Session 5: Using Listening and Learning Strand-Demonstration and Practice

Sequence of Sessions

Overarching Objectives of this May 2013 Network Team Institute

  • The purpose of this May 2013 Pilot Training/Network Team Institute is to provide a general understanding of CKLA-NY program, how it fits towards the comprehensive view of language arts, as discussed by the State, (i.e., the Three Pillar Model), and to provide a good understanding of the design principles driving the structure of the Listening and Learning and Skills strands of materials. This training will also serve as the primary training for participants in the use of the Listening and Learning strand.

High-Level Purpose of this Session

  • This session will provide participants a demonstration of a CKLA lesson by a Master Teacher and will provide participants time to try out a sample lesson as a means of furthering their skills in implementing the materials.

Related Learning Experiences

  • This training is the first in a series of trainings on the use of CKLA-NY. It provides background knowledge that will be relevant to upcoming trainings on implementing the Skills strand to occur at a future date.

Session Outcomes

What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? / How will we know that they are able to do this?
In this session, participants will be able to:
  1. Identify the parts of the Listening and Learning lesson.
  2. Identify the difference between a scripted versus a guided lesson plan format.
  3. Gain skill in conducting pieces of the Listening Learning lesson.
/ Participants will demonstrate knowledge and skills related to the learning objectives through completed activities and in-session discussions.

Session Overview

Section / Time / Overview / Prepared Resources / Facilitator Preparation
Quality Implementation: Using the Listening and Learning Strand (Unit Overview and Practice) / 25 minutes / Annotated demonstration of an L&L lesson where the demonstrator will toggle between providing a model and providing insight about implementation.
Participants consider ways that the presenter does or does not deviate from the lesson plan. / NTI_May2013_Day1_Session5_UsingtheLandLstrand_PPT.ppt (Slides 2 and 3)
  1. Ray Charles Lesson Sample (19_session5_RaycharlesTG.pdf)
  2. Ray Charles Flip Book Sample (20_session5_RaycharlesFB.pdf)

Quality Implementation: Using the Listening and Learning Strand (Unit Overview and Practice) / 35 minutes / Participants will practice presenting a Listening and Learning read aloud and then will reflect on own practice. / NTI_May2013_Day1_Session5_UsingtheLandLstrand_PPT.ppt
Slide 4
Debrief / 10
minutes / NTI_May2013_Day1_Session5_UsingtheLandLstrand_PPT.ppt
Slide 5

Session Roadmap

Section1:Quality Implementation: Using the Listening and Learning Strand (Unit Overview and Practice) / Time: 25 minutes
In this section, you will…
  1. View an annotated demonstration of a listening and learning lesson
/ Materials used include:
  • NTI_May2013_Day1_Session5_UsingtheLandLstrand_PPT.ppt

Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions: (Please Note: Here we provide key ideas per slide. A full script is provided within the power point slides in the “Notes” view). / GROUP
minutes / Slide 2 / Key Points:
Session 5: Quality Implementation: Using the Listening and Learning (Demonstration and Practice)
  1. This session will provide participants a demonstration of a CKLA lesson by a Master Teacher and will provide participants time to try out a sample lesson as a means of furthering their skills in implementing the materials.
  2. Participants will be asked to consider ways the presenter does or does not deviate from the lesson plan (i.e.,for techniques that the presenter is using to make it her own)
/ WG
Slide 3 / Key Points:
  1. A master teacher will now present a demonstration Listening and Learning Lesson.
  2. Video of this lesson will be available for turnkey.
  3. Facilitator can provide copy of lesson to participants but this is not included as a handout.
  4. If you would like a copy of the lesson please locate Ancient Asian Civilizations Lesson 9 Chines New Year on

Section: 2:Quality Implementation: Using the Listening and Learning Strand (Unit Overview and Practice) / Time: 45 minutes
[30 minutes] In this section, you will…
  1. Identify the parts of the Listening and Learning lesson.
  2. Identify the difference between a scripted versus a guided lesson plan format.
  3. Gain skill in conducting pieces of the Listening and Learning lesson.
/ Materials used include:
  • NTI_May2013_Day1_Session5_UsingtheLandLstrand_PPT.ppt
  1. Ray Charles Lesson Sample (19_session5_RaycharlesTG.pdf)
  2. Ray Charles Flip Book Sample (20_session5_RaycharlesFB.pdf)

Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions: (Please Note: Here we provide key ideas per slide. A full script is provided within the power point slides in the “Notes” view). / GROUP
45 minutes
/ Slide 4
/ Key Points:
  1. Participants will conduct a partner practice and reflection.
  2. Groups will then debrief their comments on something that they consider surprising/challenging in the lesson/use of lesson.
  • Ray Charles Lesson Sample (19_session5_RaycharlesTG.pdf)
  • Ray Charles Flip Book Sample (20_session5_RaycharlesFB.pdf)
/ SG
Video / Reflect on a prompt / Active learning / Turn and talk

Turnkey Materials Provided

Additional Suggested Resources