What Analysis can I do with my EYFSP and KS1 results?
- Key Questions to answer
Foundation Stage – Quality Assuring Your Data
Look at your own data (% achieving 6+, % achieving 8+) and explore the following areas, to check for logical consistency within the dataset. Note any potential issues that require further exploration.
• Numbers as labels and for counting (NLC) against Calculating (C)
• Knowledge and understanding of the world (KUW), Creative development (CD) against Language for Communication and Thinking (LCT)
• Linking sounds and letters (LSL) against Reading (R) and Writing (W)
• Physical development (PD) against Writing (W) and Emotional development (ED)
Foundation Stage – Standards of Attainment
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
What percentage of pupils scored 6+ in each scale within PSED?
How does this compare with Herts / national results?
Would you describe the standard of attainment as broadly average, below average or above average?
How does this relate to previous years’ results (up, down, same) ?
Is there a significant difference between the scores for girls and boys?
Communication, Language & Literacy
What percentage of pupils scored 6+ in each scale within CLL?
How does this compare with Herts / national averages?
Would you describe the standard of attainment as broadly average, below average or above average?
How does this relate to previous years’ results (up, down, same) ?
Is there a significant difference between the scores for girls and boys?
Personal, Social & Emotional and Communication, Language and Literacy
What percentage of pupils scored 6+ in all PSED and CLL scales?
(This indicates children working at a good level of development)
How does this compare with Herts/ national results?
How does this relate to previous years’ results (up, down, same) ?
Is there a significant difference between the scores for girls and boys?
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
What percentage of pupils scored 6+ in each scale within PSRN?
How does this compare with Herts / national averages?
Would you describe the standard of attainment as broadly average, below average or above average?
How does this relate to previous years’ results (up, down, same) ?
Is there a significant difference between the scores for girls and boys?
Also look at other Areas of learning, in particular any AoL that has been a focus.
Are there any significant differences between genders or groups?
In each of the six areas of learning, you could also explore:
· % of children attaining 8+ scale points
· average no. of scale points covered across the cohort
These will further support your statements about whether attainment is broadly average, or above or below.
In summary, how would you describe standards in the Foundation Stage?
Foundation Stage – Progress
How would you describe the cohort on entry into the Nursery in each area of learning? (below/ in line with/ above age-related expectations)
Refer to % working within age-related expectations i.e. 30-50 months band
How would you describe the cohort on entry into Reception in each area of learning? (below/ in line with/ above age-related expectations)
Refer to % working within age-related expectations i.e. 40-60 months band
How do these figures compare with % attaining age-related expectations at the end of EYFS i.e. % attaining 6+ scales in aspects of EYFSP?
How would you judge progress across the FS?
Overall, how would you describe standards and progress in the EYFS?
Key Stage 1 – Standards of Attainment
Look at the APS for the cohort (in Herts Assessment Profile, RAISEonline or LA data sheets)
How does this compare to Herts/National?
What is the trend from the previous year? (↑ or ↓) (Use the Primary Profile)
Are there any significant differences between genders or different groups of pupils?
(NB APS for main vulnerable groups can be found in RAISEonline. To explore APS of your own school-defined groups of children, use the Excel tool ‘ks1 points calculator’ found on Assessment Website: http://www.thegrid.org.uk/learning/assessment/data/#guidance )
Compare APS of the individual subjects (Reading, Writing, Maths) – any significant differences between the subjects?
(Compare to Herts / national APS - and compare gender)
(In addition to the analysis of APS, similar questions can be asked regarding % attaining levels 2c+, 2b+, 3)
If you have been focusing on any particular areas (e.g. boys’ writing, maths etc.) – does the data suggest that your focus has had impact?
Key Stage 1 – Progress
How would you describe the attainment of this cohort on entry to KS1 (using cohort’s average score at end of EYFS) - average / below / above?
Comparing this baseline with the overall APS at the end of KS1 - how would you describe the progress of these children?
Are there any significant differences between genders or groups?
How does progress in different subjects compare?
(e.g. comparing % at 6+ in CLL in 2009 with % at 2b+ in Reading/Writing 2011)
Overall, how would you describe standards and progress in KS1?
NB – other tools for considering progress across KS1:
· progress distribution sheets in Assessment Manager 7 (focusing on progress across 5 terms of KS1
· comparing actual KS1 outcomes against FFT estimates for KS1 (a recent development – these are currently found in the Development area of FFTLive)
What Analysis Can I Do with my EYFS and KS1 results? - Key questions. Ben Fuller, Herts Assessment Team