How to Help Those Affected by DACA

St. Francis Community Services, an immigrant and refugee services center in South St. Louis, offers a list of suggestions of how we can help in light of the president’s recent rescindment of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). For a look at what we can do, open the attachment.

What can you do to help?

·  Call your members of Congress and ask them to ensure the bipartisan Dream Act 2017 becomes law. The U.S. Capitol switchboard number is (202) 224-3121. Here’s a suggested call text:My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY/STATE]. I am deeply disappointed that President Trump announced the end of DACA. I urge you to do everything in your power to protect Dreamers by making sure the bipartisan Dream Act 2017 becomes law. As a [NAME YOUR CONGREGATION], our faith calls us to love our neighbor. DACA recipients are contributing members of our communities. They are Americans in all things but citizenship. They deserve our protection. Will the [SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE] do all she/he can to pass the bipartisan Dream Act 2017, so that DACA recipients gain protection under the law? Thank you for your time.

·  Continue to educate yourself on:

o  the issues surrounding current immigration law

o  why comprehensive reform is necessary

o  how our laws affect family unity and the dignity of our neighbors

o  the Catholic Church’s call (and Gospel mandate) to welcome the stranger in our midst

·  Pray for:

o  a compassionate and just approach to immigration reform

o  a change in attitude towards migrants and refugees – moving away from fear , defensiveness and indifference toward compassion and understanding

o  our immigrant clients and other immigrant neighbors in the community who are fearful of these pending changes in our nation

o  our SFCS staff members as they continue to invest extraordinary time and energy, month after month, to help those who we serve cope with the threats to their future