Fall 2008
Instructor: Mike Applegarth
Class Times: Monday 6:30-9:15
Room: Shearer 205
Office and phone: Shearer 211, 477-1712
Office hours: M 1:00-2:00, 5:00-6:00; T 1:00-2:00, 3:30-4:30, W 1:00-2:00
Text: Soils: An Introduction
Computer Lab: Shearer 001 (Ford Lab)
Course Objectives
This course will introduce the class to soils. More specifically, soil development, soil geography, soil geomorphology, soils as a tool in geomorphic studies, and soil classification. We will address these with both class lectures and laboratory exercises.
Course grades will be determined from the following scale:
Test 1 – 100 pts
Test 2 – 100 pts
Labs & Talk – 100 pts
Grade Percent
A 93+
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 70-76
D 60-69
F <60
Labs and Student Talk
We will have six lab exercises during the semester. They will be completed in the soils lab, the remote sensing lab (SRH001), and in the field. See this syllabus for lab due dates. Also at the semester’s end students will present a talk to the class on a soils topic. You and a partner or you alone will perform a presentation on a soils topic. If you present alone, I expect a 5 minute presentation. Groups of two are expected to present an 8 minute presentation and both presenters will be assigned the same grade. If you do not show up for your presentation you will receive a zero grade for the talk with no chance to make it up. Material presented by students in these presentations will be on the tests. A sign-up sheet for presenters and corresponding topics must be completed as per the date on the schedule. No topic can be presented twice (i.e., first come, first serve). I reserve the right to move presentation dates to best accommodate the class schedule.
The presentation format is to be PowerPoint. Make certain you include some maps, pictures, diagrams, etc. to provide visuals for your talk. Your presentation is due as per the date on the schedule. If you don’t have it turned in by the due date there will be a late penalty on your talk grade.
Some examples of talk topics include: Soil irrigation methods, Soils as a medium for wheat growth, Soils and wetlands. The key is to be specific. Do not pick a topic like ‘Soils of the United States’ or ‘Soils and engineering.’ But you may pick topics like ‘Soils of Bucks County’ or ‘Soil compaction testing for structures.’
Schedule (subject to change)
Dates Topic
Aug. 25 Class introduction, Geology, Glacial
Sept. 1 Labor Day
8 Fluvial, Climates
15 Weathering, Soil forming factors/Horizons,
Lab (Monolith)
22 Local Soils/describe a soil pit, Soil Properties,
In-class lab (properties), Name on talk sheet due
29 Soil Geomorphology (Catenas, PDI), Lab (hydrometer)
(Monolith Lab due)
Oct 6 Fall Break
13 Soil Geomorphology (relative-age dating) (Soil Pit lab due)
20 Test
27 Soil Geomorphology (Slope stability, Eolian), Lab (bulk density) (Hydrometer Lab due)
Nov 3 GIT and soils; Talk topic due
10 Obtain soil data, ArcView, Soil Surveys, Lab (GIT and soils) (SRH 001),
17 Soil Taxonomy; Lab (RS, DEMs, and soils) (SRH 001)
Bulk Density Lab due, GIT and Soils Lab due
24 No Class -- Lab/Talk Prep Time; Presentation due to S: drive on Nov. 25
Dec 1 Student Presentations (RS Lab due)
8-12 Finals
* Soil Pits Lab on Sept. 27. A sign-up sheet will be posted *
Talks Dec 1 One Name Per Line
Talks 1; April 29
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