2 March 2007
Raiffeisenbank offers new turbo certificates and warrants
Raiffeisenbank a.s. will introduce new turbo certificates and warrants to the Prague Stock Exchange on Monday. The bank thus extends the offer of investment certificates issued by Raiffeisen Centrobank AG.
More investment instruments will be traded on the Prague Stock Exchange starting from Monday – this time the offer will include turbo certificates and warrants. „In autumn of the last year we have become the first trader on the Prague Stock Exchange to offer investment certificates. Our experience shows that these products will find their place on the exchange and we have decided to introduce more products to the market,“ said the head of capital markets, Richard Skácel. The volume of traded certificates grows significantly – while in November the volume reached CZK 600 thousand, in January it was CZK 67 million and in February almost 90 million.
New traded instruments will concern certificates with leverage effect on gold and oil, both for investors expecting increases and decreases in the commodities. Beside these four commodity certificates, the bank will also offer leverage instruments for Czech equity and equity indices. After the success of CTX turbo short certificate; investors can take part in the growth of the Czech market as included in the PX index by means of two PX turbo long certificates.
Furthermore, the bank will offer long turbo certificates of ČEZ and Telefonica O2. Moreover, short warrants will be available for both titles. „Short warrants currently have no alternative in the Czech Republic, they are capable of reaching high gains,“ added Richard Skácel.
17 investment certificates and warrants offered by Raiffeisenbank will be thus traded from Monday on the Prague Stock Exchange. Investment certificates are intended for individuals and corporate clients, allowing them to purchase a certain portfolio of shares or commodities. In the case of buying an index certificate, the investor will acquire all the main titles traded on the given exchange or in the given region, or they will buy commodities on the Prague exchange for Czech koruna in an easy manner. It significantly restricts the risk caused by possible decline of one title or a market.
Tomáš Kofroň
Raiffeisenbank a.s.
Basic information about Raiffeisenbank a.s.
Raiffeisenbank a.s. (RBCZ) provides a wide range of banking services in the Czech Republic to individual as well as corporate clients. The bank is part of the Austrian financial group Raiffeisen, which also offers products and services in building society savings (Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna), insurance (UNIQA pojišťovna) and leasing (Raiffeisen-Leasing, Raiffeisen-Leasing Real Estate) in the Czech Republic. RBCZ currently has 53 sales points, evenly located throughout the Czech Republic.
In 2005, the bank reported a profit of CZK 371.5 million, up by 26 percent against the year 2004. The bank’s total assets were up by one fifth to CZK 75.9 billion, due in particular to the rise in loans. For the first three quarters of 2006, the bank showed a profit of CZK 493.4 million, up by 77 percent in annual comparison.
The majority shareholder of RBCZ is the Austrian financial institution Raiffeisen International Bank Holding AG. In 16 markets of Central and Eastern Europe, Raiffeisen International
serves 11.7 million clients at 2,775 sales points. The most recent new members of the group are Ukraine’s Bank Aval, Russia’s Impexbank and Czech Republic’s eBanka. Since 2005, the group’s shares have been quoted at the Vienna Stock Exchange. The largest initial public offering in Austrian history will allow the bank for further development in Central and Eastern Europe. The majority shareholder is RZB Group with 70 percent; the remaining 30 percent is traded freely on the stock exchange.
In July 2006, Raiffeisen International received Euromoney’s Best Bank in Central and Eastern Europe award for the second consecutive time. In addition, the network’s banks received awards for the best banks in five countries of the region. The company also received the Best Bank in Central and Eastern Europe awards from the Global Finance and The Banker magazines. In three countries, Raiffeisen group banks received the prestigious Bank of the Year awards from Financial Times.
RBCZ was awarded The Most Dynamic Bank in 2006 in the prestigious MasterCard Bank of the Year contest. The Global Finance magazine named Raiffeisenbank the Bank with the best internet banking in the Czech Republic in November 2006. In October 2006, the bank was also successful in the test of the financial site Fincentrum.cz, which named it the Bank with the second best internet banking in the Czech Republic.
Raiffeisenbank a.s. · Olbrachtova 9 · 140 21, Praha 4, Czech Republic
Tel.: 221 141 170 · Fax: (02) 221 142 170
Internet: http://www.rb.cz · E-mail: