Above Grade Excavation
8190 Beechmont Ave, #161
Cincinnati, OH45255
766 Reading Rd.
Mason, OH45040
The following is a quote that you had asked for. We provide top quality work at the lowest possible price, guaranteeing that you are satisfied with our work upon completion of the job. You can rest assured as we are a fully insured company. Not only are we fully insured, we have never had any accidents or claims on any of our jobs.
It was a pleasure meeting with you last night and look forward to performing the work to solve your drainage problems. The following is a quote for the changes that you had requested.
Proposed addition to project:
- Re-grade ground along the back side of the church to ensure proper drainage away from the building. This will include the additional cost of preparing the soil for seeding and hydro-seeding the area worked on. Additional cost: $ 1,800.00.
- Optional $ 525.00 to remove installation of perforated 6” tube that would start at the southwest corner and run around to the kitchen. We would still want to install 6” tubing to catch the downspout drain coming from the kitchen corner all the way down the washout along the east side of the church. This 6” tube would be the black flex tubing but non-perforated. The dirt cut from the above grading work will be used to fill over the tubing we will install to make the ground more level.
Proposed deletion to project:
- Remove installation of 6” perforated drainage tube along the front of building near the door to the west corner.
Savings: $ 650.00.
I would like to note that in my opinion the grade along the front from the main entry all the way to the corner to the west still would have a problem with the grade being higher than the brick. I feel that you may still encounter drainage issues in the future which may eventually damage the building. Installing the 6” perforated tube along the front will ensure that you will not have problems due to moisture along the front of the building.
If you have any questions or concerns about this quote, or would like to schedule the work to be performed, feel free to call me at 616-3277 any time. Do to the ever increasing costs of energy, this quote is valid for a period of 30 days from August 11th, 2008.
Scope of project:
The follow tasks will be performed to complete your job:
1)Install 2 new downspout drains on front of building to relieve overflow on the existing 2 downspout drains and plumb to existing 6” tubing.
2)Install 6” perforated drainage tube along the front of building near the door to the west corner. Plumb to existing 6” tubing.
3)Install 3 section of 4” perforated tubing along west wall from the northwest corner all the way to the back of the air conditioners along the rear of the building. These will be terminated at the 3 existing catch basins that are already installed.
4)Installation of the perforated tubing mentioned above will all have a silt sleeve around it to keep silt out of it and backfilled to the surface with 1 inch washed gravel to allow water to flow to the drainage tubes.
5)Cut a swale from near the southwest air conditioner around the corner to near the walk coming from the west side of the building. This will keep additional water from flowing towards the building.
6)Install 6” perforated drainage tube that would run from near the walk on the west side of the building all the way around to where the northeast downspout drain terminates. This tube will also have the silt sleeve and be backfilled with 1” washed gravel.
7)Ensure all areas where perforated tubing was installed has a flow towards it.
- Grade and clean up.
- Prepare areas that were disturbed for seeding
- Hydro seed areas prepared.
- For an additional $300.00 we will place new mulch from the front door to the southwest corner of your building
Estimated time and cost: The estimated cost to complete this project is $6,000.00. I am estimating that the total project will take approximately 7 to 8 days to perform dependent on the weather. I do guarantee my work for a period of 1 year from the completion of the project.
If you have any questions or concerns about this quote, or would like to schedule the work to be performed, feel free to call me at 616-3277 any time. Do to the ever increasing costs of energy, this quote is valid for a period of 30 days from August 11th, 2008.
Thank you for your consideration on this project!
Mark Alt
Above Grade Excavation, Inc.