September 25, 2006


Joan Imms-Donnelly

Dee Coleman

Patti Coates

Carol Dickerson

Jeannie Pulli

Gale Fritch

Guests: Sandy Kingsland

Linda Kocher

  1. It was motioned and seconded that Gale was moved to President. Motion was passed.
  2. It was motioned and seconded that Jeannie will serve the remaining year of the Member-At-Large term. Motion was passed.
  3. Briefly discussed Champs. Dee talked about getting the date for Champs to the borough.
  4. Dee said as of right now, Dee, Steph, and Jeff are coming back for coaching next year. Lindsay and Lisa are most likely, but not sure.
  5. The board briefly discussed the survey results. For the most part, results were good. Some comments were that younger swimmers needed more instruction.
  6. It was discussed re-doing the awards for next year. The board needs to decide to change the awards next year. What to keep, what to get rid of, maybe new ones to add.
  7. It was discussed about teaching the kids to go to a coach for feedback rather than to a parent or to their towel.
  8. Sportsmanship was also discussed. Teaching the kids to stay in the water until all swimmers are done swimming.
  9. Big dolphin/little dolphin was discussed bringing back, also “theme nights”.
  10. Big dolphin would be on a volunteer basis.
  11. It was discussed that all coaches have to be at Best of the Rest and Champs.
  12. Instead of doing the awards and Splash Party at the same time, Dee mentioned other teams that do the awards during the week—separate from the party.
  13. Consider budget next year to make Lindsay and Lisa full-time.
  14. Sandy discussed budget from 2006. We ended up the 2006 plus $552. We’re still waiting on the last check from Burger King.
  15. Snack stand set up was discussed. Joan needs more help for setup. It was discussed rolling regular setup into snack stand setup.
  16. The board discussed getting snack stand setup in writing so everyone will know what to do in the future.
  17. Starting balance for 2007 season is $6,386.40.*
  18. We’ll meet at D & J October 10th, 1:00 p.m. to pick out the team suit.
  19. Sandy will get the forms from Quakertown Bank to change signature line.
  20. Finalize dates for all board meetings. October 23, November 27, January 22, February 26, March 26, April 23, tentative January 8 depending on how much work is left to do.
  21. Tentatively scheduled meetings for a Friday during the summer at the pool.
  22. Patti will call Toi about the suit meeting next week.
  23. Set up goals: get started by 7:15, e-mail agenda to board meetings a week prior, board members can add any items they may wish to discuss.
  24. Meeting will start no later than 7:15 p.m.
  25. We need a minimum of 63 volunteers for home meets, and 20 for away meets. This does not include volunteer jobs for the Splash Party, lane line cards, ice cream volunteers, etc.
  26. Next meeting agenda: review what things are expected of board members, template for when things need to be done by certain dates, etc., suits, goals for next year.