ESC Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2014

Members Present: Susan Polk, Maria Renteria, Cindy Luis, Marie Zaiens, Patricia Chow, Sarah Master, Carlos Gonzalez, Diana Bonilla, CurtRiesberg

Meeting called to order at 3:13pm. The minutes from March 12th meeting were approved with corrections. MtA: Zaiens, Second: Polk. All in favor.

Old Business

  1. AtD update; April 21st there will be a presentation on the conference, and there will be anAtD core team meeting in LRC 208 on the April 24th from 12:30-1:30pm
  2. Professional Learning Hub-new carpet and new chairs, Rafael and Pablo are stationed in here. Its official location is the LRC 208 and the room is scheduled to be painted. The workshopshave had poor attendance, and so there was a discussion that we need to have an email blast to all faculty to better promote. Gonzalez suggested that the workshops need to be well advertised to ensure faculty attendance. Luis mentioned that A.S. President stated that there will be .2 release position for a coordinator for the Eagle’s Nest. The open house took place Tuesday April 1st and it was well attended with about 20 people. Survey needs to be sent out to faculty to do a needs assessment. Zaiens stated that we can use the Spring into Spring Day to be an event sponsored by the Eagle’s Nest. Wong asked if we have any other smart boards on campus. The only one we have is in the Eagle’s Nest. Gonzalez stated that he is working on getting more tablets to use in the classroom. Wong stated that it would be good to do a basic training on Outlook. Luis stated that this would be a great example of doing the survey to see what training faculty wants. 8 Counselors already have tablets to improve the development of SEP’s online. Gonzalez stated that we can get tablets for all full-time faculty. He will speak to the Rafael and Pablo to see about setting up more workshops.

New Business:

  1. BSI funds available for this year and next-(Luis) The BSI money for the upcoming 2014-15fiscal year includes the last year of the current grant $95,389 plus the first year for the new BSI grant $85,500 so we will have $180,889 to spend in 2014-15.

Right now we need to spend the balance of the money we have for the current year 2013-14. Luis developed a chart that shows our expenditures. Zaiens updated our actual total for tutors is now $39,053. We estimate that we have $28,201.90 left to spend before 6/30/14. This total needs to be confirmed with the business office..

  1. State Rules about spending BSI funds-Luis presented an email from BarbaraIllowsky which was reviewed with the committee. Discussion on what services the college had previously paid for, tutors. Zaiens stated that the college has not paid for imbedded tutors. Using the funding to pay for Summer School instruction is not allowable. BSI funding will pay for basic skills tutoring. But in the past BSI paid for English tutors.Establishing the First Year Experience (FYE) program is being proposed. Gonzalez handed out activity objectives. He stated that title V will be paying for the FYE program coordinator. It was suggested that the college gradually pick up the expense.
  2. Funding request- Aleida Gomez- Counseling Department, requesting money to buy SDS assessment. This is a need that student have especially for undecided students. For the Kermes on May 5th they will be having workshops on career assessments. Students take the assessment and based on their code they get, there is alist of occupations in which they would be successful. Workshops will be given at two different times. More follow up is being done on May 13th and for those students who will not be able to make it on May 5th there will be another opportunity to have the workshops available. Master requested if there will be any follow up with student declaring a major. Polk stated that the data plan needs to be more substantial. Gonzalez suggested to check the retention rates for those students who attended vs. those who did not attend. MtAwith follow up on data collection-Riesberg, Seconded: Luis, All in Favor. Aleida will provide edits to data description by next week.

Marie Zaiens- Reading Plus upgrade request-3.7 will be totally discontinued. Will our money be refunded? Marie can request that they money be applied towards the upgrade. The 4.0 version is seat based vs. concurrent users. A discussion was had about tracking the data, MtA: Wong, Seconded: Luis.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45pm