Green River Regional Health Council Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2010 – Page 1


December 14, 2010


The Green River Regional Health Council met on Tuesday, December 14, 2010, at9:00 a.m., at the Green River Area Development District (GRADD) office in Owensboro, Kentucky. Council members in attendance were as follows:


Blaine PieperPat Donahue

Jaime RaffertyDavid Ross

Tammy BeltMargaret Hibbs

Father Fid Levri*Stephanie Montgomery

Philip Travis*Jean Julius

Pam HunterJoyce Crump

Jill Barger*Valorie Tanner

Pam RamseyHolly Simpson

Jennifer Tucker*Dr. Andria Brooks

Pat Hammack*Deborah Fillman

Tim Mahone*Melissa Wolfe

Vivian Craig McNatton*Pam Moran

Jody Flener*Julie Wischer

Dr. Laura Hancock-Jones Christy Ramey

Don Crask*Sheila Barnard

*Excused Absence


Richard Nading, Green River District Health Department (GRDHD)

Cheryle Floyd, McLean County

Collette Carter, GRDHD

Brenda Kennedy, Ombudsman, GRADD

Stephanie Lamar, Regional Health Network Director, GRADD

Lisa Flahardy, Support Services Technician, GRADD

Teresa Roberts, Regional Health Network Assistant, GRADD

Marilyn Hamilton, Program Assistant, GRADD


Chairman Blaine Piepercalled the meeting to order.


Secretary Jaime Raffertypresented the October 12, 2010, minutes for approval.

A motion was made byDr. Laura Hancock-Jones and

seconded byFather Fid Levri to approve the

October 12, 2010,minutes ofthe Green River

Regional Health Council meeting. A vote was

taken and the motion carried.


  1. Healthy Horizons – DaviessCounty

Stephanie Lamar remarked Healthy Horizons did not meet in December.


Pam Ramsey, local facilitator, statedthey completed their breast cancer events, hosted a survivor’s dinner and had a total of 90 in attendance with 29 of those being cancer survivors. Rise and Shine Preschool and the Senior Class of Hancock County High School collected Pennies for a Purpose and received over $1,000.00. Dr. Adam Brockman also made a donation for each new patient added during the month of October. Both groups donated their funds to the coalition, and these funds will be used for next year’s breast cancer awareness campaign or other health awareness campaigns. In November, the coalition participated in the World’s Greatest Baby Shower. In partnership with the Daviess County Diabetes Coalition, the Kentucky Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, and the Hancock County EMT Association, they hosted the ABC’s of Diabetes and offered free blood glucose testing. The coalition has met with the middle and high school Champions Group along with the food services coordinator and discussed healthy menu changes. As a result of this meeting, healthier

options have been added to the concession stands at sporting events. They are partnering with Ohio County Hospital, Hospice of Western Kentucky and Complete Wellness Chiropractic to provide a Prostate Cancer Awareness Breakfast on December 17, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. at Riverview Restaurant in Hawesville. In January,they will be promoting and assisting with Cooper Clayton Smoking Cessation classes as part of the emphasis on lung cancer awareness. In partnership with Hancock County Adult Education and South Hancock Family and Youth Services, they will provide “We Can” classes at the career center and South Hancock Elementary beginning in January. They have formed a committee to begin working on the heart health initiative which will be sponsored by GRDHD. They have added three new members to the coalition, and their new officers, who will serve two year terms, are as follows: Chairperson, Troy Roberts; Vice-Chairperson, Lisetta Whitworth; Secretary, Mary Crowe; and Treasurer, Holly Simpson.


In the absence of Julie Wischer, Stephanie Lamar reported they hosted a breast cancer awareness event with approximately 40 in attendance. Tim Mahone stated that Methodist Hospital will become a no smoking campus beginning January 1, 2011.


Jennifer Tucker, local facilitator, introduced Cheryl Floyd,who is a new member of their coalition. Theirsubcommittees are working on upcoming projects and they are still meeting monthly with the youth health council. At November’s meeting, they had a showcase on community health services, and December’s meeting there was a year in review and it was amazing to see what has been accomplished. Their tagline is Good Choices, Good Health, and Good for McLean. They are still working on a logo. Their second set of “We Can” classes was a success with six out of seven participants completing the program. They will begin planning for their third session sometime in January. The Pearls of Wisdom Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon was on October 19, at the McLean County Cooperative Extension Service with 44 in attendance. Ms. Tucker continues to participate in the Leadership McLean County Program each month and this provides her with the opportunity to learn more about the county.


Jody Flener, local facilitator, distributed some handouts with information about upcoming events in Ohio County. In October, they collaborated with the Family Wellness Center and hosted a Second Sunday event. October 21 was the kick off for the second Fitness Challenge with 99 participants. At the Clergy’s Help Office meeting, Ms. Flener spoke about the local health coalition and agreed to work on a strategic plan with the group. A mini“We Can” class was conducted at the 4-H Youth Health Club. The local coalition, Fit as a Fiddle, and the Ohio County Hospital sponsored a 5K Walk/Run. At their November meeting, Charlotte Whittaker spoke on Health Care Reform. They approved an informational brochure to be distributed throughout the

county at different events. They have purchased a domain for a website and are working toward a January launch date. During the month of December, the coalition will be featured on the “Lunch at the Z” which is a local radio talk show.


Tammy Belt, local facilitator,reportedat their last meeting they reviewed the year’s activities and accomplishments and celebrated the successes. They are currently assisting Methodist Hospital Union County in distributing and collecting their Community Assessment Surveys. The hospital will be going smoke free beginning January 1, 2011. Rich Nading submitted a grant for Union County which will address second hand smoke, and that grant has been funded. The coalition participated in the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky Workshop. The Sturgis Chamber held a Thanksgiving 5K Run with approximately 100 runners participating. At the last meeting, they formed a Go Red Subcommittee, and GRDHD is providing funding.


Pamela Hunter, local facilitator, informed the council that they have elected new officers, and the council continues to grow with volunteers and professionals. A permanent drug disposal box has been placed in the county sheriff’s office in Dixon. This is being done in cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Agency, and Pennyrile Narcotics will be picking up the drugs. Local residents purchased the old Providence School and opened a new fitness center called Big Dogs. The cost is very affordable and a variety of programs will be offered. The Sebree School PTO is starting a Big Losers Program in January. The extension office and Methodist Hospital are teaming up to start a Diabetes class. GRDHD is providing funding for heart disease awareness and stroke awareness events. Thanks to the Breast Cancer Lunch and Learn, three ladies who attended had mammograms. As a result, all of them detectedearly breast cancer, have had surgery, and are doing well.

H.Other Comments

Father Fid Levri distributed pamphlets with information about vaccines. He stated that vaccines are and have been developed from aborted fetal cells. Father Levri wanted the council to be aware of this practice, and was not sure if this was something the council might want to take action on. For more information concerning vaccines, individuals can visit


A.Report Card

Stephanie Lamar reminded the council theywere given a sample of the Health Report Card at the October meeting. The concerns and suggestions were taken from October’s meeting and each member has a revised draft copy. This draft copy is for

the council only and is not ready to be released for publication because there are some corrections still to be made. There is a county comparison sheet and some graphs included in this updated draft. The report card will be distributed throughout the GRADD communities by the local coalitions. There was discussion concerning the lack of information for overweight/obese children and the privacy issues regarding gathering the data. Chairperson Pieper asked if anyone had contacted Healthy Horizons about the report card due to their reaction to the 2008 report card. Dr. Laura Hancock-Jones would like to add comparisons on the graphics. Ms. Lamar stated this will be the last round of changes, and suggested the press release date for the report card be January 12, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. prior to the GRADD Board Meeting.

B.Grant Updates

Stephanie Lamar stated since the last meeting, they have submitted the expansion of the network grant to Health Resources Service Administration (HRSA). The expected date to learn about funding is sometime in April. Ms. Lamar and Teresa Roberts met with the WellPoint Foundation, and they believe the meeting was a success. Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky “Breathing Clean Air Summit” was not funded.


A.OMHS Community Challenge

Collette Carter reported the main reason behind this initiative is that adults do not engage in enough physical activity. The event lasts for 12 weeks and teams can have two to 10 members. Each participant will need to go to the Health Park for pre and post testing. The start date is January 1, 2011. The team captain will report the minutes of activity for the team at

B.Colon Cancer Campaign

Jaime Rafferty distributed information concerning colon cancer. The GreenRiver District was Blue Star Champions. Ms. Rafferty asked each coalition to distribute the Colorectal Cancer Screening Resource Guide, and asked for help in distributing the bookmarks, which she would like to be placed in every county library. She asked everyone to let her know as soon as possible what materials they would like to have, the amount they will need, and where the materials will be distributed. She also said they will have the inflatable colon again this next year in March.

C.Heart Disease/Stroke Campaigns

Don Crask mentioned that Lunch and Learns will be held in the five rural counties concerning heart disease and stroke awareness. February 2011, will be the focus month for heart disease and May 2011,will be the focus month for stroke awareness. He asked the local facilitators to begin preparing for these events. Mr. Crask stated Daviess County will be covered by Diane York, and he isunsure about Henderson County.

D.Humana Foundation Grant

Stephanie Lamar stated she needs a committee to work on this grant and asked for volunteers. Those volunteering were: Jaime Rafferty, Dr. Laura-Hancock Jones, Don Crask, and Jody Flener.

E.Sustainability Committee

Chairperson Pieper reported the grant that funds this council ends in April 2011. He asked for volunteers to work on a committee to find sustainability funding for this council. Chairperson Pieper will be heading this committee, and Jiten Shah, executive director for GRADD will be working on this committee as well. Stephanie Lamar appointed David Ross and Pam Moran to serve on this committee.


Dr. Laura Hancock-Jones announced that June 17, 2011, is the date for the Oral Health Summit. This summit will be held in Madisonville. They are working on their save the date cards.

Marilyn Hamilton stated that ornaments are on sale to benefit the Silver Bells Project. The money will be used for the residents of personal care homes in the GRADD region.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
