2016BoiseCity/Ada County CoC Competition Project Narrative Score Sheet
RenewalRapidRehousing Project Application
SecondaryContact Person:
Pointspossible: 153regular points + 10 bonuspoints =163total.BONUSPOINTS
- Renewalpermanent housingprogramswhereallperformancebenchmarksweremetorexceeded(5points)
- Projectsthatexceed175%leverage (5points)
InJuly 2014, HUDreleased “Systems Performance Measures: An introductoryguidetounderstandingsystem-levelperformance measurement.” Theguide can befound at this link: Guide.pdf.A key measurethat applies to CoC programs isthe following:
The length oftime individuals and familiesremainhomeless.
1)How willyourproject further thegoal of reducing the length of time that households remain homeless?Includea discussion of pastperformance relatedto this goal. Include the length of time that it takes, on average, to house a household once a program space opens for them.(10points)
The percentage ofhomeless adults who have left your program for permanent housing and returned to homelessness.
2)How willyourproject further thegoal of reducing recidivism?Includea discussion of pastperformance relatedto this goal.(10points)
The percentage ofhomeless adults beingserved that increase theirearnedincome and/orotherincome betweentheirenrollmentin the systemandtheirexit.
3)How willyourproject further thisgoal?Includea discussion of pastperformance relatedto this goal.(10points)
The percentage ofhomeless adults beingserved that increase theiraccess to mainstream resources betweentheirenrollmentin the systemandtheirexit.
4)How willyourproject further thisgoal?Includea discussion of pastperformance relatedto this goal.(10points)
The percentage ofpersons served in your programthatexited to permanenthousing destinations and/or thatretainedpermanenthousing.
5)How willyourproject further thisgoal?Includea discussion of pastperformance relatedto this goal.(10points)
6)What wasyouragency’sHMISdatacompletenessscore?Where thereanydata elementsthatwere under95%complete?(If all 100%-5pts, Not applicable-5 pts, If some more than 95%, but less than 100%-3 pts, If some less than 95%-0 pts)
7)AnnualPerformance Report (APR) Submission: (Yes-2pts, No-0 pts)
a.Didyouragencysubmit a complete copyofthemost recentproject HUD APR totheCityofBoisewithin90daysoftheend oftheproject’s operatingyear?
8)How does your agency promote open, inclusive and transparent services? (ex: diverse board composition, nondiscrimination policies, affirmative action policies, etc.)(3 points)
9)All recipients of CoC funds must participate in the local Coordinated Entry System. How will this project participate in Coordinated Entry?(10 points)
10)What is your project’s target population?Is there a correlation between your target population and your outcomes? (i.e. Programs that serve households with many barriers to housing stability might have lower success rates than programs that do not) Please explain.(5 points)
11)How does this project incorporate participant choice (ex: where to live, how to return to housing stability, etc.)? Please give specific examples.
12)Hasanyrepresentative ofyour program been anactive participant in theBoiseCity/AdaCountyContinuumofCaremonthlymeetings?If yes, brieflydescribe participation.If no, describe how your organization will be involved. (Yes-5pts, No, but plan-3 pts, No with no plan-0 pts)
13)Hasanyrepresentative ofyour program beenanactive participant in anyoftheBoiseCity/AdaCountyWorkingGroups?If yes, brieflyexplain. If no, describe how your organization will be involved.(Yes-5pts, No, but plan-3 pts, No with no plan-0 pts)
14)Program Costs:(Answered-1point, Not answered-0 pts)
a.What is the amount of thisproject’s request for CoC funds? What is their total operating budget for this project? What percentage of their budget would the CoC funds comprise?
15)Totalclientsserved:(Answered-1 pt, Not answered-0 pts)
a.How manytotal clients wereservedbyyour project duringthemost recentlycompletedoperatingyear(based on themost recentsubmittedAPR)? How many total clients moved into a positive exit destination?
16)Based onresponses to the prior twoquestions,whatis the costper clientserved?Whatcost-per-clientfactors should be consideredforyour program? (i.e. vulnerability of the households served, etc.)(3points relative to other RRH applicants)
17)HUD GrantMonitoring(No findings- 2pts, Not applicable-2 pts, Resolved findings-2 pts, Monitoring w/unresolved findings-0 pts)
a.Describe anyHUD and/or CoCprojectmonitoringresults duringthepast threeyears.
18)Verifythat theamount requestedfor Administration Costs in theE-snapsProjectApplicationwill not exceed10% (or theamountlisted on the GIW, ifa RenewalProject).Applicationswill not be approved if Administration Costs are greater than10%.(Yes-2points, No-0 points)
19)IsyouragencydrawingdownCoC fundsfromHUD atleastquarterly?Explain. (Yes-3points, No-0 points)
20)HasHUDrecapturedfundsfromyourgrants?Ifyes,howmuchmoneyandhowoften? Explain.(No-4pts, Yes w/reasonable explanation-2 pts, Yes w/unreasonable explanation-0 pts)
21)Match:(Sufficient match (25%)-6points, Insufficient match-0 pts)
a.Describe the source,amountandcommitmentstatus ofyourmatch resources.
22)Leverage:(100% leverage-6points, 50% leverage 3 pts., Less than 50% leverage-1 pt., No leverage-0 pts)
a.Explain the extent towhich the amount ofCoC financialassistance provided toyouragencywassupplementedwithresources from other public and privatesources, includingmainstreamprograms.See AppendixC.
23)Please describe the extent to which your program incorporates research-based best practices into your programming.(10points)
HUD encouragescommunities to serve adults,youth, and families who are unsheltered and those accessingemergency shelter, before servingpersonsexperiencingotherforms of homelessness.More information on this and otherprioritiesis available: Notice.pdf
24)Prioritizingthose whoare unshelteredoraccessingemergencyshelter:
a.Based ontheproject’smost recentannual performance report, howmanyparticipants entered theprogramasunshelteredor fromanemergencyshelter?How does this compareto the totalnumber ofparticipants thatenteredtheirprogram?(10points)
HUD encourages programs to followHousingFirstpractices. The U.S.Interagency Council onHomelessnessoffers theHousingFirstChecklisttohelpprogramsdetermine the extent to whichthey follow a HousingFirstapproach. The checklistcan befound at this link: ssessing_housing_first_in.Additionalinformationfrom HUD is available at this linkfrom HUD’sSNAPSIn Focus, “WhyHousingFirst:” focus-why-housing-first/.
25)Describeyourproject’s policies in the followingHousingFirst practiceareas:(15points)
a.Are applicants offered permanent housing with no programmatic preconditions such as demonstration of sobriety, completion of alcohol or drug treatment, or agreeing to comply with a treatment regimen upon entry into the program?
b.Are applicants screened out of the program because of no or very low income, poor rental history and past evictions, or criminal history (other than those criminal activities that are restricted by other Federal Regulations)?
c.Are supportive services voluntary, but readily available?
d.Does this program make efforts to help people experiencing homelessness move into permanent housing as quickly as possible, streamlining application and approval processes?
e.How does this project decrease barriers to housing?
This space is being provided so that you can provide any information that you feel the Funding Development
Working Group should know as they score and rank your application. This section is optional.