2017 Camporee/webeloree
Star Wars
The Battle of Buckeye Hills
April 7-9, 2017
Buckeye hills regional park
For Registration Information:
Register by March 31th, $10 registration per person
For up-to-date information, visit our website
Table of Contents
Letter from the General 1
General Rules 2
Directions 5
Camp Etiquette 6
Camporee Spirit Events 7
Camporee Events 10
Camporee Agendas 11
Troop Registration/Webelos Registration 12
Campsite Inspection Form 13
Sample Campsite Layout 14
Skit Form 15
Letter from the General
Dear Scouts and Scouters,
I would like to invite all Boy Scouts, Webelos, Explorers, Varsity, and Venture Units to join us at the 2017 Star Wars Camporee.
This program has been created by the Lake Pleasant District Camporee Committee from the feedback we have gotten from previous questionnaires. Inside this program you will find all the rules, registration materials, weekend information, and events for the camporee. This weekend promises to be full of fun and challenging events that all can enjoy. These events are designed to test the mental and physical skills of the units. This guidebook is given out to the units so all can “Be Prepared” for what is to come. We are expecting a huge turnout for this event, so please plan ahead to register on time. Make sure each Scout has seen or heard the rules for this campout and abides by them. Good luck to all competitors. Since this is a themed weekend we are asking that every person attending wear a costume or wrap of some kind, no matter how simple, while in camp. Thank you for your support.
Lake Pleasant District
Camping Chair
Rick Hinson
General Rules
These rules are the general framework around which this camporee will be operated. The Scout Oath, Law, Outdoor Code, and the Guide to Safe Scouting are the guidelines governing ALL behavior at this camporee. TROOPS OR INDIVIDUALS WHO DO NOT CONFORM TO THIS SPIRIT WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE CAMPOREE.
1. A registration fee of $10 per person will be charged to cover all costs of the camporee, patches and prizes. All fees due must be paid in full upon check-in at camp. Register all that you know are going. You can go back and add or change as needed. We will need to have all registrations by March 31st to guarantee we have enough supplies.
2. Campsites will be assigned by the Commanding General. Each unit will be required to use the minimal space for its campsite. All units are to exercise low-impact camping techniques. Administrative and program staff will sign off on your campsite before check out.
3. CHECK-IN Procedures: Units should not plan to arrive before 2pm Friday. No check-in or going to campsite before this time. Please have the following information available to be turned in at check-in.
a. A unit roster of scouts and adults with address and phone numbers. List Boy/Webelos scouts and adults on separate page
b. Name and number of Patrols participating (from online registration packet)
c. Pre-registration fee receipt
d. If pre-arranged with the commander of registration, any monies owed will be taken at camp and will have to be cash or check and receipt will be given No Exceptions.
e. Tour permit
f. Health forms A and B for ALL attending scouts, adults, parents and siblings as well.
g. Permission forms.
4. NO VEHICLES will be allowed to remain in campsites. We will have a tram going to the designated parking area for all vehicles. For any exception to this rule the Cub/Scoutmaster must have permission from the Commanding General at check-in. Upon arrival the Cub/Scoutmaster (or designee with all documentation) of each unit will need to report to the check-in location to receive their weekend map of events, schedule, and campsite assignment.
5. Taps will be played at 10 pm each evening at camporee. Reveille will be played at 6am. Quiet time and dim lights are between those hours. Units should plan to arrive at camporee in enough time to have their campsites established by Taps.
6. Observe all campsite etiquette. See Page Number 9
7. Competitions must always be conducted with scout spirit.
8. All language used at the camporee must follow the 11th and 12th points of the scout law.
9. Inappropriate patrol or troop yells should not be used at any time during the camporee. The Commanding General will notify the Cub/Scoutmaster if this is in question.
10. Nothing is to be thrown at the camporee including rocks, sticks or anything else, unless participating in an event approved and supervised by the camporee staff.
11. The camporee staff expect all leaders to manage any free time the units may have.
12. Uniforms: at Friday night flag retrieval and Sunday morning flag - full field uniform (Full Class A’s) are to be worn. At all flag ceremonies on Saturday if you are not in a costume fitting the theme you will be in field uniform. There will be time to change into class B’s before events.
13. Meals and Cooking: will be the responsibility of each individual unit.
14. Water: it will be the responsibility of each unit to bring their own water.
15. Trash: it will be the responsibility of each unit to take their own trash (PACK IT IN PACK IT OUT)
16. Menu and duty rooster: each unit should have its menu and duty rooster posted. These should be readable by anyone who visits their site.
17. Visitors: all visitors MUST check–in with camp staff at Headquarters and have the on-site unit leaders for Squads sign-in approval upon arrival. Parents and siblings will be allowed to watch the games but cannot participate. They must leave before Saturday night Taps. They must also follow all camp rules or they will be asked to leave.
18. Camporee staff will be identified by name tags and report to the Commanding General, any issues will be addressed to him.
19. Order of the Arrow will be on-site helping staff
20. Check out procedures: Camporee check out procedures will be provided at Friday night Cracker Barrel. Some units will be leaving on Saturday evening or at some time before the official close of the camporee. Be sure that you inform headquarters before you depart. All registered scout and scouters will receive a souvenir patch at the end of the weekend. At this time, all paperwork and forms will be returned to the unit. ALL UNITS ARE EXPECTED TO FOLLOW THE SAME GUIDELINES OF LEAVE NO TRACE, PACK IT IN PACK IT OUT, AND CHECKING OUT WITH THE PROPER CAMPOREE STAFF BEFORE DEPARTURE.
21. Scouts leaving camp: any minor that needs to leave camp must be checked out with camp staff by Cub/Scoutmaster and parent/guardian.
22. No radios, televisions, electronic games, or lasers are allowed.
23. All campfires must be in a fire pit. No fire will be left unattended at any time. Bring your own wood. DO NOT CUT ANY VEGETATION.
24. Campfire program is a traditional campfire program that will be featured on Saturday night. All campfire skits, songs, and run-ons must be approved by the campfire Master of Ceremonies he will pick which ones he wants for his program. Sign-up can be done at Check-In at Headquarters and turned in before 5pm on Saturday.
25. Any unsafe use of knives, axes, or other tools will result in a deduction of overall points and confiscation of said item. Items will be given to Unit Leaders.
26. First aid will be available on site for the entire time of the camporee. They will be at the Headquarters area. All injuries, when treated at unit level, must make a report to the Paramedic on site.
27. Judging and Recognition: Points will be awarded for action events, campsite inspection, and bonus participation activities. Awards will be presented at the Saturday evening campfire.
Directions to the Battle of Buckeye Hills:
From central Phoenix, take I-10 west to US 85 south. Buckeye Hills Regional Park will be on the west side of US 85, just south of the Town of Buckeye and the Gila River.
You will be directed to the designated camping area/parking areas when you arrive. You may unload your vehicle in the camping area. All vehicles must be parked in the designated parking area following unloading. No vehicles will be allowed to park in the camping area. Plan to leave the vehicles parked until check-out.
Basic Camp Etiquette
There are some rules for courtesy and comfort in any camp. Perhaps some of these rules were developed as a means of security and protection during the days of trappers and mountain men, but they make a lot of sense and should be observed even today in our camp.
Campsites shall be kept clean and free of trash and garbage. A clean camp discourages day and night prowlers.
Camp equipment shall be closed and stowed away until needed. Tent flaps should always be kept closed when not in use. Always unzip a tent opening completely before going in and out. A broken zipper = broken tent.
When you have a campfire, do so only in the designated area and in a container. Clear a fire free zone at least 10 feet in all directions. Keep water bucket, shovel and rake handy. NEVER (repeat, NEVER) leave a campfire unattended. Assign a “fire-marshal” to put the fire dead out before leaving camp or going to bed.
Only use flashlights or electric battery-operated lanterns in the tents. Liquid-fuel lanterns or candles are forbidden inside tents.
Stake tents down at least at the corners so a wind gust won’t blow the tent into the next county.
Respect camp family quiet hours: 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM. Respect other’s needs for restful sleep. Be a good Scout.
Do not walk through another’s campsite. Walk around.
If you wish to enter another camper’s camp, approach the edge of the campsite or the entrance and announce yourself by saying, “Hello, may I enter the camp!” Wait for a reply, someone in the camp should then say, “Permission granted to enter the camp.” and then enter. This is much like ringing the doorbell or knocking on the door of your neighbor’s house before entering. You must ask permission before you come in!
If you wish a staff member or other person to come to your camp for any special reason, it is proper to invite them.
Enjoy the outdoor experience.
Sunday Service
There will be a nondenominational church service on Sunday morning after the morning flag ceremony. Scouts should participate to show reverence.
Scoring and Ribbons
Camporee event competitions
Three ribbons will be given for all events -- First, Second and Third place.
Overall three units will receive an overall camporee ribbon, these ribbons will be based on total points earned in all areas participated -- First, Second, and Third place.
Patrol Flag Competition
Patrol Flag Competition – 30 points
Each patrol will submit a flag for judging. Flags will be judged on the following.
Originality of design
The flag can be made of any shape
Size limit of 12 square feet
Must incorporate camporee theme
Must be attached to a staff or pole that’s less than or equal to 6 to 8 feet tall.
Suitability: The flag is to go wherever the patrol goes. It must be easily carried.
Workmanship: The flag must be hand made by the boys. No sheet metal.
Scoring: Points
Flag submission for judging 5
Flag must be within size limits (12 square feet) 5
Patrol name/emblem and troop # 5
Mounted on a 6 to 8 foot pole suitable to carry 5
Decorated pole 5
Originality of design and incorporation of camporee theme 5
Squad flags to be turned in at Headquarters at noon for judging and picked up at the beginning afternoon activities.
Garrison/Gateway Judging
Gateway competition:
The gateway must be in depiction of the weekend theme.
Must be scout built. All lashings and knots must be properly tied. Units must supply all their own materials, must be assembled at your campsite. No hammers or nails can be used. No work will be allowed after Taps on Friday night we suggest practicing your build before camporee.
Scoring Points
Original design 5
Troop identification sign 5
Practicality 10
Flags (U.S and Troop) 10
Safety (tight knots and lashings) 10
Knots (tied properly) 10
Lashings (proper count) 10
Use of camporee theme and patrol name displayed 10
Poles (1 point per pole used, 20 point maximum 20
Judging will be done at same time as campsite inspection.
Camp Gadget
All supplies for the camp gadget competition need to be brought to the camporee. Camp gadget projects must be built in your campsite. Camp gadgets will be scored by appearance, construction, usefulness and uniqueness. The gadgets are to be designed and constructed by Scouts.
Scoring Points
Number of Gadgets 10
Complexity of Gadget 10
Usefulness of Gadget 10
Lashed Properly & Neatly done 10
Team Work/Patrol Method Used 10
Campsite Inspection
At check-in your packet will have your inspection sheet inside. Make sure it is posted in your site so that a staff member can record your score and mark your score sheet. Campsite inspections will take place on Saturday morning.
Camporee Activities
Saturday will consist of competitive events. Rules include:
Who competes? Only a troop’s regularly organized Patrols or Webelos dens should compete. “Ringer” patrols made up just for the camporee is not keeping in the good scouting spirit.
Competition areas: separate areas will be laid out for each of the events. When first registering at the camporee, patrols will be assigned a starting station for Saturday’s activities and circulate through the events until they have completed all event stations as per their schedule of events.
Skills and Knowledge
To be successful at camporee: As in past years, activity events will utilize scouting skills, teamwork and an emphasis on the patrol method. The following list of skills and knowledge are necessary to do well at camporee.
Scout Events
This notification is to give your patrol time to practice the event before-hand so as to guarantee a successful competition! Is your Unit Prepared!! Be Prepared – Practice!
1. Stormtrooper Target Practice – 22 cal. Rifle, shooting at targets for points. Will be scored on a Patrol average.
2. Ewok Shoot-Out –Using Wrist Rockets shooting at targets for points. Will be scored by Patrol average
3. Wookie Training – Using Bows and Arrows shooting at targets for points. Scoring by patrol average.