8th Grade Honors Social Studies Course Syllabus
Mrs. Prado’s Class
All supplies should be brought to class for A Day on Monday, August 14th
or B Day Tuesday, August 15th.
Supplies needed for class everyday:
*2 purple folders with prongs filled with 10 sheets of paper (one for each semester), black or bluepens, pencils, highlighter, and lots of extra paper for test, quizzes, classwork, etc.
Supplies to be left in classroom: (Supplies will be used only by you for in class projects and activities.)
* tape (Must be replenished as needed.)
* one small pack of crayons
* one small glue stick
1. Please come to class everyday on time and with all materials. Please make sure you are wearing the
Riverdale uniform properly. No gum or food will be allowed in class. Failure to follow class or school
policies will result in certain consequences which can be found in the RMS handbook.
2. All work must be done in blue ink, black ink, or pencil with your name and class period.
3. Assignments will consist of major assessments, minor assessments, and participation assessments.
Major assessments are: tests, projects, some group activities, and other large assignments.
Minor assessment / participation assessments are: announced and pop quizzes, writing assignments,
worksheets, participation in class, homework assignments, etc. Homework is graded!
4. All assignments are to be turned in on time. Late work will result in points being deducted from the grade; major assessments 10 points per class day and participation assessments 5 points per class day.
5. Throughout the year, various forms such as behavior reports, detentions, or secondary interims
maybe be sent home for a parent signature. Failure to return form on assigned day will result in a
lunch or after school detention.
6. In case of absences, you are required to make-up all work missed. It is a student’s responsibility to check the wiki or with another student to find out what was missed. It is also the student’s responsibility to check with me when he/she returns to school. I will be happy to meet with you at lunch to assist you with material that was missed. Make up test will take place during class or during lunch.
7. The wiki is a wonderful source of information for students and parents. I update the wiki
everyday with homework and due dates.
8. Grades will be posted on the Parent Portal for parents and students to keep informed. I will adhere to the
Jefferson Parish Grading Policy found in the 2017-2018 Procedures and Policies for
Parents and Students Handbook.
9. I am available to help you. Please do not hesitate to ask. My email address is
and my phone number is 484-4044.
10. Finally, keep this sheet all year so you may refer to it as needed.