Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School

February 25, 2015

Pray for us Saint Alexander

Dear Parents,

The season of Lent began last week. We ask our students to make this a time of sacrifice and alms giving. As a school we will pray the Stations of the Cross at 12:00 on Fridays. (Except First Friday March 6th) Please join us!

Congratulations to the 2nd Grade Class who made their

First Penance on February 12th

It is time to start planning for the new school year! The next communicator envelope will have all registration materials Thank you in advance for choosing to send your child to Mary Star of the Sea and for giving them the advantage of a Catholic Education.

Mary Star will not be offering Summer School this year. I am sorry for any disappointment or inconvenience this may cause families. All information that we receive on Summer Programs is sent home with the communicator.

Important Dates:

Fri. Feb. 27Stations of the Cross / 12:00

Sun Mar. 1Class Mass Grades 4 & 5 / 12:00

Wed. Mar 4Science Fair / 6:30 / Auditorium

Wed. Mar. 4Mandatory First Communion Meeting / 7:00 pm / Classroom

Fri. Mar. 6First Friday / Mass 9:00 / Mass Uniform

Fri. Mar. 13Stations of the Cross / 12:00

Mon. Mar. 16Teacher Inservice / No School

Mary Star Thanks You:

Carrie Stefanou, Kathleen DiJune, Paula Mazzarino and the many parent volunteers who helped at this year’s Jog-a-Thon.

Kindergarten and 1st grade parents who hosted the 2nd grade Penance Reception.

Easter Candy: Last fundraising opportunity of the year! Orders due by March 6th. Please submit only 1 check per family. Friends and Family should write their checks to you and 1 check written to MSSE.

5th Annual MSSE Jog-A-Thon-All pledge sheets with donations are due to the school on Friday February26th. A Reminder will be sent to online donors; pledges must be paid by February 27th for student to be eligible for prizes. It’s not too late to ask for sponsors! Next week prize selection sheets will be sent home.

Variety Show: All students interested in performing at the annual Variety Show must submit the enclosed form by Tuesday March 10th.


2014-2015 Christian Service Hours and Scrip: April 30th is the final date for all service hours and scrip purchases to apply to this school year. All time sheets must be turned in by May 1st.

Archdiocesan Tuition Awards Program: Many families are awarded aid each year. If you are currently receiving aid you must apply to the Archdiocesan program as your first step for next school year. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask. All applications for students through 7th grade are due Friday February 27th.

Mary Star Financial Assistance:Mary Star has its own Financial Aid program sponsored by our parish and private donors. You must apply through PSAS (Private School Aid Service). Your first step is to apply to the Archdiocese Tuition Assistance Program by February 27th and then to send in an application to PSAS. PSAS Applications will be available at the office and must be submitted to PSAS by May 15th.

Please adhere to the deadlines as our award schedule follows the Archdiocese and if you apply late you may be left out! All applications are also available in Spanish at the front office.

Financial Obligations: All outstanding amounts due to the school must be made current. We do not receive outside funding, all expenses are paid through tuition, fees, and fundraising. Families with outstanding accounts may be jeopardizing re-registration.

8th Grade Financial Obligations: All outstanding obligations must be met in full before graduation gowns are distributed and before students participate in graduation exercises or the Knott’s Berry Farm trip.

God Bless,

Noreen Maricich


2014– 2015

Mary Star of the SeaElementary School

Parent Volunteer Time Sheet

** Please note that all time sheets must be turned in on or before the due date indicated. ALL LATE TIME SHEETS WILL BE RETURNED TO PARENTS MARKED “NO CREDIT”

Month: March Due Date: April 2nd

Parent’s Name______Phone #______

Student’s Name______Grade___

DateService ProvidedTime Credit

______Total Hours______

Mary Star Variety Show

Thursday, March 19th

Calling all Dancers, Singers, Musician, Actors, Martial Artists, Comedian, Poets----The annual Variety Show is coming to Mary Star…….

All students who are interested in trying-out, please complete the tear off below and return it to the main office no later than Tuesday, March 10th .

Tryouts for the Variety Show will be announced at a later date.

A few reminders:

~No Lip-syncing

~No music with inappropriate lyrics

~No dance routines with inappropriate moves

~No gang related acts

~No costumes that are inappropriate or

show the midriff

Parents need to be aware of what his/her child will be performing. Below is a permission slip. All completed permission slips must have the title of the song or act.

------tear off------

Variety Show

Student’s Name______Grade_____

Act or Title of Song______

Type of Act______

Parent’s Signature______Date______