Parent Council Meeting Minutes November 14, 2017-11-17

I. Called to order at 7:03 pm

II. Opening Prayer

III. Approval of Agenda: Lindsey Gardin motioned, Patti Pilsner seconded

IV. In Attendance:

Lindsey Gardin, Danny Ponjavic, Kaley Craddock, Jeremy Robinson, Patti Pilsner, Luigi Pollio, Deanna Broderick, Carrie Heimbecker, Denise Kobza, Joel McDonald, Lindsay McDonald

V. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

a) Last meeting held October 24th, 2017 no meeting minutes presented as position of Secretary currently vacant

b) Business arising from previous meetings: none

V1. Reports from Executives:

a) Chairperson – nothing to report

b) Vice Chair – nothing to report

c) Treasurer- Annual Society Return to be filed, request to set up bank account to allow online access to view and print statements at no cost to set up, resulting in statement printing fees of $24 a year. All in favour

d) Secretary- VACANT nothing to report. Deanna acting for today meeting

e) School Events Coordinator- letters for donations are prepped and ready to go for Shrove Tuesday and Sports Day. Would like to assign classes for different events. Lindsey to create for parent teacher interviews asking for room reps or volunteers for shrove and sports day

f) Communications Coordinator- Vacant – Joel is doing up a call for volunteer and put in newsletter/remind

VII: Principal/Staff report:

A) Violence Threat Risk Assessment & Intervention (VTRA Protocol)

Patti discussed VTRA protocol which Denise and Patti have been recertified. All staff has been given the response guide and is aware to look for worrisome and high risk behaviours. Weeklymeeting staff meetings including Child Family Services are held to discuss concerns and find ways to prevent intervene and provide supports.

Denise further elaborated on the process touching on the fair notice that is sent out at the beginning of the year to all students regarding conduct. Any threat needs to be investigated. Importance is student safety, then collecting data to review. This protocol would also apply to staff as well as students. Discussion regarding if a parent could be part of the team to which due to privacy laws (FOIP) they cannot

B) FLVT November 2017 Student Conduct Guideline and Consequences

Denise discussed Guideline which has been in draft and will be finalized and posted shortly. This guideline is currently being used to address any student conduct issues and was just being fine tuned.

C) Accountability Pillars

Accountability Pillars are the surveys that are sent out to randomly selected parents about the satisfaction in our school. Students are also asked to fill out surveys. In general the results of the survey showed increases in most areas.

VIII. Unfinished Business:

a) Basketball court- Patti – they were looking for artwork for decals on boards and Warwick offered deal on decal printing

b) Fundraiser – no update yet

c) Waterfountain/Bottle filling station- positive feedback. Discussion regarding need to increase pressure to keep mouths from spout. Joel will look at a plaque identifying donation from Parent Council

IX. New Business:

a) Shrove Tuesday: Joel will arrange grill to be delivered and loaned to us at no charge. Letters have been prepared to ask for donation of other supplies including pancake mix, juice, syrup and sausages. We will also get a list of supplies required so that we are more prepared. Luigi mentioned there may be equipment from Grade 6 Camp that we can use.

b) Sports Day: no update

c) Dance: no update

d) Gay Straight Alliances and Bill 24: Joel brought up recent changes involving this bill and what it may look like for our school and parents. Denise is going to bring information to present at our next meeting as this is a topic that would need more time to discuss.

X. Upcoming Announcements

a) PD day December 1st 2017 no school

b) Next Parent Council Meeting Tuesday January 16th, 2018 at 7pm in FLVT library

XI. Adjournment