Prof King
I get it! Your class makes sense now. Thank you!
I wanted you to know that I now understand what you were talking about in all your classes. It all blindsided me at the most unusual time. Many Thanks.
Regards, xxx
Just like the comments you read during the first class, I didn’t understand what you were talking about until the last class. Now I realize that the people paying attention and listening the entire term will now be my boss in the future. God damn it, should have paid attention.
Last spring I took this class and got a D. Thanks for making me take this again because I have learned so much about the business world and, of course, life. Last term I could not stand you as a teacher, but now you are my favorite. This class has completely changed my perspective.
This class plainly sucked! It was pointless for me to waste my time. I will get an A out of this class and I didn’t do Jack Shit. Thanks for wasting my time.
In retrospect this course, although not understood at the beginning, is an attempt to teach intelligent people, namely me, how to think about thinking…Although this term was packed with useful information, I feel I only grasped about ten percent of it. But this is ten percent more than I usually retain from any one class. On the brink of graduation in the top 5% of my class, with three science majors and two minors, I realize there is something more. I am now more curious and in itself that is worth more than gold.
I’m still confused about the objectives of this class. I don’t know what the point was, but I learned a lot anyways. This is the first class where I actually felt like I learned something that has to do with real life. I’ve never applied so much of what I learned to my daily life.
You are a lost wanderer in the space that’s known as the academic world. You are leading a trail of students behind you. Your ideas and thoughts are wild and sometimes crazy or out-of-control, but it was a pleasure to join the increasing crowd wandering with you.
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your class. It kind of reminds me of one of those movies, like 12 Monkeys or the 6th Sense. you really enjoy it throughout, but never truly understand until the very end. Then, you want to rewind it right there and watch it again.
This course hit at the very essence of what education should be, increasing one’s understanding, in this case, of life’s many systems. A fantastic course! I’m glad someone finally has the balls to challenge the educational system.
I have to say that you were right. Throughout the entire class I thought, “What is this guy talking about?” And I have to say, it really didn’t make a lot of sense to me. Now, I completely get it! I have introduced Bullshit Bingo to the ASOSU staff, though we have yet to implement it. Today, the ASOSU Student Advocate told me that “shit rolls downhill” and it struck a very familiar chord. I really did learn a lot from your class, it has just taken me a while to realize it.
Executive Director of Public Relations