Note taker: Kristy Nelson

Time keeper: Tiffini Flugga

West Middle School

Building Leadership Team

4/5/2017, 2:55 – 3:55 PM


TJ Winkler / Joe MacBenn / x
Darnell Collins / Kathy Martin
Cathy Boedicker / x / Angela Miller
Tasha Carpenter / x / Kristy Nelson / X
Deb Dulle / x / Rochelle Penn / X
Tiffini Flugga SST6 / Lee Stockhaus / x
Dawn Hedrick / x / Karen Young / X
Angela Joliff / x / Jenny Zickafoose / X
1)  Silence electronics
2)  Be on time
3)  Stay engaged with the Agenda Topics
4)  All voices are valued, heard and respected


BLT agenda
·  Math Solutions
·  5 Step 3rd Quarter PBIS
Strategy / 2.1.4 West BLT will monitor suspension, expulsion, and attendance data by subgrouping quarterly
Adult Implementation Indicator / 100% of staff will implement positive proactive expectations for student behavior
Student performance Indicator / DORS data will show that 90% or more of students will be in the green tier of the PBIS cone.
Norms / BLT members / Time: 2:55 – 3:00

·  Please check the norm that you will practice for tonight’s meeting

Math Solutions / Admin & Teachers / Time: 3:00 – 3:14
Item (Postponed to 4/19/2017) / Teacher
-  Sharing of evidence of student work / Basic Protocol
1.  What do you see? (3 minutes) Samples -
2.  What does this student know how to do? (3minutes) Samples -
3.  What is the next thing this student needs to learn? (3 minutes) Samples -
4.  What could the teacher do to move the student along? (5 minutes) Samples –
-  Needs from DLT?
Step 1 – PBIS / Mr. Winkler / Time: 3:25 – 3:40

·  Work through step 2 while looking at the DORS Data

Step 2 – Analyze Questions / Mr. Winkler/Mr. Collins/Mrs. Penn
Step 2: Analyze PBIS DORS specific to the data.
·  What would you consider successes?
·  Does there appear to be urgent needs?
·  What changes do we make to eliminate the issues? / Step 2: Analyze the student behavior specific to the data.
·  What positives can we do for the green
·  Suggestions to help our yellow (2-5) and red (6+) students?
- appears to be a decrease in referrals per month
- number of students receiving referrals is decreasing
- there are 367 children in the green (85.9%)
Urgent needs:
- 10:15, 12:15, 1, 1:15 What is going on at 10:15 that the number is so high? ( Behavior, ED, SU are top three)
Attendance - 8th was 88%, 7th was 90% mean of 89%; this is a decrease
Referrals by problem:
- defiance and disruption are #1 and 2
Page 2
- referrals by ethnicity AA is 64%; however, AA is the majority of the building
Changes for Improvement:
- perhaps we can offer RTA passes…
- Angi is going to check into bus passes and attendance issues / o  1st quarter 2 red
o  2nd quarter 4 red
o  3rd quarter 5 red
o  1st quarter 30 yellow
o  2nd quarter 48 yellow
o  3rd quarter 55 yellow
o  1st quarter green 382
o  2nd quarter green 368
o  3rd quarter green 367
·  Continue PBIS incentives for the green
·  Suggestions to help yellow/red:
- behavior contracts; please see the Behavior Interventions Binders that all team leaders have
- goal book, strategy wizard, and then Behavior and SEL for strategies
·  Review 3/5/3 on a regular basis about every 14 – 21 days
Step 3/4 – Determine Ins. Strats. Used and Implementation / Mr. Winkler/Mr. Collins/
Mrs. Penn / Time: 3:40 – 3:50

·  Continue to use the DORS data to work through steps 3 & 4

Step 3 – Establish shared expectations
for implementing specific and effective changes consistently across all classrooms. What strategies could be implemented by the ADULTS to gain improvements regarding the yellow and red tiers? / Step 4 – Implement Changes Consistently
·  Who will implement? How often will we implement? How long will we implement?
·  What will you see in the classroom when the selected strategies are implemented?
How will we know if we implemented with fidelity?
·  Review behavior management strategies from goal book and binder
·  review matrix / ·  The entire building/staff will implement daily for the remainder of year
·  We should be able to see grouping, positive rewards, goals, and rewards for goal successes
·  Reaching our SMART goal should demonstrate fidelity
Write SMART goal or determine where you are at in meeting the building’s current SMART Goal related to the subgroups you are monitoring. (Set goal for tier 2 & 3 students.)By June 2, 2017, the Tier II & Tier III students will go from 1.2% red and 12.9% yellow to _1___% red and __9__% yellow. We will achieve this by … following the behavior management binder and goal book and review behavior matrix on a weekly during AE
Step 5: At the next meeting: / April 19, 2017
·  Math Solutions walk thru’s due April 18 to Rochelle (all subjects)
·  TBT Share Out and Cycle Analysis
·  Building Concerns; if time
ü  Norms/ Reflection / Mr. Winkler & Team / Time: 3:50 – 3:55
Communication to the DLT/TBTs and Reflection
Notes for: / Strengths/Successes / Obstacles/Challenges / Supports Needed
DLT / Behavior is improving; referrals appear to be decreases
Set SMART goal for Tier II and III students / Consistency among staff with behaviors
Bus removals could be affecting attendance / Review of district discipline plan per Dr Jackson’s advice
TBTs / We did redo digital form , inputting places for comments and DOK in regards to the TBT protocol / Long process with all the new protocol / Have the information before the school year begins; changing mid- stream is not a positive for anyone including staff and students
Yays / Nays / Cures
- You are beautiful for all your hard work
- delish dip! / - lots of negative comments
- felt hostile
- / - not sure, maybe vacay
- Fact checking is always good