Emergency Response Plan:
The Ward Emergency Preparedness and Response Committee develops the Ward EPRCs Response Plans and provides resources, communication and coordination where required. The Bishop activates the Emergency Response Plan thru the Ward Emergency Preparedness/Response Coordinator who keeps the Bishop/PEC informed.
1. Emergency Resource Phone numbers (911)
a. Canyon County Emergency Mgt. 208-454-7271
b. Sheriffs Office 208-454-7510
c. Poison Control 1 800-222-1222
d. Shelter Transportation ?
e. Shelter Directions ?
f. FEMA 800 621-3362
g. Red Cross of Greater Idaho (Boise) 208-947-4357
h. Southwest District Health Department 208-455-5300
i. Stake Amateur Radio Net 146.560
j. Regional Amateur Radio Net 146.400
2. Local Emergency Resource Policies/Procedures.
a. County Emergency Mgt. 208 454-7271 cell 208 989-2132
3. Shelters - Local & Special Need Shelters (determine which sites are open).
a. Local Shelters ?
b. Identify members willing to house displaced members within the Stake. The Ward Clerk maintains list.
4. Ward Mapping System to locate ward membership.
a. attached
5. Missionary Accounting Procedure
a. Ward Mission Leader accounts for missionaries and reports them to the Bishop within 4 hrs of the emergency.
b. Bishop reports to Stake President within 4 hrs.
6. Ward Member Accounting Procedure
a. Activate Affected Priesthood Communication Leaders to contact membership.
b. District Leaders report to Priesthood Leaders within 4-8 hrs of an emergency.
c. Priesthood Leaders report to Bishop within 4-8hrs.
d. Bishop reports to Stake President within 8hrs.
7. Members with Special Needs, Skills, Equipment Procedure
a. Under the direction of Priesthood/District Leaders Home Teachers (annually (by April 30th) contact each member in their area to:
i. Verify addresses, phone numbers and obtain emergency out of state phone numbers.
ii. Determine special needs, skills, equipment, move outs/ins, etc. and report changes to Priesthood Leaders and the Ward Clerk.
b. The Ward Clerk records special needs & skills on the new LDS Map system.
8. Members with Special Skills (medical, equipment, etc.) Procedure
a. The Emergency Preparedness Coordinator develops a special skills/equipment inventory to be used during an emergency and gives it to the Ward Clerk.
b. The Ward Clerk records in the Ward Emergency Response notebook.
9. Communication System
a. The Bishop thru the Emergency Communications Coordinator activates Ward Emergency Communications System.
i. Member contact is made by Home Teachers by phone or in person and reported to the Priest Leader/District Leader and then to the Bishop when phone lines are up.
ii. Member contact is made by Home Teachers and reported to Ward Amateur Radio Operators and then reported to the Bishop when phones lines are down.
iii. Radio Operators practice weekly on ERC Net 146.400
10. Evacuation Plan
a. If necessary, the Bishop thru the Emergency Preparedness/Response Coordinator activates the evacuation plan.
i. Middleton 7th Ward Evacuation leaders are as follows:
1. Western Boundaries
a. Team Leader:
2. Central Ward
a. Team Leader:
3. Eastern Boundary
a. Team Leader:
11. Recovery/Cleanup Plan
a. The Bishop thru the Emergency Preparedness/Response Coordinator activates the evacuation plan.
i. Middleton 7th Recover/Cleanup leaders are as follows:
1. Western Boundaries
a. Team Leader:
2. Central Ward
a. Team Leader:
3. Eastern Boundary
a. Team Leader:
12. LDS Disaster Cleanup Guideline – Church Volunteers Fact Sheet (http://providentliving.org/content/list/0,11664,8037-1,00.html) attached.
13. Emotional Trauma Plan
a. Identify Ward Members with counseling background.
b. Identify Outside Resources.
c. Train interested members/leaders.
14. Assist member in developing 72 hr – 7 day kits and home/water storage
a. Assess members with 72 hr kits and home/water storage (3 month/years supply – 2 wk water storage) – make report available to PEC.
i. Send out inventory during Priesthood/Relief Society.
ii. Inventory membership during annual member contact.
b. Provide training and assistance as required.
15. Assist members in developing an Emergency Preparedness Plan (www.ready.gov).
a. Assess members with emergency preparedness plan and make report available to Bishop/PEC.
i. Send out inventory during Priesthood/Relief Society.
ii. Inventory membership during annual member contact.
b. Provide training and assistance as required.
The following are procedures for the most likely Disasters that may occur in the Middleton 7th Ward:
· Activate Affected District Communication Leaders to contact membership.
· Bishops assess damage to Ward membership & missionaries and communicates to the Stake President within 8 hrs or as required by the Stake President.
· Assist with evacuation and recovery.
· Activate Affected District Communication Leaders to contact membership.
· Bishops assess fire threat/damage to Ward membership & missionaries and communicates to the Stake President within 8 hrs or as required by the Stake President.
· Assist with evacuation and recovery.
· Activate Affected District Communication Leaders to contact membership.
· Identify members in flood prone areas and activate evacuation and recovery plans.
· Bishops assess flood threat/damage to Ward membership & missionaries and communicate to the Stake President within 8 hrs or as required by the Stake President.
Thunder Storms:
· You may want to identify members who are Skywarn Spotters (trained by the National Weather Service to assist with Storm Warnings) to assist with local areas of concern.
· Activate District Communication Leaders to contact membership.
· Assess threatened area and report status to the Stake President when appropriate.
· You may want to identify members who are Skywarn Spotters (trained by the National Weather Service to assist with Storm Warnings) to assist with local areas of concern.
· Activate District Communication Leaders to contact membership.
· Assess threatened area and report status to the Stake President when appropriate.