List of Readiness Documents Supporting
Evidence of Completion
Heartland For Chidlren and District 14 DCF
A. Organizational Purpose and Relationship to the Community
A.1. There is a clear organizational mission statement.
Mission Statement in various Lead Agency Material
Alliance Meeting Minutes
Community Board Lists with D.A. as Member
A. 2.Consumer and Community Involvement and Collaboration must be evident.
Network Management Plan (detailed) includes all these elements
Community Alliances Information/Participation
A. 3.Consumer access to services of the organization must be clearly described in materials that are available to the consumer.
CBC Services Brochure
Written Distribution Plan for consumer information
A. 4.Responsiveness to individual and cultural differences must be included in the provider's operational plans.
Cultural Competency Plan completed and approved
Also described in System of Care Document
A. 5.The provider must have staff assigned to stay current with state and federal requirements and to work with the state on policy initiatives.
Letter from CEO with Designee
Letter from Family Safety Director with Designee
E-mail group list of Lead Agency recipients
B. Continuous Quality Improvement
B.1. The provider must have a written plan to describe the quality assurance and Improvement program
QA Plans (DCF & Lead Agency) written and approved
B.2.The providers QA/QI policies and procedures shall include standards
CQI workgroup meeting minutes. Review and approval of standards
B. 3.The provider must have in place mechanisms for tracking and authorizing service utilization.
Foster Home Study
Risk Model Software
Lead Agency Data System description
C. Organizational Stability
C. 1.The provider must demonstrate that they are a legal entity that can do business in Florida.
Documentation from the IRS certifying the applicant's tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code.
Letter from the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations certifying the provider's not for profit Articles of Incorporation.
Child Placing Agency License issued by District
Licensing Workgroup Minutes
C.2.Organizational Structure and relationship to the Governing Body must be clear
Lead Agency Organization Chart (reviewed and approved)
Job Descriptions (reviewed and approved)
C. 3.Staff and Board members must certify that they are free of conflicts of interest.
Conflict of Interest letters stating no conflicts submitted by Lead Agency
C. 4. The provider must have adequate financial basis for operation and have reserves for cash flow needs.
Cash Flow Analysis
Proof of Professional Liability submitted
Leads assigned. Workgroup Lists and minutes
C. 5.The provider must have a network management plan in place.
Network Management Plan (detailed) reviewed and approved
C. 6.The organizational structure includes, at a minimum, sufficient qualified management staff for fiscal operation, MIS management, quality improvement, program management, provider network development and management, and human resources.
Lead Agency Organizational Chart
Monthly New Hire List
Service Center Hire list
Admin. and HR Workgroups’ minutes
C. 7.Case Transfer Protocol; collaboratively developed and approved
Written plan approved by District and Lead Agency leadership
D. Management of Human Resources
D. 1.Communicating the provider's ongoing activities and progress with department staff.
HR Workgroup Minutes
HR Hiring schedule
HR Transition timeline/Plan
D. 2.Collaborative written HR planning, organization & deployment plan.
HR Workgroup Minutes
HR Hiring schedule
HR Transition timeline/Plan
D. 3.The provider must have personnel policies and procedures in place.
Comprehensive HR Policies and Procedures (reviewed and approved)
D. 4.The provider must have a personnel records system in place.
Record Retention Policy and Procedure (reviewed and approved)
D. 5.Employee Grievance Procedures must be established.
Employee Grievance Policy and Procedure (reviewed and approved)
D. 6. Consumer Grievance Procedures must be established.
Client Grievance Policy (reviewed and approved)
D. 7. An orientation program must be in place for all new staff. The plan must include details on providing orientation to all new employees within 30 days of assuming their duties.
Orientation Training Plan
Employee Handbook
D. 8The provider must have a detailed staff training and development plan. The plan must address how the provider will arrange for mandatory departmental training and integrate their own training to ensure effective implementation of the provider’s service delivery model.
Staff Training and Development Plan
E. Quality of the Service Environment
E. 1.The provider must have a system that will ensure that all subcontractors and foster homes are appropriately licensed.
Network Management Plan
Licensing Workgroup Minutes
Detailed Operating Procedure on Licensing and Relicensing
E. 2.The provider must have a system in place to evaluate the capacity of the subcontractors and foster homes.
Foster Home Study
Contract Workgroup Minutes
F. Financial and Risk Management
F. 1.The provider must have a cost allocation plan that aligns financing with the provider’s service design.
Cost Allocation Plan - Approval Letter on file
Admin. Services Workgroup Minutes
F. 2.Financial Planning (Please see organizational stability section on cash flow analysis).
Risk Model printout
Admin. Services Workgroup Minutes
F. 3. The accounting system must be adequate to support the operation and management of the provider network, and must be sufficient to support payroll and subcontractor payments.
Information System Plan addresses accounting
Documentation of Accounting System Specifications
Admin. Services Workgroup Minutes
F. 4. The provider must have fiscal policies and procedures that include: payment, invoices, delinquencies, reconciliation, audits, and other standard accounting procedures.
Fiscal Policies and Procedures - Reviewed and approved
F. 5. The provider must have a risk management program in place.
Risk Management Plan
G. Management Information Systems (MIS)
G. 1.The provider must develop a management information system plan that addresses the ICWSIS, FCARS, HomeSafenet, Adoption Exchange System, and FAHIS requirements.
Information System Plan - Lead Agency
Information System Plan - District
Equipment List
G. 2. The provider will have a care management component of the IS that will enable them to track clients progress, determine patterns of care, ensure appropriate practices, evaluate costs and communicate vital client information to network providers.
Information System Plan includes all detail including use of HSN and ICWSIS
H. System of Care
H. 1.The provider must have a comprehensive description of the system of care and the model for the provision of all required services.
Approval of System of Care Plan – November, 2003
Memorandum of Negotiation – Family Services of Central Florida
Memorandum of Negotiation – Peace River Center/Family Builders Program
Memorandum of Negotiation – Gulf Coast Community Care/Family Builders Program
Memorandum of Negotiation – Winter Haven Hospital, Inc. BHD
Approval of System of Care and Implementation Plan – October 15, 2003
H. 2.The provider must have referral and/or working agreements and have determined the flow of cases and referrals with the following groups prior to the effective date of a Services contract:
November 19, 2003 Letter approving an extension for working agreements
November 17, 2003 e-mail between the district and HFC regarding working agreements
November 18, 2003 Letter to HFC regarding the status of deliverables
November 19, 2003 e0mai regarding the working agreement between District CWLS and HFC with Draft agreement attached
November 20, 2003 e-mail regarding the memorandum of understanding between CWLS and HFC and a draft of the memo of understanding attached
Draft Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Memorandum of Understanding
District 14 SAHM Program Office directory and Mental Health Provider Information
Draft copy of Organization and structure of Case Management Organizations
Various e-mails from September, October and November between the District Rev Max Unit and HFC for collaboration to develop the draft
Quick Guide to District 14 Programs and Services – to be distributed to all District and CBC staff for information on services and programs
H. 3.The provider must have policies and procedures in place that address compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.
System of Care Policies – Approval of Start Up Action Plan; Policies 1200-001 through 1200-801 approved 11/18/03
H. 4.The provider must have a detailed plan for phasing in the provision of child protection services under the Services contract.
Joint Phase in plan – written and approved