Ice, Ice, Baby

Ice, Ice, Baby!

A project to model the state of sea ice in the Arctic and to make predictions as to the state of sea ice in the future.

Internet Research on Sea Ice Part I

Directions: Read everything in the packet. Ask for help only when you are really lost. Answer every question. Explore other aspects or links at the website. However, don’t let your time melt away and forget the extent of your task!

To begin: start at or go to my website and find where it says start here: NSIDC

You should be at the home page of the website.

Q1: What does the acronym NSIDC stand for? Where is it located?

From the navigation bar , go to NEWS and selectArctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

This part of the website provides year-round monthly updates on Arctic sea ice concentrations, along with daily data. See below.

Q2: Mathematically describe the Sea ice extent from Oct to Feb. for 2012 – 2013. Notice the key on the graph. ( use words like, increasing ,decreasing , linear, non-linear)


Q3:Is the trend for 2013 -2014 the same? ______

Q4:What is different? ______

Q5:Are current data trends above or below the average from 1981-2010?______

When stating the domain and range, give your answer as an inequality

Q6:State the domain: ______units of measure:______

State the range : ______units of measure: ______

Q7a: What was the average sea ice extent for Nov 2013? ______

Is this number concerning or alarming? ______


Q7b. What is the linear trend in November sea ice extent as a percentage per decade? ______and as a rate of change______

Q8: The only region seeing above average winter sea ice extent is


You will have to use a search engine at this site to find the answer to:

Q9: What creature(s) have been recently added to the list of threatened species under the Endangered Species Act by the US government and why? ______

InternetSea Ice Research Part II

Directions: Read everything in the packet. Ask for help only when you are really lost. Answer every question. Explore other aspects or links at the website. However, don’t let your time melt away and forget the extent of your task!

To begin: start at or go to my website and find where it says start here: NSIDC

From the navigation bar , go to NEWS and selectArctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

Look to the right side of the webpage and find Related Resources and other items.

Click on Visualization of Sea Ice thickness and age.

Describe what you see after you have watched the video.

It’s Time To Define!

Answer each question by giving a short synopsis to what you find through your reading at the webpage. READ carefully and completely. These notes will help you with your write-up later.

Start at NSIDC just as before. From the navigation bar select About the Cryosphere.

Q10: What is the Cryosphere? What is in it?

Q11: Where is it?______

Q12: Why is it important?

Continue on this page and read about sea ice.

Q13: Where is most sea ice found? ______

Q14: List the 5 key components about sea ice listed at the website.

Now click in the link All About Sea Ice

Q15: Why is sea ice important to climate? Summarize at least 2 key components

Q16: What is sea ice extent?______

When does the typical minimum occur?______

When does the typical maximum occur?______

Why are there difficulties in giving exact time frames for these?______


Q17: How is sea ice monitored? How is NASA involved?

Data Analysis:

Go to math modeling page.

Under Ice, Ice Baby! you will see a link to Sea Ice DATA. This is where you will see the directory to the entire data set for sea ice extent and area for each month from 1979-present . You will be assigned a month by your teacher to analyze. We did a similar example yesterday with the data set for January.

Export the data to Excel and SAVE IT!


You need to model the behavior of sea ice over time for the month that you are given. Use variables that are appropriate. Be sure to give the r squared value as well. Use the model to predict when sea ice extent will be gone, depleted… zero!

Will it happen in your lifetime? Once you have the equation you can use the graphing calculator to answer the question. You do not need to do this in Excel. And besides… I don’t think you can. Excel is not a software package that can do that type of prediction.

Print and Save all graphs etc.. . You will be making a power point presentation for your month. You will be presenting to the class. Write your results below and hand in.

You should be thinking about the power point presentation and incorporating all that we have learned and continue to learn about Sea Ice. What impact will loss of sea ice have in the Arctic? More questions will follow.

Model: ______

R squared=______


Problem To Solve:

You are a Climate Change Advisor for the UN and have been asked by your committee to make a presentation of the Sea Ice situation in the Arctic for a particular month of study. You must determine when ( in what year for your month ) will sea ice be completely gone. Your report must include graphs and the equations and analysis that support your findings. Your report must be in Power Point or Prezi. Your report must address current conditions in the Arctic and an over view of climate change and its effect on the region. Incorporate what you have learned through your many virtual expeditions. Be sure to have a solid introduction and conclusion. The deadline is this Friday February 1st.

Can you explain what the graph above right shows?