Federal Secretary

Proxy Form for SGM

I, …......

of...... (address) being a
member of the Gemmological Association of Australia...... Division Inc

hereby appoint ......

As my proxy to vote for me and on my behalf at the Special General Meeting, to be held on Wednesday
23 October 2013 at 7.00pm (NSW time) by Teleconference at a location as set by the Division.

My proxy is authorised to vote (in favour or against or abstain*) the following motion:

Sustenance 2014 be set at $95 plus GST In favour against abstain

* strike out which ones are not applicable

Please print name......


This...... day of...... 2013

Reason: Sustenance is the levy paid per member by each Division to the Federal GAA. This is used to finance The Australian Gemmologist, Publicity, Board of Studies, Website etc

Federal Council set the amount at the 28 May 2013, Federal Council meeting and it now needs to be ratified by the MEMBERS.

Please post to Federal Secretary, 380-382 Spencer St West Melbourne Victoria 3003 or fax to
(03) 9326 6150 or email to: by Monday 21 October, 2013 or hand deliver personally to the Federal Secretary not less than one hour before the meeting.

Article 17.2 The instrument appointing a proxy as per the form described in Art 17.4 be received by the Honorary Federal Secretary at a time and date set by the Honorary Federal Secretary allowing for delivery up to one hour prior to the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument of proxy proposes to vote and in default of so doing the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.

The Gemmological Association of Australia ABN 69 000 106 061
Postal Address 380-382 Spencer St, West Melbourne, Victoria 3003
Fax 03 9326 6150 Email www.gem.org.au

Passionately educating the industry and consumers about gemstones