School/setting/college making request / New Request / Y/N
Extension Request / Y/N
Pupil Name / DOB
Year Group / Is the pupil offset? / Y/N / Past 12mths attendance
Evidence of need must be included. / CATEGORIES OF SEN
Please refer to SEN Code of Practice (2015) / Primary Need – Tick ONE only / Additional Needs
Cognition &
Learning / Specific Learning Difficulties
Moderate Learning Difficulties
Severe Learning Difficulties
Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
Communication &
Interaction / Speech and Language Communication
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Emotional, Social and Mental Health / Emotional, Social & Mental Health
Sensory & Physical / Hearing Impairment
Visual Impairment
Multi-sensory Impairment (i.e. vision and hearing)
Physical Disability
Please list supporting evidence attached
Report / By Whom (role & name) / Dated
What provision / Interventions have you been making
Provision / Intervention
& duration implemented / Cost over 6 months / Year / Impact
What provision/Intervention are you planning to make with the allocated HNBF
Provision / Intervention / Cost / Anticipated Outcome and how it will be measured
Compiled by (name & role)

Guidance on Applications for High Needs Block Funding (for pupils without Statements/Education, Health and Care Plans)

As of September 2015 all requests for HNBF should be submitted on the new HNBF Request Form. From October 2015 applications on any other format will not be considered.

All applications must include a recent SEN Support Plan and supporting professional reports. Parents / carers should be consulted on the application.

Settings may request High Needs Block Funding (HNBF) for specific short term targeted interventions to support an individual’s SEN where support is required above the notional £6,000 delegated funding. HNBF should not be viewed as a long term solution as if the SEN needs continue to require additional support consideration should be made for an assessment for an EHCP. HNBF will not be agreed in the first instance for any longer than two academic terms. Should an extension be required, evidence of impact to date must be submitted.

Requests for an extension to HNBF must be accompanied by a school/setting/college statement of how funding given to date has been used and the impact it has had for the outcomes of the individual. Also what an extension to HNBF will be used for.The setting should demonstrate that they have taken purposeful, relevant and sustained action to meet the individuals SEN before making a request for additional funding. The setting must clearly detail what the request is for, the cost of this and how the interventions will be measured.

Checklist for application

Consideration for additional funding will not be made without:

  • SEN Support Plan or equivalent document
  • Evidence of individual’s primary area of SEN
  • Relevant professional advice (this must not be more than 1 year old if related to progress)
  • School statement of how the HNBF will impact on the individual’s learning