Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2016-17

  1. Summary Information

School / Moorfield Primary school
Academic Year / 2016-17 / Total PP budget / £103,746
(incl £906 EYPPG) / Date of most recent PP Review / September 2016
Total number of pupils / 144 / Number of pupils eligible for PP / 82
1- LAC
6 - EYs / Date for next Strategy Review / September 2017

The school was inspected in January 2016. The report commented that, ‘Leaders use the additional funding for disadvantaged pupils successfully. The funding helps to ensure that pupils attend school regularly and have appropriate support to overcome any difficulties which might otherwise get in the way of their learning. Disadvantaged pupils make similar progress to all pupils nationally in reading, writing and mathematics.’

  1. Barriers to educational achievement

Internal barriers ( issues which require action by the school: poor language skills, resources inexperienced staff)
A / Poor oral language skills and maturity in EYs( Nursery)
B / Attendance at GBH
C / Pupils with SEND
External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates, low parental engagement, poor home learning.)
D / Home learning environments
Emotional well being
E / Lack of involvement in school by some families
F / Limited life experiences
Brief description of project / item / Planned expenditure / Objective/chosen action/ Approach / Desired outcomes/ success criteria
Fund post of Children and Families Support Officer / £ (TTO) / To support the EWO with attendance and punctuality. To support families with timely intervention through direct and indirect work. / Non class based staff member can react quickly to events and concerns.
Attendance continues to improve and the yearly attendance figure is above the national.
Attendance for children with EHCP improves.
Fund post for an additional member of staff in EYs / £9,500 / To support children in EYs in self care and language/ releases trained ELKLAN TA to do direct work with children / Children are at age related expectations for self care and CLL by the end of Reception
Fund cost of milk for Cereal Bar / £300 / To ensure children are fed and ready for learning up to lunchtime. / Children are focused in lessons and achieve well
Fund RWI resources / £2000 / To ensures that children have access to an intensive phonics programme leading to an improving number of children are reading by six / Children are at or in line with national expectations.
Beanstalk / £1750 / Volunteer reader support to improve fluency, understanding and enjoyment in reading / Children are at either age related expectation or make good progress,
Maths CPD for teachers / £750 / Provide external CPD for teachers to enable them to support children to achieve YGE in maths.
Provide CPD for maths lead - mastery / An improved number of children Meet and are secure in YGE (65-85%)
Music tuition / £3600 / To continue to employ the services of a specialist music to enrich the curriculum and provide musical and performance opportunities in school. / Children take part in quality arts lessons and achieve well in other subjects.
Educational Psychologist / £2500 / To support and monitor referrals. To provide clear strategies to support individual children with additional needs to maximise their potential. / Support is timely, appropriate and focussed on the children making good progress from their starting points.
Referrals to the LA are completed efficiently and support/ interventions received begin sooner rather than later.
Contribution to SEN budget / £10,000 / Staff support for small groups and 1-1 interventions in order to remove barriers to learning in literacy, maths, fine motor skills and social skills / Support is timely, appropriate and focussed on the children making good progress from their starting points.
Support /interventions are monitored and evaluated for effectiveness and progress of the children.
Additional resources to support the provision map / £2000 / To support children to access the curriculum and make progress towards meeting year group expectations/ expected progress.
Contributions to staffing budget / £39,000 / To provide support/ challenge in all classes for children at all ability levels.
To provide curriculum workshops for parents to inform them of how they can best support their child/ren at home. / Support is timely, appropriate and focussed on the children making good progress from their starting points.
Support /interventions are monitored and evaluated for effectiveness and progress of the children.
Tracking of progress is positive.
Attendance at Advanced Progression Centre (more able children) / £500 / To support children to meet and exceed YGE in maths and literacy / Children meet and master year group expectations.
Development of Nurture Room / emotional friendly school / £1000 / To support the emotional well being of children and families. / The emotional wellbeing of the children and families is improved. Children make improved progress in academic work through improved mental health.
The nurture rooms remit extends to family conference meetings / contact centre.
  1. Termly Review Information

December 2016 / March 2017 / July 2017
  • Between 40-50 children access cereal bar each day. Teachers report that the children are more focused and ready to learn.
  • Music lessons are linked to topic work / choir is well attended and children have performed in public. Choir to attend choral festival in March 2017.
  • Progression centres cancelled due to lack of take up by other schools.
  • Emotionally friendly training has taken place with staff/mental health week in February/ assessments being undertaken with vulnerable children.
  • CFSO’s work continues to be cost effective in school – attendance, family support via credit union and CAB, safeguarding.
  • TA for EYs appointed - to start 13th February 2017
  • Teaching staff have attended year group expectations CPD for maths.

  1. Attainment of Y6 pupils 2017

Headline Measure / Pupils eligible for PP
(your school) / Pupils not eligible for PP (your school)
% achieving national standard in reading, writing & maths
% achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and mathematics
pupils’ progress score in reading
pupils’ progress score in writing
pupils’ progress score in mathematics
pupils’ average scaled score in reading
pupils’ average scaled score in mathematics