Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on the 26th November 2015at BrynOffaSchool, Pant.

PRESENT: Cllrs. K. Allcock, R. Hitch, P. McConville, M. Melling, I.G. Pollitt, P. Roberts, B. RobinsonMrs. J. L. Smith and the Clerk Mrs. V. E. Byrne. Shropshire Cllr Arthur Walpole also in attendance.

15/129 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN In the absence of the Chairman due to illness, Cllr Peter McConville was proposed as Chairman of the meeting by Cllr Pollitt, with all in favour.RESOLVED Cllr Peter McConville act as Chairman for the meeting.

15/130 APOLOGIES Chairman Cllr Mrs. Gaskill – illness, Cllrs A. Brown and T. Mason.- family commitments.

15/131 POLICE REPORT. PC Pete Dale attended and gave the report as follows: theft of a security light at Heritage Way, two dog bites; the owner was advised to keep the dog under control as requested by the victims. Two domestic incidents and 11 concerns for welfare. Theseincidents now form the major part of their work and includes missing persons, attempts at suicide and other mental health incidents. Llanymynech Village Hall is having a few problems and the Police are keeping this under control. A countrywide Police team is working to catch a criminal gang responsible for many crimes. Four Lithuanians presumed to be part of the gang have been charged with 84 crimes which took place in West Mercia. The car reported by Cllr Robinson had been removed and PC Dale had visited the people who park opposite the Curry House.


15/133SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT. The Big Conversation was the first item on Councillor Walpole’s report. This is a survey by Shropshire Council which should involve everyone, as well as Parish Councils. The previous day’s Government budget statement had not helped the Council on cuts that will have to be made. Future Fit the NHS strategy has been put back for 12 months, due to lack of funding. The Chief Executive of the County Commissioning Group had resigned. Cllr Walpole was due to meet with the MP the following day. The SAMDev Inspector’s Report had been received andis at an agreed stage. It goes in front of Shropshire Council for adoption next and it will make planning rules clearer. The LJC meeting at Llanymynech was referred to and some of the items on the Agenda, including presentations about the Railway and Canal projects. The money spent on the Youth Commissioning applications was £1,500 and the remaining money was for Llanymynech Guides, an urban dance project at Llanymynech Village Hall and Kinnerley Cricket. The future of the Tourism Information Centres is now out for consultation, which includes that of Mile End. The bridge repair on the B4398 requiring road closure in February had been queried by Badgers Green Neighbourhood Watch group. There will be pedestrian access throughout the work. He did not yet have confirmation on whether a weight limit would remain on the bridge following the repair. Cllr Smith asked about the road closure on the B4398 that day, where warning signs were lacking. Cllr Pollitt raised the maintenance of the small patch of grass at the top of Briggs Lane/Tregarthen Lane and Cllr Robinson raised the lack of cutting of the school hedge since P & W had gone into liquidation. Cllr Walpole promised to look into these matters.


15/135 MINUTES. Minutes of the meeting held on the 22nd October 2015were Proposed by Cllr Pollitt and 2nd by Cllr Roberts, with all in favour.

15/136 PLANNING. The following planning application was considered: 15/04777/TPO – To fell one sycamore tree at The Granary, Tregarthen Lane – no comment.

Planning decisions since last meeting.

15/01557 – Lower House Farm, granted.15/04142 – Penventon, granted.

15/03781 – Stargarreg, granted.14/00000 – land at Rockwell Lane,Pant,granted.

Letter sent to Planning Dept. by Mrs. Dee Murray concerning Penventon was noted.

Shropshire Rural Housing Association had requested a meeting with the Parish

Council to discuss the development at the rear of the Lion Hotel. The planning

application had already been considered and commented upon. It was agreed to

hold a meeting at Llanymynech Village Hall on Monday, 7th December at 7.00pm.

15/137 ROADS. Notice of closure of B4398 already circulated.

15/138 PLACE PLAN REVIEWS. Letter from Shropshire Council stating that annual reviews were no longer necessary. The Plans could be reviewed when needed.

15/139 CORRESPONDENCE. PCC Newsletter and NALC Newsletter circulated.

15/140 STREET LIGHTING. The light at the end of Rhiew Revel Close was beyond repair and needed a replacement pole and lantern. The quotation for an led light and pole with installations was £640 plus vat. It was Proposed by Cllr Roberts and 2nd by Cllr Hitch with all in favour that the light and pole be purchased and installed.

RESOLVED to install new led light and pole at Rhiew Revel Close at £640 + vat.

15/141 VILLAGE MAINTENANCE. It was agreed to Record a Vote of Thanks in the Minutes to Cllr Hitch for cutting the grass in front of the Pant QE11 Playing Field.

15/142 JOINT MEETING. The joint meeting with Carreghofa Community Council held on Tuesday, 24th November at Llanymynech Village Hall was attended by Cllrs Allcock, Brown, Hitch, McConville, Pollitt and Roberts. The items discussed were the condition of the A483, the dropped grids, the deterioration of the surface and the undulation in places which is dangerous for motor bikes. Carreghofa CC are writing to relevant authorities to try and put pressure on for a Bypass and asked that L & P Council do the same. The pedestrian crossing was discussed and vehicles failing to stop. Carreghofa are taking this issue back to Powys Council and asking for better lighting and the bus stop to be moved further south. L & P Councillors raised the view being blocked at the junction from customers standing outside the Cross Keys for smoking. Llanymynech Village Hall and the funding by Powys Council, which is being reduced year on year over 3 years was discussed as to how this can be addressed as the amount will be £2k a year. It as agreed to have another joint meeting in May 2016.

15/143 FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. Accounts for payment totalling £3752.61were Proposed by CllrAllcock, and 2nd by Cllr Pollitt with all in favour. The Clerk was asked to include amounts for village hall funding in the draft budget for 2016/17.

15/144 RIGHTS OF WAY. The sign indicating the bridleway at Holly Lane was still missing and needed replacing.


1331 / Sign & Poster / 119.94 / Heritage Way sign PAID
1332 / V E Byrne repay / 30.80 / Poppy Wreath PAID
1333 / Lawrences / 19.98 / Stationery
1334 / G. Gaskill repay / 135.11 / Website hosting.
1335 / Scottish Power / 179.52 / Light energy
1336 / Highline Electrical / 98.16 / Lighting Maint Oct.
1337 / V E Byrne / 589.70 / Sal Nov + Back pay.
“ / “ “ / 250.00 / Half year Expenses
1338 / HMRC / 45.40 / Tax & NI
1339 / Ray Parry Ltd. / 720.00 / Replace bearing
1340 / V E Byrne / 559.50 / Sal Dec
1341 / HMRC / 38.20 / Tax &ni