University of Cumbria – Secondary ITE
KAPS (Serial and Short Placements) / Date of report:Trainee: / Subject:
School: / Subject Mentor:
BA/BSc Year 2 summer term block / Friday 22nd June 2012
BA/BSc Year 3 KS2/Post-16 Placement / Friday 9th December 2011
Please email this form on or before the due date to…
Lancaster Campus students:
Carlisle Campus students:
London Students: …from your school email address.
Additionally, please ensure one copy is given to your subject tutor on the above date and one copy is retained by your school. You should retain the original copy.
1. In Lessons 1 and 2
(Key themes for KAPS: appropriate relationships and effective communication with pupils; working effectively with others; becoming involved; professional presentation and behaviour). Trainee statement
Mentor statement
2. Working documentation; supporting classroom practice
(Key themes for KAPS (where appropriate): making appropriate use of documentation to support their own development and the development of pupils)
Trainee statement
Mentor statement
3. Discussion and reflection 1 and 2
(Key themes for KAPS: willingness to accept and act on advice and guidance; seeking advice and guidance; learning from experience)
Summary statement
KAPS Grading:
Please indicate overall level of progress using a ‘best fit’ approach.
During this placement the trainee was outstanding.
During this placement the trainee was good.
During this placement the trainee was satisfactory.
During this placement the trainee was unsatisfactory.
Agreed Future Targets and action plan / Success criteria and target date
(during next appropriate placement)
Number of days absent
(with reasons + dates) / Date / Reason / Running total since start of course
Number of days late
(with reasons + dates)
Signed Trainee
Signed Subject Mentor
Signed University Tutor
KAPS Revised June 2011