Spring Garden Middle School
Orchestra Grading Procedures
Sarah Cool, (816) 248-2138
Materials Needed:
1. Instrument and accessories such as rosin, shoulder rest (violin and viola), and rock stop(cello and bass). Use a soft cloth for cleaning the instrument.
2. A pencil is required for class every day. No pens.
3. Music. We will continue using Essential Elements book 1; when we finish students will need to buy book 2.Sheet music and a binder will be provided by the teacher.
SJSD Performing Ensemble Grade Distribution
Performance Tests, Written Tests, & Written Work…..………….50 %
Attendance & Participation (In Class).…………………………………..25 %
Attendance & Participation (Outside Of Class)………………………25 %
Total………………………………………….………………………100 %
We will try to do most tests and work during class time.Occasionally, students may need to record playing tests at home if we run out of time in class. Students are encouraged to take their instruments home each day to develop their skills to the fullest potential. Grades will be earned following the SGMS Mastery Rubric Scale.
The attendance and daily participation will be counted as the citizenship grade for orchestra. The Spring Garden Middle School Citizenship Grading Rubric for work habits, initiative, respect, and collaborationwill be followed in orchestra class.
As part of a performing group, each student’s attendance and participation at required outside of class activities is crucial. Please see the attached sheet for St. Joseph School District guidelines for music performance classes.
Concert dates:
Monday, October 127:008th grade OrchestraBentonAuditorium
Monday, December 77:007th & 8th grade Orchestra Benton Auditorium
February TBD7th 8th grade OrchestraLocation TBA
Wednesday, April 277:007th & 8th grade Orchestra Benton Auditorium
Concert Dress:
Ladies: Long black skirts (no slits past the calf) or pants, white button up long sleeve shirt or blouse (at least elbow length). Black closed toe dress shoes.
Gentlemen: White button up long sleeve shirt, black slacks, black socks, and black dress shoes.
Orchestra T-shirts are worn at some optional performances. Fill out the order form if you want to buy one.
SJSD Fine Arts Department
Attendance & Grading Guidelinesfor Performing Ensembles (Grades 7-12)
Performance Tests, Written Tests, & Written Work
Performance tests, written tests, and written work will be given periodically to determine the progress of each individual student. Students will need to prepare music that is being used in class through individual practice. Students are responsible for their own individual progress and their contribution to the overall performance of the ensemble.
Performance tests may be given in class during a regular rehearsal or outside of the regular school rehearsal. If the student is absent at the time of an assigned test and the absence is excused by school policy, they will be allowed to make up the missed assignment. Absences must be approved by the school administration and the make up work must be completed in compliance with the student handbook.
Performance tests, written tests, and written work will constitute 50% of the student’s grade.
Attendance & Participation
Students enrolled in a performing ensemble are required to attend the activities and events of these ensembles during and after school hours. It is the responsibility of the teachers to deliver to the students, a complete performance schedule at the beginning of the year. Any changes, additions, or deletions should be made by the teacher, at least one month in advance.
Students failing to attend a scheduled activity or event of a performing ensemble will be excused for documented illness, death in the immediate family, observance of religious beliefs, or official school business as outlined in the Attendance Protocol at the end of this document.
Excused absences must be communicated to the teacher, by the student or parent(s) of a student, at least two weeks in advance. The two week notice may be preempted in special circumstances. These would include emergency situations such as illness or death in the family and special circumstances related to State and District Activities listed in the Attendance Protocol(Some State and District Activities are decided inside of two weeks).
Students who have made arrangements to be excused from a scheduled activity or event of a performing ensemble may be required to complete an alternate assignment to fulfill the requirements for that performance. This assignment will be given to the student with a proper completion date by the teacher and will reflect the goals of the original assignment.
Attendance and participation in daily rehearsals will constitute 25% of the student’s grade.
Attendance at sectional rehearsals, extra rehearsals, and performances outside the school day will alsoconstitute 25% of the student’s grade.
SJSD Attendance Protocol
The SJSD will use a protocol to resolve conflicts of students enrolled in performing ensembles, involved in two or more activities at the same time.
This protocol will be consistent with the SJSD Policy regarding attendance of after school activities for co-curricular classes and extra-curricular activities.
The percentage of a student’s grade that will be assigned by attendance at required after school activities will be no more than 25 percent.
Activities will be scheduled before the school year begins and it is the responsibility of the student to resolve conflicts at least two weeks in advance (exceptions being made for emergency situations). This allows time for all organizations involved to adapt to the absence of a student.
Students may need to be excused from an activity due to documented illness, death in the immediate family, observance of religious beliefs, or official school business. Students should notify the directors as soon as possible in these situations.
Each situation will be individually reviewed by the directors. The directors may communicate directly with the coaches and/or sponsors of other organizations to resolve conflicts when necessary.
When conflicting activities are from the same priority category, the student may choose but should maintain a fair and equitable commitment to all groups involved.
The following hierarchy is the appropriate course for a student to follow:
Priority 1
State and National Activities sanctioned by the MSHSAA or the SJSD
Priority 2
District Activities sanctioned by the MSHSAA or the SJSD
Priority 3
Conference Activities sanctioned by the MSHSAA or the SJSD
Local Activities involving multiple schools
St. Joseph School District Sponsored Activities
Priority 4
SJSD or individual school sponsored practices, meetings, or rehearsals
Priority 5
Activities not related to school or not sponsored by the SJSD
Return to Miss Cool by Friday, August 21, 2015
I have read and understood the Spring Garden Orchestra grading procedures.
From this point on, my grade is my responsibility.
Student signature: ______Date:______
I have read and understood this syllabus. I have marked the required concert dates on my calendar.
Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date:______
Parent/Guardian email: ______
Parent/Guardian phone: ______
The best way to contact me is by: phone email circleyour preference
Parent or student comments/ concerns/ questions:
Cut here ------
OPTIONALT-Shirt Order form
Due Friday, August 28. Please send cash payment to orchestra class.
Circle your size
Youth SML
Student Name: / The t-shirts are black
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