Health Syllabus

Essential Curriculum Goals

  • Assist students in the development of healthy behaviors that are based on accurate and factual information, healthy attitudes, and practical skills.
  • Develop a plan for the prevention of health problems and develop behaviors that lead to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Evaluate physical, intellectual, social, emotional, environmental and spiritual well-being to initiate a process of life-long learning designed to promote health and disease prevention

Class Grading Scale

A= 90% and above

B= 80% - 89%

C = 70% - 79%

D = 60% - 69%

F = 59% and below

Units of study/ Weighted categories

Health and Wellness – 15%

Mental Health – 15%

Nutrition – 15%

Substance Abuse/ Prevention – 15%

Family Life– 15%

Assessments – 25%

Please note that a county mandated CRES test score will appear as a final exam grade on report card and constitutes 20% of a student’s final term grade


  • Formative assessments will be presented in various forms: worksheets, reflections, and daily warm-ups.
  • Summative assessments will be in the form of tests, quizzes and alternative assignments such as posters, analysis of individual health, collaborative and unit projects at the teacher’s discretion.

**Each unit studied will have a cumulative assessment.

Materials Needed: pocket folder (or 3 ring binder), notebook paper, pencil and/or blue or black ink pen.

  • Each student will be expected to have their textbook and a pocket folder with them on a daily basis including daily warm-ups, and all class work or take-home assignments. It is the students’ responsibility to keep her/his notebook neat and organized.
  • Personal email address
  • Internet access through home, school, public library, or school via SET

Make-up work

It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any notes or assignments missed due to absence. Make up work must be completed within two days of an excused absence.

Students are encouraged to sign themselves up for SET.

Late Work

An assignment will lose 10% of its maximum value for each day it is late. For example, if you turn in a 100 point project 3 days after its due date, the maximum number of points possible is 70.

Students are encouraged to sign themselves up for SET.

Class Policies

Students will be on time to class. This means seated before the bell rings. Lateness will result in a Saturday School Detention after twotardies (on the third). Subsequent tardiness to class will result in further disciplinary action.

Students will bring all necessary materials to class.

Restroom privileges: Students are permitted a maximum of fiverestroom passes per term.

Students are responsible for any and all information covered in class. This includes textbook work, videos, discussions, guest lectures, demonstrations, and group activities. All assignments will be kept in the students’ folder.

Students will raise their hands if they want to contribute to a class discussion. Do not interrupt the teacher, classmates or guest speakers; wait to be called on.

Follow all school rules, including the OHS cell phone policy.

Only positive comments please, if you don’t have anything nice to say… please do not say anything at all. Due to class discussions being a large part of class participation, self-control and mutual respect must be practiced at all times.

Class Consequences

The following procedures will be followed for failure to attend SET upon teacher request for academic enhancement, behavioral distractions and other non-immediate referable offenses:

  • 1st OffenseWarning
  • 2ndOffenseParent Contact
  • 3rd OffenseAfter school Detention
  • 4th OffenseAfter school Detention
  • 5th OffenseReferral

Instructor Contact Information

Judith McGraw
