The Fourth Annual Dinner to benefit the Bishop Robert J. Carlson Seminarian Educational Fund was held at SwanValleyBanquetCenter on February 18, 2009. Fr. Nick Cafaro, chaplain of Saginaw Serra Club, began the evening reflecting on the joy he receives when he visits the students at St. Thomas Aquinas where he is presently assigned.
Mistress of Ceremonies, Katie O’Mara of WNEM TV5, thanked the priests that have come into her life, mentioning names like, Frs. Bob, Pat, Jim, Fr. William Baer, speaker for the evening and President of St. John Vianney Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, picked up on the names Katie threw out and reflected on what makes a priest. He asked us to imagine Fr. Bob being raised in a very good Catholic home, growing into the faith in which he was baptized. Fr. Pat, he said, had the opportunity to do mission work, to serve the poor, to wipe the wounds of those in need, to build homes, and to teach in bible school. Fr. Jim was the “hunk” of the school – the football player, the one who sat anywhere in the class and drew the crowd. Then he asked his audience how they became interested in the priesthood. Fr. Baer replied that it was through the influence of teachers, pastors, youth ministers and parents, grandparents praying for and encouraging these young men.
Bishop Carlson reported that there are 24 seminarians, three of which will be ordained on June 5, and three that will be ordained to the deaconate. Bishop Carlson told how he was instrumental in founding a mission in Columbia and as a result there are now six men studying for priesthood for the Diocese of Saginaw from Columbia. He thanked the Serrans for going out of their way to make a difference not only by financially supporting these seminarians but also by offering their prayers for them.
State Senator, Dr. Roger Kahn, presented a special tribute to the Serra Club of Saginaw for their work to foster and affirm vocations to the ordained priesthood and vowed religious life.
Jean Seman, president of Saginaw Serra Club, thanked the committee, Bob Guldenzoph, Bill Snover, Marian and John Moll, and Cy Schultz for their dedicated labors. Many companies and organizations donated prizes.
Guests included different Knights of Columbus Councils and Serra members from Detroit-Oakland, Grand Rapids, and Muskegon. Also several Saginaw seminarians joined in the festivities.
The Serra Club is a group of people who serve the Bishop through prayers and works to support the efforts of educating men for the priesthood and to encourage young people to consider religious life. Anyone interested in joining may call Jean Seman, 989-792-2011.
Marilyn Pogue of St. Christopher Parish, Bridgeport, won a beautiful statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Fr. Richard Jozwiak, senior priest of the Diocese of Saginaw, concluded the evening with benediction.