaking water on to floor
9/5/2012The Pan that is being used for catching water in the ceiling above Coldstone fell through the tile yesterday, no one was hurt, but let’s not play the odds and find a solution to our leak in that area besides a hotel pan please...... installed new cross supports so the pan is not touching/supported by tiles. Dan called the state. Replacedceiling tile. State on it now. Bear with us please. 10/16/2012 Bracing will prevent the pan from falling. State needs to hard plumb a pan and line to drain. 11/13/2012 Dan to contacted the physical plant and is working with them on a solution.
8/17/2012DONE The wall socket behind the 3 door cooler in the Dunkin storage room is sparking. Couldn't get the plug in the wall socket.Dan to review.
10/12/12 DONE Ice Machine leaking and puddle on floor slip hazard at Commissary.
10/16/12 Corey Loading Dock is in disrepair again causing extra force to move carts. This item is on the capital project list and involves state resources so a long term solution is not imminent. A work order to patch this area has been place, but this is a temporary fix that will need to be repeated until the entire area is regarded and paved. 11/13/2012 Dan contact the physical plant about a temporary solution and will have an answer by 11/20/12. IF they are unable to do anything ASC will try a temporary cold patch.
10/16/2012 Hoods in catering still no removing the smoke; recent exam of Hilltop hoods found closed dampers that were closed. Once opened the smoke escaped properly. Worker will be placed to have the dampers examined. 11/13/2012 Dan contacted the Heating Plant with the schedule of operations. The blower cycle may be preventing the hoods to work when needed. Dan will research a separate electrical control for the hoods so that the users can control the blowers.. Darrell mentioned that hoods often run when they are not needed.
11/11/12 Commissary Please repair the dock leveler, maine's rack fell this morning. The company was due here11/13/2012 but was put off until 11/ 15/2012.