Monte Carlo Night 2009
Fairview Park Marriott
Dunn Loring Rotary Club Monte Carlo Night November 8, 2009
Sponsorship Agreement and Invoice
In consideration for the benefits described on the attached Sponsorship Opportunities, I / we agree to support of the Rotary Clubs Monte Carlo Night as follows (Check one):
Exclusive Sponsors Multiple Sponsorship Opportunities
___ Presenting Sponsor $5000
___ Presenting Underwriter $5000
___ Program Underwriter $5000
___ Auction Sponsor $2500
___ Evening Bar Sponsor / Host $2500
___ Dinner Sponsor / Host $2500
___ Program Supporter $2500
___ Valet Sponsor $2500
___ Official Sponsor $1000
___ Underwriter $1000
___ Entertainment Sponsor $1000
___ Printing Sponsor $500
___ Game Table Sponsor $500
___ Ticket Sponsor $500
___ Program Book Sponsor $500
___ Community Supporter $250
Please check appropriate box above and complete the information below (please print)
Name: _______________________________________Phone:_____________________
Company or foundation name:_______________________________________________
Complete address:_________________________________________________________
Recognize me or my company / foundation as follows:
Please print clearly
Payment method
___ Check enclosed: Make Check Payable to: ___________________________
Sponsor amount $______________
____ Additional Ticket(s) at $60 each: $______________
TOTAL $______________
Signature _________________________________________________________
Proceeds will benefit the programs and projects of the Dunn Loring Rotary Club.
Soliciting Rotarian: __________________ Phone______________ Club_____________