Term – II (2017-2018)
Subject: S. St.
Time: 3 hrs. Class: IX M.M.: 80
Note: - 1. There are 28 Questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks for each questions are indicated against the question.
3. Questions from serial number 1 to 10 are very short questions of 1 mark each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words limit.
4. Questions from serial number 11 to 20 are short questions of 3 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 80 words limit.
5. Questions from serial number 21 to 27 are long questions of 5 mark each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 180 words limit.
6. Questions from serial number 28 map questions of 5.
Section-(A) 1x10 Marks
Q1: Explain about end of special privileges during the French revolution.
Q2: What was Suspension of Duma in Russia?
Q3: What does movement of plates result in?
Q4: Give any two importance of Lakes.
Q5: Which Countries are giveright Example of Free and fair ElectoralCompetition?
Q6: What is meant by Constitution?
Q7: What were the non-Farm activities in plumper. Give any Four.
Q8: Health and Education is the priority of the Country. Justify the Statement giving Four Arguments.
Q9: Explain any four Socio-Economical Conditions of USSR at the beginning of the 20th Century.
Q10: On the given outline map of world locate any two Allies and Axis powers the Countries that were Central powers in the First and Second World War.
Write the following Questions, Answers in 100 to 120 words. (30)
Q11: What are the important role of cooperatives sector in food security?
Q12: What are the meant by Temperature, precipitation, Latitude and Altitude.
Q13: What were the Sumptuary Laws?
Q14: Give any six powers of prime minister.
Q15: What is Global poverty Scenario and give any three causes of poverty.
Q16: Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry do you agree.
Q17: What are the Indian forest Act 1865 and 1878?
Q18: What do you understand by Investment in human capital and give any two challenges to poverty reduction.
Q19: What is meant by parliament and what is the powers of Lok Sabah and Rajya Sabah.
Q20: Name all no-madic tribes of India and Africa along with the region, Occupation, issues they belong to.
Section-(C) (40 Marks)
Q21: Give the complete explain of secretion, age Co –imposition, birth and death rate, Internal and external migration, population growth and Literacy rate.
Q22: Define all 6 fundamental rights with complete explanation.
Q23: On what controversy was the over taking off shoes and the turban on the head respect rule insisted by Governor-General Amherst to what extent is it justified to interfere in the Personal matters of individuals give reasons for your Answers.
Q24: Give the brief Explanation of any five vegetation with wild life.
Q25: Discuss the causes of the French Revolution of 1789.
Q26: Write about the preamble of Indian Constitution.
Q27: Explain about all economic Sector and Activities.
Q28: On the given map of India locate and mark:-
A) Western Ghats and Deccan Plateau.
B) Ganga and Arabian Sea.
C) Mumbai and Chennai.
D) Montane Forests and Tropical evergreen.
E) Gir and Sunder bans.