AP Government Exam Tips 2013
Mr. Benson
Actually study for the exam!!!!!
Test Format:
60 m/c questions in 45 minutes = 50% of score
4 essays in 100 minutes = 50% of score
Topic Percentages:
Constitutional Underpinnings - 5-15%
Political Beliefs and Behaviors- 10-20%
Political Parties, Interest Groups,
and Mass Media - 10-20%
Institutions - 35-45%
Public Policy - 5-15%
Civil Rights / Civil Liberties - 5-15%
Writing tips:
2. Read the question carefully, then rewrite the question in your own words.
3. Structure your answer
4. Get to the point
5. Do not fail to answer ALL parts of the question
6. Write from an outline ( create one ) – organization is very important ( use the practice format)
7. Use examples
8. Analyze the graph or chart n one of the essays: explain it, analyze information
9. Draw on your own knowledge on the subject of the question
10. Don’t be funny
11. Don’t write an editorial
12. Don’t name drop ( a study or textbook )
13. Write in ink, maybe skip a line if you are messy
14. When in doubt, leave it out!!!! Do not include false information or reach too far on certain information that you have written about
15. Identification v. Explanations – in other words identify the information the question is asking for and explain. Linkage!!!
Multiple Choice Tips:
1. Skip ZERO questions
2. Narrow the choices down to two and take an educated guess
3. Read the question carefully
4. Don’t skip a question because it is long or has roman numerals to choose from
5. Come back to questions if you have time and try them again
6. Aim for 60% correct answers on the MC section
7. EXCEPT = use yes/no for each choice ( yes is the right answer )
Hot Topics on the AP exam
Effect of Media on Elections
Print, Electronic, and Internet
- focus on the structure of the media and the control of it. ( private US media)
- Paid Media ( ADS ) v. Free Media ( News )
- Does it influence politics?
Different Theories on the Media
1. Reinforcement Theory
a. Media “reinforces” belief that many already have
2. All Powerful Media Theory
a. Media has this control over the public’s ideas
Both of these theories are wrong. The answer is somewhere in between the two.
3. Agenda Setting Theory
a. Media sets terms of debate
b. What we will talk about
4. Spiral Silence Theory
a. If my views are unpopular, then I will be less likely to express them
b. That perception whether one is “in or out” comes from the media
c. Does not matter if the media is right or wrong
Ex.) Carter v. Reagan
Also called the “bandwagon effect”
The convergence between men and women politically
1. more women are involved in politics ( Clinton, Dole )
2. interest for males is constant 60-70%
3. interest for females has increased greatly and is rivaling men
4. changing roles of women – education, jobs, rights, etc.
5. Gender gap is only on certain issues
- War, guns, sometimes abortion
- Will determine next Presidential Election
6. The “stay-at-home Mom” v. The Working Woman
Increasing influence of age on politics: Part of Political Socialization
1. Life-Cycle Theory
- Older = more conservative
- Older = more participation
- As one gets older then your political behavior will change
2. Political Generation Theory
- 18-24 yrs old, one’s political beliefs are formed
- May depend on the time in history that one is 18-24
- Depression, Reaganism, 60’s
- “Spirit of the Times Theory” age may not matter as much
3. Period Effects Theory
- Events effect everyone for as long as they live
- Traumatic experiences ( war , depression , terrorism ) similar to Generation theory
Other Possible Essay Topics:
1. Bureaucracy – is due on the test
- Iron triangle / networks
- Relationships between interest groups, agencies and Congress
- OMB, Budget question
- Privatization
2. Federalism: Gay Marriage issue, Terri Shaivo issue
3. Interest Groups
4. Institutions – Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and Bureaucracy
- President and Foreign Policy ( Roles )
- Diplomat, State, Comm. In Chief – War Powers Act 1973
- President in the Constitution is weak
- What can’t he do? Where does his power come from? ( public opinion)
- Factors: popularity, public opinion, watch the poles
- “rally around the flag variable” ( 9/11)
- Economy – unemployment, inflation
- Coalition of minorities – make some happy, others not
- War – short = high approval, long = drop in approval
5. Judicial Activism = making policy through the Supreme Court, current SC issues ( ten commandments, “under God”, Health Care, Business rights, etc)
6. Inside Congress – legislative process, roles of the parties, influence on policy making, Free Rider, Discharge Petition, REAPPORTIONMENT
( census 2010, gains/losses of Congressional seats)
7. Non-voting ( apathy v. efficacy)
8. Litigation, How3 a Bill becomes a Law ( H. Care Bill), Government Bailout issue
9. POLICY: Fiscal ( budget) v. Monetary ( Federal Reserve)
10. Government Intervention in the Economy: Stimulus v. Capitalism
11. The Rise of INDEPENDENT VOTERS: their effect on the next election
- 3rd Parties effect - Tea Party, Maybe a 3rd party candidate and their effect on electoral votes
12. Health Care Debate / Bill…..constitutional or not? Federal Mandates in economic decisions ( Commerce Clause, Nec. And Proper Clause, Supremacy Clause
13. Different types of Law: Administrative Law, Statutory Law, Common Law, Equity Law
14. Selective Incorporation !!! Bill of Rights adhered to the States through the 14th amendment