Guide for Evaluating Participation in The Drama of War
At the end of the semester, I will ask you to explain in writing the participation score you think you deserve, and I will determine your grade from your explanation and my own observations. Your oral participation in class and leadership of discussion when you are assigned comprise this grade. The scale for determining your participation score is below; the criteria given are for the bottom of the range of scores given:
Commendable (80-100% of participation points, 24-30% of total grade)=daily, insightful participation and regular leadership. This range of point values reflects the following behaviors:
· an average of three meaningful contributions to large-group discussion in each of the semester’s classes, with points in discussion at least sometimes showing unusual insight;
· thoughtful participation in all small-group discussions;
· clear preparation and leadership of discussion not only on the days when you are designated discussion leader; but also on a number of other days as well. Leadership can be demonstrated in any of the following ways: instigating discussion or pushing it forward through probing questions, resuscitating dying discussions, and presenting appropriate challenges to classmates and the instructor;
Satisfactory (60-79% of participation points, 18-24% of total grade)=regular participation and occasional leadership. This range of point values reflects the following behaviors:
· an average of one meaningful contribution to large-group discussion in each of the semester’s classes;
· active participation in nearly all small-group discussions;
· adequate preparation and leadership of discussion on designated days, as demonstrated by the behaviors noted above, and assumption of a leadership role once or twice otherwise during the semester.
Unsatisfactory (40-59% of participation points, 12-18% of total grade)=limited constructive participation. This range of point values reflects the following behaviors:
· minimal oral contribution to large- and small-group discussion;
· contribution mainly with comments not apparently relevant to the text or ideas under discussion;
· reluctant and inadequate leadership of discussion on designated days, and no assumption of leadership in discussion otherwise.
Merely present (39% of participation points, 12% of total grade)=absence of participation and preparation.
If you suffer from an aversion to speaking in class, please talk with me about strategies for introducing your ideas into discussion.